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for example there is hardly any chance that a russian jetfighter can ever shoot down any of usa's best jetfighters in a dogfight, the su-27 and su-35 russian jetfighters have very obselete avionics and weapons

.a single abrams tank can take out at least 10 russian t-80 or t-90 tanks in less than a minute without hardly any threat of the abrams tank ever getting hit,russian submarines like typhoon,delta borey oscar and akula class submarines have very obselete technologies,are very noisy and have obselete weapons

.the highly touted shkval torpedo is nothing more than old technology that is irrelevent since shkval has such a short range and american subs can easily detect and destroy any russian sub way before the shkval torpedo is in any range to fire.

russian nukes are way behind in technology compared to usa,for example russia's latest nuclear weapon the ss-27 topol m is actually about 20 years behind in technology compared to usa's best nuke

2006-12-18 09:57:14 · 10 answers · asked by unclesams_army76 2 in Politics & Government Military

10 answers

The whole point behind the newer designs from the eurfighter to the f-22 was to compete with what russian fighter aircraft had brought to the table. A mig29 or Su27 was years ahead of their time as compared to an F-16 or F-15, what made the US's seem superior wasnt the airframe but the pilots and their tactics.. As far as the rest of your assertions on tanks, torpedos, and the like is also a bit misplaced. It all really depends on who are in the tanks, or who employs those sytems and their tactics. Look at the US's NTC guys. They fight our Abrahms with 1960's technology and win those encounters more often than the 19K's would like to admit to.

2006-12-18 10:12:12 · answer #1 · answered by Shawn M 3 · 1 0

We can argue all day along about who has the superior technology, soldiers etc. The bottom line is that warfare really boils down to the golden rule. The one with the gold makes the rules. Right now, and for what looks like a long time to come, the U.S. is goin to be the one making the rules. This is not to say that we will try to imose our views upon others, but it affords us the option to fight where and when we want. If the U.S. "loses" in Iraq so what? What does that really mean? Its unfortunate that the Iraqi people won't be able to experience democracy and freedom, but it's becoming evident that they may not want it anyway. Short of an all out nuclear exchange where all global powers are destroyed, it will be difficult to de-throne the U.S. China is up and coming, yes. The reason they have a lot of money is because Americans buy a lot of their stuff. Raise tariffs on Chinese goods so that a piece of %#@^ chinese tool costs as much as a Craftsman, and see which one sells first. We.....control.....the money. The war in Iraq has only served to make the powers that be stonger and wealthier. Let the Russians continue to build tanks. They'll have to borrow the money from us to pay for the trip over here to invade. The sad part is that we would probably be stupid enough to loan it to them. Do a little research an you'll find that our own IRS collect more in tax revenue each day than most countries GNP. The only thing that makes the U.S. superior to China, Russia, Iran etc is our form of Government and Economy, and our value of human life. And, yes I thank God frequently that I was born here and not in one of the aforementioned prisons.

2006-12-18 15:04:13 · answer #2 · answered by questionable reality 3 · 0 0

I would have to completely agree. The only thing the Russians have ever been really good at was mass numbers and talking a lot of BS. The two in the room here blue and us are the same person if you will go back and check their best answers you will find the other 8 ID this one guy uses. Almost everyone in the world (and Yahoo Answers) will agree with you. Only about 10 ID would disagree. Email me and I'll send you their names.

2006-12-20 03:48:44 · answer #3 · answered by jessica a 2 · 0 1

if russia's weapons are obselete then why in the kosovo war, did the american commander(wesly clark) ask the u.k and french commanders to attack the russians when they marched into prestina airport, ohh whats the matter chicken s hit, did u lose your super power status, if your a super power why didn't the u.s attack them yourselves.And why is the u.s shivering in its boots now that russia is deploying tor m1 short range anti aircraft missile systems in iran.ohh and what happened in the first gulf war ,the american patriot system was supposed to have shot down 90 % of scuds fired ,when in reality the u.s military admitted only 5% were shot down three years later.i suppose the u.s tom cat f-14 was supposed to be far superior ,is that why that and the so called super stealth bomber f-117 are now being scrapped cos they were no match for serbian russian made pre 1970's anti aircraft misisles.ohh and why did u have to ask the russians to launch u.s parts of the i.s.s when the shuttle fleet was grounded after the burnout in the atmosphere. and as for russian weapon superiority it proved it slef in the seocnod world war, t-34 tanks and stormvichs shreded the german armour coloums to pieces and then on it there was only victory for the red army. as even the germans admitted after the war that it was the soviets who won owrld war 2 and fought the bravest.i suggest you think the waffen s.s in iraq going to win, well think again, bring it on!!

2006-12-18 10:17:15 · answer #4 · answered by bluehaired_punk 1 · 2 1

Besides the weapons, what scares me most is the aging command and control systems for their WMDs. Twice in the last 20 years, they almost launched against NATO allies and the US based on false readings from their early warning systems.

The last was in Jan. 25, 1995 - Russia almost launched a nuclear attack after a Norwegian missile launch for scientific research was detected from Spitsbergen and thought to be an attack on Russia, launched five minutes from Moscow. For the first time in history the Soviat briefcase is activated. And this was POST-COLD WAR Russia!!!

2006-12-18 10:19:09 · answer #5 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 1

so mr.ex mafiosi, are u jelous of the russian mafia or are u plain scared since they have taken over in the world now,i challenge you to be in an f-22 raptor or the prototype f-35 against the russian made triump-s400 anti aircraft missile system, or you on any top u.s war ship of your choice against a russian made moskit, klub or yakhont anti ship missile, or in an abrahams tank against a kornet anti tank missle ,i think you would have to wash the stains of pasta from your underpants if u did,remember the saying ,"it doesn't matter how big you think you are, there is allways someone bigger then you"all empires have crumbled in history, including the roman empire, so guess who's next. ohh would you like to try some pollonium 210 in your wine lol.cheers!!

2006-12-18 10:37:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Back in 1990 you would have been right, but as we gave them (or "loaned" as if we'll ever get a penny back, after a century of "loaning" money to Russia) money to help dismantle and dispose of old nukes and most of the depleted mini warheads like the infamous "suitcase nukes", they learned their lesson from the first Gulf War quite well. The Mig 25s (several dozen found buried in the sand waiting for orders that never came because we didn't tip off the French and Russians we were going to attack) purchased through the food-for-oil UN mess, were quite up to date with the best French and Russian technology. Russia, Norway (Gottland class) and China have subs we can't detect. Everyone now has the nightvision gear that gave our troops the advantage in the first Gulf War (another goodie Saddam had in violation treaty thanks to "food-for-oil"). The cluster bombs used by Hezbollah in the recent Lebanon war came from Russia via Syria or Iran. Russia has been building a huge underground complex at Yamantau while the USA has mothballed Cheyenne Mtn and the Greenbrier facility has become a tourist attraction. Russia does not have the problem the USA does, namely a political party on Capitol Hill that thinks communism is just misunderstood, that we can buy the love of foreign nations, and that buying new technologies and armanents is a waste of money that could be spent on pork barrel projects, unless they can turn military appropriations into pork, meanwhile criticising the President for failing to adequately arm and supply troops in the field. The voting record is there if anyone looks past the sound bites and campaign ads and investigate who actually did what in Congress/Senate. Russia has shown they can shoot down missiles too (that big democrats said was impossible for us to do a few years ago) and are installing multiple warheads on their missiles. Whatever advantage we once held has been lost, the world is no more safer today then it was twenty years ago. Someone managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the "Cold War". If we did "win" it once, this must be Cold War 2? Being perceived as economically and morally weak is just as bad as being seen as militarily weak. Line up all three weaknesses and you are going to be attacked, just a question of who and when. Does it take this to wake people up to reality? We need to push for peace not from a position of weakness but one of strength. Everytime people who are supposed to keep the nation's secrets in confidence goes blabbing to the press (or carrying on secret pen pals like Teddy Kennedy) it endangers all of our lives and all of our freedoms, not just that of political opponents. The equipment the Isrealis ran into in Lebanon were not the best that Russia or China has to offer, but proved Isreal no longer had the technological advantage, a valuable lesson for our forces as well.
China has been blinding our satellites with their lasers, (maybe even shoot down a shuttle?), and been working on blinding lasers that our military has shelved as inhumane as they cause permanent vision loss and violate Geneva Convention rules. Russians were in Baghdad using a laser diffuser that paints multiple targets to confuse our laser guided missiles, causing civilian deaths instead of hitting strategic targets. All are working on biological weapons, not just the anthrax and smallpox type that imbedded Soviet fifth columnists were dispatched to release on the break out of hostilities between our countries, but with the crackpot idea of making them DNA/race specific. I say "crackpot" because few countries are purely one race, and the USA and UK are perhaps the most diverse of any, and more importantly all such viruses or bacteria mutate just like any other, and could effectively cause a global extinction level event. We are less safe than at any point before in our history, but at least with Russia and China the "MAD" concept still holds, we don't want to destroy each other's country and populations. This is where third parties like religous extremists, terrorists and third world dictatorships like North Korea of the Middle East become the field of battle. But to assume we have a weapons technology superiority is false, we have faith that we are right, and that is what gives us our strength, not glory seekers like Kerry writing their own purple heart citations, but good men and women willing to lay down their lives for their country. Without them, we are lost. But if the USA goes down, there is no reason to believe the USA doesn't have the same "dead stick" response the Russians do. FDR horrified Churchill by abandonning Eastern Europe to Stalin, expressing the hope that those countries would in time "civilize" Russia, but then that is why Oliver Wendel Holmes referred to him as a "second class intellect."

2006-12-18 10:46:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Russia has obsolete weapons?

The insurgents in Iraq use Russian weapons and they have won you know?

Say goodbye to American superpower.

2006-12-18 10:24:23 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

that could in no way ensue,it particularly is called non violent coexistance by using fact the end results of a nuclear conflict could be devastating to no longer point out bombs are one thousand circumstances stronger then 40 years in the past.

2016-10-18 11:13:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In my opinion, this is more likely affected by funding rather than technological experts.

2006-12-18 10:05:34 · answer #10 · answered by yungr01 3 · 1 0

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