Most dogs have typical cold symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, a low grade fever, chills, and nausea. Other flu symptoms in dogs can include a mild loss of appetite or energy. If the flu symptoms in dogs persist or the fever gets higher, this could be a possible sign of a bacterial infection or pneumonia. Just like any other illness, this should not be taken lightly. Seek medical attention for your dog as soon as possible. If it is treated promptly, there is a great chance of recovery rate.
Early detections of flu symptoms in dogs can sometimes be mistaken as “kennel cough”. Kennel cough is also known as Bordetella. Many dogs already are vaccinated for Bordetella yearly by their veterinarians. Most times before you can drop off your dog at a kennel or “doggie daycare”, you must show proof that your dog has already been vaccinated. Even if your dog is not going to be in contact with other dogs, getting this vaccination is still recommended. Even though the dog may get this vaccination, this will not prevent flu symptoms in dogs. A great differentiation between the two is that the flu will cause a moist cough, while kennel cough has a persistent, dry hacking cough.
Many flu symptoms in dogs will go away completely in two to three weeks. Dogs that are aging, have a weakened immune system, or is a puppy may have an immature immune system. There fore they may have a greater risk for becoming seriously ill with bacterial infections or pneumonia. If you suspect your dog of having the flu, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.
2006-12-18 12:15:31
answer #1
answered by allyinminneapolis 4
canines won't be able to grab the flu.. nor any organic colds we can grab. looking on how badly he's shivering (trembling is a larger seek for word) it may desire to type from trembling from anxiety/tension and for that reason throwing up... or poisoning. in case you spoke of your domestic dog has eaten something poisonous, pass on your vet directly! Trembling and vomiting are organic indicators even with the undeniable fact that each and every poison and domestic dog reacts somewhat yet differently.
2016-10-05 11:48:25
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Dogs can't catch the flu.. nor any common colds we can catch. Depending on how badly he is shivering (trembling is a better search word) it can range from trembling from anxiety/stress and thus throwing up... or poisoning. If you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic, go to your vet immediately! Trembling and vomiting are common signs but every poison and dog reacts slightly differently.
2006-12-18 12:19:39
answer #3
answered by asdf1234 3
probably NOT the flu. dogs don't get the flu It could be intestnal upset, upper respiratory infection, something he ate. Take your dog to the vet
2006-12-18 14:23:02
answer #4
answered by leftygirl_75 6
If he's flying around the room, it's bird flu
2006-12-18 12:02:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Light snoring as if the dog is congested.
2006-12-18 12:04:35
answer #6
answered by goodies100 5
He's definitely sick. Do you have an all-night vet clinic nearby? You may want to go ahead and take him in.
2006-12-18 12:02:24
answer #7
answered by Emmy 6
its a sure sign if he is wiping his nose instead of his backside on the rug
2006-12-18 12:03:29
answer #8
answered by ninja 2
He probably saw you naked.
2006-12-18 12:02:02
answer #9
answered by waxingtheturtle2 4