Just make sure first that they aren't hurt, wet, hungry and are physicaly ok. Beyond that sometimes they will just cry because the other one is upset, do they share a room? Maybe separating them for a while would help. Also, children that age still like to be swadled and in a very dark room (womblike) Good luck.
2006-12-18 06:13:19
answer #1
answered by togetheradecade 3
Babies cry for a reason. Your kids are too young to be spoiled. They want your love. Please, give it to them. In a couple of months, they will be more independent. Don't seperate them. Twins have a special bond and need to be close and together. You can't break or force a child to do things when they are young like this. You will soon find out that babies do everything in their own time (sit, walk, talk,eat, etc). Enjoy the holding as much as you can now. Before you know it, they will be running off to do their own thing. Good luck and Best wishes!
2006-12-18 13:43:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
At 5 months old, you probably know what the different cries mean: hungry, hurt, uncomfortable (diaper), etc. If you know it's a "pick me up" cry, then let the baby cry for 10 minutes the first day before giving in. The second day, wait 15 minutes. The third day wait 20 minutes. Eventually, the baby will realize that all this complaining is really more trouble than it's worth!
This is how I taught both of my children (ages 15 & 8) to not cry when I lay them down in their cribs at bedtime. It's also worked for friends and sisters-in-law, too!
2006-12-18 06:10:09
answer #3
answered by grinonli 3
You will not spoil these babies by holding them, instead you create a greater bond and you give them security. Dont believe the old wifes tales about holding a child will spoil them. They cry for a reason. It may be food, temperature, uncomfortable, bowel movements, tired, sleepy or they may just need comfort from MOM. Twins are especially needy. Since they were tight together in the womb they prefer that tight cozy feeling and longing to be together. Make sure they stay close, dont separate them often. They can even sleep close wrapped tightly in a blanket together. Try in these early times to keep them together and give them lots of attention. Believe me it works to make healthy kids later in life.
I never let my two sons cry unnecessarily and held them often. They are well rounded fine young gentlemen who grew up confident and leaders. I never had a problem ever.
2006-12-18 06:22:29
answer #4
answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6
I think you should let them cry about 5 minutes. If they don't calm down, then check to see what else could be the cause. If you know they have a fully tummy, no gas, clean diaper, etc. then try laying them on the floor with you close by with some toys. If they're ok, move back a little. Keep doing this till you are able to be across the room and they're ok. It sounds like they need to be reassured you're there and not leaving them (meaning they like your presence). Hope this helps.
2006-12-18 06:12:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it's not bad, its the best thing for them actually.
I'm a mother of two boys and I had to sit in the garage
and let them cry (sometimes while I cried) and I would come in only after they stopped crying (of course this took a while) and eventually they did get the point. Mommy comes when I stop crying. Of course you have to do this after you've fed them and changed them so that you know they're not crying for any other reason then to be held. In which case you will have just held them to feed them etc...
2006-12-18 06:11:59
answer #6
answered by sassinya 6
There is nothing wrong with letting your children cry for a few minutes, it wont hurt them. If its been about 10mins and the crying still persists then you should make sure that they are not hungry, wet/dirty or hurt. If all is fine, give them some toys to distract them or lay them down for a nap. They could just need the security of your touch as well. Good Luck to you.
2006-12-18 06:11:26
answer #7
answered by Danelle 5
My wife and I have twins.
I don't think there is anything wrong with babies being 'arm babies' as you put it. In many cultures the babies are kept constantly with their mothers until they walk. Obviously its a lot harder with twins!
A friend of mine used to leave her kid for a few mins then go back to reassure them and then builds up the amount of time that they are left. Also try putting them on the sofa next to you, so they can still feel you and see you but you're still mobile.
2006-12-18 06:11:46
answer #8
answered by Casper P.D. 2
i know this must be very frustrating. Babies do cry for a reason, they just can't tell you why, so its up to you to be intuitive and eliminate any reason why she may be crying (hungry, needs to be changed, wants to play, wants to sleep, restless). Try to get creative with him, throw him up in your arms, swing him around, try all different kinds of toys, talk to him soothingly, sing to him. Sometimes babies can sense the frustration in you, so if you can be relaxed yourself and be calm, then maybe she will sense that and be calmed.
The idea that your child might be trying to "test" you, and possibly be doing it for attention depends on their age. Is she at the developmental stage where she can decipher that sort of thing?
Bottom line is, once you figure out what your baby wants, you can tend to their needs better and accordingly, and maybe be able to tell the difference between just wanting attention, and an actual need. As a nurse, this is what I've found taking care of people and babies for a while... you have to learn their ways before you can help them. And don't just give up on them because its frustrating. It's not their fault they can't tell you whats wrong. You are the adult, you're in charge of figuring out whats best for them.
Don't forget to take time to breathe to. The better you care for yourself and give your self a moment to compose yourself, the better mom you can be to them. good luck!
2006-12-18 06:23:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
As long as you make sure they are not hungry or dirty and show them love its is good for them to learn to entertain themselves, to go to sleep on their own and to be with out someone holding them all the time. Its good for you too you need some time for you and all that extra stuff being a mom brings with it. if you let them they will stop crying and get interested in something else, it took a few weeks for my daughter and its hard but its worth it. Good Luck
2006-12-18 06:41:36
answer #10
answered by sharing 2