The anti acne cream will not help. It is not acne... it is folliculitis caused by shaving. The hair is not cleanly cut with the razor... especially electric razors. The skin is damaged near the opening of the hair follicle. Even if it does not bleed, serum is released and it blocks the opening. The hair continues to grow but if it can't go out the hole, it bends sideways and can invade the wall and surrounding skin tissue. This sets up an allergy to the hair and a red bump or red bump with puss.
Blacks get this more frequently because of the nature of their hair. It is like trying to push a chain down a straight line. Not much in the way and it will seek a new direction. It is refered to it as razor bump and can happen on the face or the neck when going to the barber. Women get this also under their arms and in the pelvic area when shaving for the beach.
This is a complex problem with a simple cure. There is no need for antibiotics, drying creams like benzoyl peroxide, acne products can actually make it worse.
Simply apply a thin coating of corn oil (mazola is fine) to the shaved area IMMEDIATELY after shaving and the hair follicle will remain open because the oil will prevent the closure. Another commercial product that can be used immediately after shaving is Udder Balm but it is the same principle but the corn oil is the least likely to cause an allergy by itself. Save yourself thousands of dollars in unneccesary medical bills by understanding the basic cause. It works and my patients have had great success with it. It costs you nothing to try.
2006-12-18 04:24:49
answer #1
answered by Bob 5
Witch hazel, it's a tonic you can buy it at drug stores and stuff just use a cotton ball and apply it a few times a day. Also some tips when you are shaving 'down there' use an exfoliator first. The rinse, use a moisturizing soap and then rinse, use a moisturizing shave gel and first always shave in the direction your hair is growing, rinse the shaver every time you run the shaver across your skin, but the most important thing of all is to make sure that you use a very clean, new shaver. An old, worn down shaver will cause bumps and ingrown hairs ouch! :/ after you run the shaver downwards in the direction your hair is growing then you can run the shaver upwards to get a closer shave. I have even used hair conditioner down there to shave before. Hope I helped.
2016-03-13 08:13:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Best Thing U Can Do Is, Before Shave, Massage The area Where u Have To Shave With Aloe Vera Content Moisturizer Lotion OR Cream For About 5 Mins & Then Shave For Ten Days Donot Use After Shave Lotion .
2006-12-18 03:49:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yah Tend-Skin will clear that right up for you and it works super quick. Just dab it on using a cotton pad right after you shave. It stinks like vinegar though so make sure you wash it off after it does its thing (like 10-15 minutes or so.) You'll know its working because it your skin will feel real smooth afterwards. Tend-skin is pretty expensive but it works.
As far as switching to an electric, I have to disagree. I just switched back to Gillette razors after using a Norelco for the last three years because of the irritation the electric razor was causing. Plus, they can be so slow. Using a nice razor (like the Mach 3 or Fusion) causes less irritation because it takes fewer swipes to shave. Whatever type of razor you use, if you go over the same area too much you will cause razor burn.
There is a better smelling (and relatively less expensive) alternative to Tend-Sking available. I forgot the name but its a type of light blue colored astringent and can be found in high-end skin boutiques. Its like $10-15 a bottle.
2006-12-18 04:08:40
answer #4
answered by Alex2007 1
You're probably shaving to closely, but if you get a shaving rash, you might want to try something I discovered a few years ago. My wife has a bottle of Clinique Skin Clarification Lotion (essentially, it's Witch Hazel and a few other ingredients). She suggested I give a try, so I did. It's expensive to use, but if I apply some with a cotton ball after shaving, I never, NEVER, get a rash or irritation! I've tried plain Witch Hazel from the drug store and it isn't the same. I don't know why, but the Clinique stuff works!
2006-12-18 03:54:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
try using an electric razor once in a while. I've heard that saftely razors actually remove two layers of skin everytime you shave. Electric removes some but not as much and gives your skin a much needed rest. They have balms that come in a deordorant style (roll-on) container that you use before the electric razor too. Norelco are a more comfortable shave, less burning than screen type. I've found that to be true at least
2006-12-18 03:50:57
answer #6
answered by Foss 4
Try Skin Tight. It's a skin formula for individuals with skin irritations and sensitive skin or problems with shaving. It's really good. My husband was having similar problems and after using this product his experience is much better.
2006-12-18 04:33:00
answer #7
answered by mackade2002 1
TEND SKIN ! You can find it on-line. I came across this stuff about 5 years ago. I fought cherry neck ( irritation from wearing a tie all day) and ingrown hairs for years. I had a girlfriend that did the bikini wax thing, and the salon sold her this stuff and she suggested I try it. This stuff works!!! For face , neck, downstairs and legs. It's pretty spendy, but it lasts quite a while.
2006-12-18 03:55:00
answer #8
answered by twostories 4
Try taking a shower beforehand and lathering up with soap(regular shower routine) this help open the pores -easier to shave, then shave after shower, before you go to sleep, try something like sea breeze to help with the irritation during the night and next day..
2006-12-18 03:49:25
answer #9
answered by dadknows 4
A review of the various hair removal methods is available at
2006-12-18 12:08:47
answer #10
answered by gela 3