Okay, first problem. Your dog is most likely going in the bathroom because he smells his scent there. When your puppy is only a puppy and has come into a new environment they are still confused and trying to adjust. If they had an accident in the bathroom they can still smell their scent 5 weeks later. They will continually go in the same spot time after time after time. You may have cleaned up the mess already and used whatever smell freshner there is but the puppy's nose probably still picks it up.
The best way to train him not to go in your bathroom is to look after him. Watch where he walks to, where he sniffs. Don't let him to into your bathroom until you're sure he can go outside. When you take him out of his crate and he still does not go outside, just leave him outside. Eventually he'll really really need to go and will just let it out. Once he's start doing it the rest will catch on pretty fast.
Dog on the bed is annoying. Many people say spanking a dog is not right. But trust me, if things such as giving him a treat, praises or whatever does not work, a smart spanking will do the job. Don't get me wrong. Don't spank your puppy so hard it'll hurt 2 hours later. Heck, don't even spank your puppy hard enough that it'll hurt 10 minutes later. A firm spank on the bottom will get the message across. A firm spank with a firm "don't-you-dare-argue-with-me" tone of voice will do the trick. Your puppy needs to know who's in boss. And the one who's in boss gives out commands that must be obeyed. Maybe it sounds a little harsh especially when your puppy gives you the puppy eyes but if nothing works, that's the way to go about it.
2006-12-18 16:03:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, you are the pot calling the kettle black. Dogs aren't stupid. They are pack animals and you are part of the pack, or the dog thinks so and if you don't want to be that then why did you get a dog? If you want the dog to go outside you have to spend more time outside, until the dog goes to the bathroom. He has learned allready to go inside so you are teaching the opposite now. So, take outside early in the morning, After 10 min. If it hasn't gone take it back in and out it back in the crate. Wait another 15 min. and take outside again...do this until it goes. Also, the next time it goes inside take it outside with a paper towel that you cleaned with and put that on the ground. do not yell or scold. Then the first time the dog goes, praise and reward, make a really big deal about it. Then if you don't want the dog on the bed make it a really nice bed near yours or inside the crate. I have mine sleeping with me, warm and cuddly and my true companion. But, I know everyone doesn't want that. So, you need to keep your door closed or put the dog in the crate when you are on your bed. That way you won't be bothered. After the dog eats, plays or drinks it will need to go out all day long. It takes a while for the bladder to get big enough and they get to the point of being able to hold their bladder. You had to be trained too!!! You didn't come ready made and perfect. So, anytime the dog is sniffing and looking around you might want to take a trip outside. It will learn but it is still very young and it takes a lot of time and commitment. Maybe you aren't ready for a dog. Good luck to the dog. And you. Just find it a good home if you aren't willing. Please.
2006-12-18 13:35:54
answer #2
answered by MISS-MARY 6
He is not stupid he's a beagle. When you take him out don't come back in til he has gone and then praise him a lot. Our beagle is 5 months old. she wouldn't stay of the bed either, she wanted to be close. There is a simple solution and its not hitting him. Close the door. He might cry for a couple of nights. Does he have his own pillow. Try putting the shirt you wore for the day on it, that way he's close to your scent. Beagles need lot of room to run. Beagles are alot of work but you couldn't ask for a better dog. Good luck
2006-12-18 13:31:14
answer #3
answered by dee g 3
FIRST OF ALL, DON'T SPANK YOUR DOG!!!!!! Also, another thing, HE'S ONLY 14 WEEKS OLD! They don't have full control of their bladder yet! My dog didn't get fully housebroken until 7 months old! You have to be repetitive, just put the dog off the bed and say no, and do this every single time you see him on the bed! He'll get this soon, in maybe a month of so! It's the point of being a dog owner, patience!!!!!! Pick him up, take him outside every hour or so, and make sure he goes pee! Give him a treat for peeing outside!
Don't punish your dog for peeing inside! Just clean the spot and say NO! That's it! My dog is 2 years old and he still doesn't go outside to potty by himself... We still have to walk outside with him to go potty, but my dog knows he's supposed to pee outside. He'll go outside if it's an emergency though.... HE'S ONLY A PUPPY!
Why would you think your own puppy is stupid? He's just learning! How would you feel if some alien took care of you, and everytime you decided to sit on their couch, they spanked you and scolded you in some unknown language? Would you understand a word they said in only 1 month? No.... You would understand after a few months or so!!
Just give the dang puppy some time!!!!!! He'll learn, he's only SO young! Just be patient and persistent. When you take him outside to go potty, MAKE SURE HE HAS TO GO POTTY! Even if it takes half an hour to wait outside in the freezing cold weather!
Well.. anyways, good luck to you :)
2006-12-18 13:24:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He probably isn't stupid, he just is trying to persevere really hard at getting on your bed and he won't give up. You just need to be very firm, and let him understand that you won't give up either. Every time he comes up, push him back down. If he still doesn't give up by the end of two to three weeks, you need to lock him into his own doggy pen, or wherever he is supposed to sleep.
If you can't potty train your dog you need to get a professional trainer. I know it seems as though such an easy thing can be done by yourself, but a professional will know how to do it right.
2006-12-18 13:38:25
answer #5
answered by julia 6
How can u call a dog stupid when it loves u so much
have u realiesed it won't go out of the house without u or anyone he knows? he's a puupy mind you, he's curious but he will have insecurities, i hae a puppy beagle, he's adventurous and he would not stop easily. when he grows older and more familiar with the surroundings he will be okay, as for sleeping one the bed, he wants to be close to you, many pet lovers love that, and if u do not why did u get a pet in the first place, remind urself of why u get a pet, sometimes, animals follow instincts and not brains because they love they are more simple-minded
2006-12-18 14:16:14
answer #6
answered by Esmond T 1
OMG - That is ALMOST too funny...We have a beagle...and LET ME TELL YOU....
The LASTthing they are is stupid.....stubborn, yes, bullheaded, yes, hard to train...yes
The only thing that works with beagles is PATIENCE, PATIENCE and MORE PATIENCE.
So...as far as toilet training....If you have crate trained him and he STILL won't go outside, you are probably not giving him enough time...Take him out an give him the command to go pee or pooh...(repeat)(repeat)repeat)...You may have to wait a long time but when he finally does go...PRAISE HIM AND TREAT HIM!!! There is actually a commercial product available called a "pee post" which is loaded with pheremones that are supposed to attract a dog to go there. Try it. Can't hurt. I have not tried it with mine but they are all housebroken (I have 4 dogs).
Keeping him off the bed??? LOL Good luck....ours sleeps with us but we let her. If he is crate trained...keep the bedroom door closed when you are not there and crate him at night in the room with you.
Good luck!
2006-12-18 14:48:23
answer #7
answered by Borders Rock 5
He will only pee inside because he is claiming your house and....your bed! If u dont already take him for walks, make sure he is calm the hole time and stays beside or behind you! that shows you are the leader(boss). when he is on your bed, snap and point off the bed and if he doesnt listen, then give him a firm touch or nudge! Do this repeatedly and it should work!
good luck!
watch ''Dog Whisperer'' on channel 63 (national geographic)
2006-12-18 13:25:04
answer #8
Well, your first problem is the breed. Not that I don't like beagles.. but they are one of the hardest breeds to HOUSE BREAK". They are smart dogs, not House pets. Also, another problem could be that if he has used the bathroom in one spot, they will smell the amonia and continue to go to the same spot, unless you put something there to remove the smell. Like vingar. That wont stain your carpets or bed, and should remove any odor. Hope this helps...
2006-12-18 13:29:54
answer #9
answered by JEANNETTE 1
Have you tried getting him a bed of his own? Both my dogs have the same problem but if they have their own bed they love it! Try using a stand at the end of your bed with a comfy cusion on it. He'll feel like he's sleeping on the bed! Get him accusomded to some favorite stuffed toys. At the end of the night place them on his new bed and see how it goes!
2006-12-18 13:25:13
answer #10
answered by wowtah 1