The one that fits your lifestyle.
2006-12-17 17:51:54
answer #1
answered by Bindi ** 7
If you have kids, I would suggest one of the Retrievers. They are loyal, protective, and extremley good with kids. They are not a jealous dog, and don't mind sharing the spotlight. Second, the Terrier breed does well with kids. If there are just adults, and you want protection also, I would go with the Rotwieler, or the terrier breeds. They are both loyal, but the Rots are a little jealous, and may not like you getting a boy/girl friend.
2006-12-17 17:25:16
answer #2
answered by Biff Stew 3
That depends on what you are looking for in a dog. Large, or small? Watchdog? Quiet? Playful? Laid back? How much time do you spend at home? Do you have a family, or live alone? Try searching "dog breeds", AKC has good descriptions of most of the breeds.
2006-12-17 17:26:30
answer #3
answered by kldt7 2
I like mutts! My experience is that they are smart as whips and the shelters are overfull of good dogs and cats that need a home. Also many pure breeds are prone to genetic problems from inbreeding the species. Save a life and go to the pound for your pet!
2006-12-17 18:59:40
answer #4
answered by Bill the Cat 1
I would reccomend a miniature schnauzer. They are very smart dogs, friendly and playful, loyal, learn quickly and don't shed! I have one and she is the best dog I have ever owned, and I have owned multiple breeds in the past.
2006-12-17 18:12:40
answer #5
answered by utchick128 3
i think the big dogs are better.i used to own a chihuahua but i cant really play with her,i'm afraid id crush her cause she was just too tiny she is very fragile.i now own a english bulldog,fun to play with and i can actually cuddle with him
2006-12-17 17:28:41
answer #6
answered by up4anything 5
I love French Bulldogs!
2006-12-17 17:45:25
answer #7
answered by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs 6
Chow Chow
2006-12-17 21:53:15
answer #8
answered by RunSueRun 5
Id say a Dalmatian,they are very clean,no doggy smell at all,If you have a way for him to go outside he can be in all day.
2006-12-17 18:03:36
answer #9
answered by truthseeker 3
poodles. they have no odor and live a longe rlifespand then most dogs
2006-12-17 17:31:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous