Move the cans much farther from the doorway. As she becomes accustom to that start moving them closer inch by inch day by day. She will eventually become curious and begin to sniff at them and she will realize the cans mean her no harm.
2006-12-18 11:41:37
answer #1
answered by Horsetrainer89 4
Okay, most likely what happened is that your husband accidental hit the dog with the trash cans. If this has happened it may have scared your dog. However, because dogs have a slightly short memory, most likely this happened more than once. So your dog is now afraid of these trash cans because in her mind trash cans will equal her being hurt. Now, a way that you can break her of this fear is to get her use to the trash cans. Do it very slowly, so that you don't add more fear to you dog. You need to show your dog that you're not afraid of the trash cans, because you're the master or "leader" in your dogs life you have to set the example. Try talking softly to the trash can either out side or in your house (yes I know this sounds insane, but bare with me) or rubbing it along the sides. Then call your dog so that she can see you're friends with the trash can. Now, if you dog doesn't come to you, don't get discouraged. Just leave her alone until the next day. Repeat these steps the second day, only this time try calling your dog with a treat or something else that makes her happy. This way you're switching the message of the trash cans for your dog. Instead of the trash cans meaning pain or punishment, they mean treats and petting. Just keep on repeating these steps until your dog gets use to the trash cans. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your dog gets out of her fear of trash cans!!
2006-12-18 11:49:47
answer #2
answered by Pup 2
I wouldn't be suprised if your dog had heard your husband and went to investigate the noise, and suddenly bam! The trash can hits her. An experience like that would definately cause her to be terrified of them.
You could try letting her outside first, the bringing out a trash can as quietly as possible, and just set it there. You can also sit beside the trash can, carrying a handful of treats, so you can tempt her to come closer. It will be a slow process, but that would be a start. Could eventually slowly bring her closer, or tap the can lightly to make some noise.
2006-12-18 11:43:30
answer #3
answered by Vaynthe 3
I wouldn't try to break her of her fear. Maybe she was hit by the can or maybe not. Dogs can associate unrelated things. You can guess what happened until you are blue in the face, but that won't give you a solution.
What matters now is not why, but what you can do. Focus on making her comfortable in her back yard. You are her leader so she looks to you for safety.
You may have to move the cans so she feels more comfortable. It only takes one time to scare a dog for life. They remember. If you focus on her fear you could end up reinforcing the fear not stopping it. If she spooks when you move the cans around, put her in the house when you put the trash out.
If she starts to trust the cans being moved around again okay, but don't ever push her or focus on it.
2006-12-18 12:07:03
answer #4
answered by scuba 2
Well to be scared of something is not fun….but think of it this way she will not get in the trash. I would try to get her to the point that she can go outside then it would be easier on you and her. But try to also make it know she is not to get into the trash. It’s going to be hard to train her to like it and have to stay away from it at the same time. If you start feeding her by it she will get the idea that FOOD is there and it is ok to eat it. Hope this helps
2006-12-18 12:02:25
answer #5
answered by help 1
I would build a solid blind around the can area. And ask the husband not to throw cans but use the gate. That is what it's for.
2006-12-18 12:21:39
answer #6
answered by oldmanwitastick 5
bring a trash can into the house and let your dog see it every day. it may take a while but it will work.
2006-12-18 11:41:56
answer #7
answered by Star-Dust 7
associate the garbage cans with something positive.....try taking one inside, when you feed her put the dish 5 feet away from the cans, then gradually move closer....ignore unwanted behavoir and praise good behavoir, praise her when she sniffs it, looks at it...etc. It will eventually work....good luck
2006-12-18 11:42:26
answer #8
answered by Ruby 2
This is going to take forever (you might want to ask your DVM about Cholomcalm). Obviously, something scared her, so you have to desensitize her to the location. No telling how long this will take.
2006-12-18 11:40:38
answer #9
answered by 2