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16 answers

We respond to all faiths with the same kindness and love that Jesus and his disciples had for people who were not of their faith.We share with them the good news of God's Kingdom, just as Jesus and his early followers did. Our love for Jehovah and all mankind compels us to help people to learn about our Creator and the blessings his heavenly government will soon bring to all the earth and the meek ones who inherit it. PSALM 37:9-11

2006-12-19 01:26:10 · answer #1 · answered by Micah 6 · 4 0

Since becoming a witness, I've learned more about other people's beliefs than I really wanted to know.

I've listen to catholics, baptists, mormons, born again, etc.

Before becoming a witness I read the booklets, pamphlets, etc against us,

When I compared the information to the bible I found they misquoted the witnesses, or misquoted the bible to prove their understanding of the bible.

It is not Jehovah's Witnesses that say the bible doesn't teach the trinity, It is the Catholic Encyclopedia that says it.

Plato taught the soul is immortal, Jesus said it can be destroyed.

Plato taught trinity, Jesus said to worship the only true God.

I try to follow Jesus' example when dealing with other people, with love and understanding while not compromising my faith.

2006-12-19 03:27:54 · answer #2 · answered by TeeM 7 · 4 0

Jehovah's Witnesses begin their house to house preaching work after 9:00am. They appreciate the fact that all people have their own beliefs. Their ministry is not meant to convert you, being a Christian religion they realize that if Jesus Christ was not able to convert all men than they are certainly not better at preaching than he was. Their aim is to share the Bible and Bible based information with individuals. In addition they offer free home Bible studies. What a person does with the knowledge they recieve is up to that person. They are good loving people who want nothing more than a world of peace for all of mankind to live in. People ought to cut them some slack. Trust me, I've had a drunk knock on my door at 2:00am. Who would you rather see?

2006-12-19 01:24:13 · answer #3 · answered by professor grey 7 · 4 0

I have met many very nice Jahova's witnesses.

They share in the teaching of their faith as I do my own,


2006-12-19 01:18:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Jehovah's Witnesses show respect for other people's beliefs.They however, are being obedient to Jesus' command found at Mat.28:19,20,whereby Jesus commands his followers to go and make disciples of people of all the nations.That is why they preach to others about Jehovah God and his heavenly Kingdom.Jesus himself did a work very similar to this and as Christ's followers we endeavor to follow Jesus' steps closely.

2006-12-19 01:28:37 · answer #5 · answered by lillie 6 · 6 0

Its Jehovah! We Respect other faiths.. we dont go bashing them or talk about them. we focus on Jehovah god and what Jesus commanded us to do. We go door to door, we preach outside wherever see people. we dont pickett outside other churches and denounce them because thats not what we were told to do. and when we nock on some ones door and they say.. we are not interested then we leave. so we really dont "respond" to other faiths we merely let them be.

2006-12-19 01:36:24 · answer #6 · answered by godisamor 3 · 4 1

They try to show others where they are wrong. However when a Jehovah Witness is presented with material that shows the errors in their religion, the often will not even look at the material.

2006-12-19 01:35:02 · answer #7 · answered by WhatIf 4 · 0 4

Gave ya a thumbs up on the sincere question.

Do I believe I have *the* truth. You better believe it. I studied for a lonng time, trying to convince myself that this stuff was half-baked nonsense; after all, they were a minority and was probably one of their wierdo groups. It would have given me an excuse to do what I wanted, rather than realize the very serious implications of otherwise.

I dug up copies and bought books that held the oldest texts of the Bible in the original languages. I studied history. I studied science. I studied till I was blue in the face to try to prove these people wrong.

In the end, I came to a realization. There can only be one truth. Either God is a Trinity, or he is not. Both couldn't be true. Either this God (Whose existence I had researched much earlier in scientific means, see some of my answers to such questions) who exists demanded exclusive devotion (Exodus 20:5) according to his requirements, or I could worship as I pleased, and it was ok by him. It couldn't be both ways.

The Witnesses simply offered me the study. The decision was mine. And I finally accepted that they teach what the Bible teaches. Not their version, or their interpretation of what the Bible teaches. When I asked them to explain a scripture to me, they wouldn't tell me only what they thought, but they'd show me another scripture to explain the first one, and then try to reason it out, letting the Bible explain the Bible. Sometimes they wouldn't even try to explain it out, but they'd ask me. Ok, if the Bible isn't saying this, then what IS it teaching? If that isn't the explanation when you compare these 10 verses all together? Then what other explanation is there? I couldn't hop to all the other scriptures, because I had to look at the ones they did show me, and come up with a verse on my own to harmonize them all contrary to their beliefs. I never could, no matter how hard I tried. AND BOY did I try. I dug up stuff like the Codex Leningrad, etc. etc.

And as soon as I made that stand, exactly what the Bible told me would happen, happened. I was ostracized, hated, understood that every (In Jesus words) lying thing was said about us.

"Happy are you when people reproach you, and persecute you, and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you, for my sake" - Matthew 5:11

As Jesus said, most of what is said about us as his followers is completely inaccurate, at best.

As to other individuals? Well I, and we, believe as the Bible teaches. That such matters are left to Christ in the final judgement. I believe Witnesses are God's visible organization on earth, and that they do teach the truth as I have reasoned it out. But I also believe, just as in ancient times in the Bible, there will be ones who claim to be a whole-hearted servant of Jehovah, and whom Christ deams as neither a worshiper of Jehovah, nor a follower of him.

However, when it comes to other faiths, I will say this. There can only be one truth. Jesus taught this when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well in Luke's account. She thought they could worship Yahweh (Jehovah) in the mountains, without going to the temple. He quite simply stated, kindly, tactfully, that she was incorrect. That salvation originated with the Jews. That in the future even the temple would not be needed. But the temple *was* the requirement at that time.

What did Jesus teach his followers?

He stated and taught to find the one truth yourself, and cling to it no matter how bad it gets. Because people who cling to their beliefs are usually despised, hated, and persecuted. Especially when they won't fight back. Jesus knew they were going to kill him, and they'll kill his followers for the same reason.

No one wants to die. They'd have to be a sadist. Heck, my hope is to live forever. But someone who is not willing to compromise what they believe in (Like Jan Hus centuries ago), is much different than some religious nut with a death wish.

2006-12-19 01:39:10 · answer #8 · answered by raVar 3 · 6 0

The Jehovah's Witness doctrine is that all other religions come from Satan who is trying to deceive the world into following him instead of the one true religion (Jehovah's Witnesses). This is not far from the way Christianity in general views all non-christian religions in the world.

2006-12-19 01:19:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

Like any other religion responds to another. And it's Jehovah.

2006-12-19 01:18:55 · answer #10 · answered by Shari 5 · 2 2

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