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Economic immigrants from the old soviet states have flooded this country at an unprecedented rate in the last year. There has been lilttle uproar as they are generally immigrants in search of work and not to bleed the country of resources. However, with the next ex soviet satellite states ready to join the E.U should we be prepared for another wave of hard working folks or should we coil up the drawbridge and block economic immigrants and source jobs for our ageing population and also those facing redundancy when the multinational companies etc close down and move away?

2006-12-19 01:23:02 · 15 answers · asked by tallricky 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

15 answers

Its right to except some immigration where we are short of "skilled" workers,but dreadfully wrong to have an open door policy. As a small island, the situation is now becoming untenable.Its common sense that it is practically impossible to continue taking the high influxes of recent months. Unfortunately, whilst we belong to the "EU Club",its near on impossible to stop it, no matter what Blair and his "cronies" say.Pulling out of the EU would be the most sensible thing this country could do. We are already feeling the effects of mass immigration and we really need a Government that is not afraid to stand up and say,"enough is enough"!!!

2006-12-19 03:38:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In the town I used to live in they closed down a factory citing financial reasons, making all the staff redundant, but because of said financial reasons without redundancy pay. They then reopened said factory the following Monday and the whole staff consisted of Polish immigrants! How you ask yourself? Well apparently there is a legal loophole that lets this sort of thing happen, the wages were slashed because the immigrants would accept the minimum wage,( this makes them eligible for benefits too!), thus making the business profitable again. I was so disgusted when my son told me as he has been unable to get a job because of all the immigrants (economic and illegal!). Twice he has taken a bus journey and been forced to call for a ride home as the bus driver spoke such poor English he didn't understand the phrase 'a return ticket' therefore leaving my son stranded at his destination. There is a limit and we have not only reached it but exceeded it by a very very long way. Enough is enough!! Merry Christmas.xx

2006-12-21 18:10:09 · answer #2 · answered by maria bartoninfrance 4 · 1 0

Every other country has criteria which has to be met to allow immigration. Britain is the only one which allow for immigrants to come with the minimal requirements for entry.
Britain needs to take steps to reduce the flood of immigrants purely for economic reasons. The money that the immigrants tend to earn, although usually a pittance, tends to be sent to help their relatives in their homeland. Which reduces the amount of money spent to keep our economy thriving. Along with other factors, if they are not addressed, Britain's economy will finally collapse. The immigrant problem is the littlest of the problem. The buy outs of our industries by non-native company's or persons and the lack of funding by governments into long term research, are the biggest problem.

2006-12-19 09:37:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I partially agree with the latter part of your question. However, it has been demonstrably proven that this country has a skills shortage and there is nothing wrong with some other EU resident making a life for themselves here, working hard, paying tax, contributing to the economy and fulfilling that role.

In the past, we have had many waves of immigration to this country and absorbed them for the most part and they have brought their skills and culture to this country in return. For example, when Asians or West Indians came to this country in the 60s and 70s, they filled posts that many UK residents couldn't/wouldn't do and they brought new ways of life with them, making this country all the better for it.

My parents have been looking for some tradesmen to complete some maintenance around their house. They have made countless phone calls, been promised quotes, been given start dates for the job that never happen. Now they have approached some Polish workers. They came when they said they would, they have quoted half the price and they did the job in half the time four days after they were asked to come round in the first place. They are pay tax and live with their families in our town. They have also got two more jobs down the same street now as people saw my parents' house being done and they are fed up waiting around too.

Good for them!

2006-12-19 09:34:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Well i am totally against the illegal flood of people coming into britain ,the only thing that is stopping melt down ,is that there are almost as many people leaving because of the influx,
so if this pattern continues,britain will soon speak a different language ,have a mullah of canterbury, Bin Lardin in charge of the armed services,and an Iranian prime minister. meanwhile i will be basking in the sun in Spain,which will then be an english speaking country,and the Spaniards will have all moved to South America,meanwhile the the americans will be speaking chinese.Its a frightening world if we let it be.

2006-12-19 11:24:20 · answer #5 · answered by wozza.lad 5 · 2 1

Excellent question. Whilst there is a glut of low paid labour intensive work that the 'traditional' british man won't do, there will always be a need for low cost workers. They will come here and 'steal our jobs' but that's only because we're to lazy to do them ourselves and we'd rather be paid by the government to be a "Jeremy Kyle" critic. Open the flood gates and give British Business a chance to compete with the rest of Europe

2006-12-19 09:27:43 · answer #6 · answered by aziz m 2 · 2 1

Its an economic issue, what you guys haven't realised is that where on earth do you think most of the money they earns gets spent through rent food etc, its keeps the economy going, money simply recirculating itself. Obviously its no ways as simple, but alot of people on here are single issue when its a multitude of onion like layers which are in issue!

2006-12-19 20:14:24 · answer #7 · answered by logicalawyer 3 · 0 2

The borders should've been controlled from day 1. I only hope that Blair and the rest of his Nu Labour WAN*ERS suffer just as much as the rest of us when the Romanians are allowed in!

2006-12-19 09:35:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Any person of any race or any national origin who comes to America legally is welcome, in my opinion. Any person of any race or national origin who comes here illegally is a criminal. It is not about where they come from, or how needy they are or anything else. It is simply about legality.

And any company who hires illegals should have still legal consequences. It is so easy to hire those with legal permission to work, and there are people who can work legally who are looking to work. So just hire them! And if you don't, you deserve to be shut down. It is the law. If a company cooks their books, they will be shut down for illegal activity. If they practice discrimination they will be shut down for illegal activity. If they hire people who cannot work legally, they should be shut down as well.

Everyone needs to live by the same laws, or what is the point of having the laws?

2006-12-19 09:28:07 · answer #9 · answered by ItsJustMe 7 · 4 3

Good question, but if we answer with anything else other than "yes there good for this country" "they just want to better themselves" "yes let them in, bla bla bla bla "We all get shot down in flames,just look at my thumbs down,enuf said.

2006-12-19 09:35:24 · answer #10 · answered by Ken J 4 · 4 1

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