Some times I feel racist because I am only attracted to white guys, and I am white. But I dont pay attention to peoples skin color and I have just come to the conclusion that being attrated to white guys is just my preference. My sister is attracted to Alaskan native guys, and we come from the same blood. I like to think it has some thing to do with the children we are going to have in the future, all part of gods plan so to speak. So there is nothing wrong with me, that is just how I am.
But just like with many other things, I have preferences over one thing or another, but am always open to the other possibilities that come along.
I think it would be bad if you completely ignored a prospect just because they were not white, yet I am sure when some one of the same race or a non-white person hits on you, it is just as flattering, and really personality will win the final battle.
2006-12-17 16:02:03
answer #1
answered by allaboutme_333 3
There is nothing wrong with having a preference. I understand where your concern is coming from... no one likes to have to face adversity. Dating is hard enough without the added issues of interracial coupling. The last guy I dated was Puerto Rican, and my current boyfriend is white. I never preferred one race over another. It just happened that way. I know its going to be hard. You can't really help who you like. Just let the cards fall as they may. Ask yourself this... Do YOU want YOU to be happy or do you want those AROUND you to be happy?
2006-12-17 16:04:59
answer #2
answered by Koko Loco 2
Of course not. If you find yourself only attracted to white guys than by all means go ahead and date white guys. Why should you force yourself to date men within your race when you're not attracted to them. I'm Asian and am attracted mostly to white guys. I knew that my parents would be upset if I don't marry an Asian guy so I tried to date a few of them and I even got engaged to an Asian guy but eventually broke it up because I just was not attracted to him. Then I realized that I need to follow my own heart. Now I'm happily married to a white guy. Go with who you are attracted to.
2006-12-17 16:03:56
answer #3
answered by chiapet159 4
whats wrong with that? i'm a white guy who lives in Taiwan (near china) and since i've been here, i've only dated local girls and i couldn't imagine ever being attracted to a white girl again (for reasons too numerous to go into here; lets just say taiwanese girls are slimmer, less agressive, and much more beautiful).
we call it 'yellow fever' and every western guy i know feels exactly the same (not the girls though, curiously).
its a kind of fetishism, of course, but there's nothing wrong with fetishism. if white floats your boat; then go with it, why not?
2006-12-17 16:05:25
answer #4
answered by tainantsy 2
I dont think its necessarily a bad thing as long as you are subconsciously blocking your own race out of some deep self could just be a looks thing-whatever it is-it is your life and the person you want to be with-ultimately you are the one who has to live the day to day of it all-so make yourself happy.I do know in my area people would talk alot of crap about it...but everyone talks too much anyway
2006-12-17 16:02:26
answer #5
answered by cassiepiehoney 6
It might be a little less difficult if you stayed in your own race, but in today's world, it really doesn't matter.
Hopefully we have evolved past that point, and you should be able to date whomever you choose.
2006-12-17 16:01:42
answer #6
answered by Gnome 6
im not gonna judge u..we all have our own preferences...lets just hope that whoever u end up with is good enough for u...i remember for a time all i was attracted to was white guys to but that gradually faded away and now i just like them all
2006-12-17 16:00:48
answer #7
answered by srdfghs 2
Have you thought about WHY you feel that way? I guess it depends on your reasoning. At least you're open minded enough to date outside your race... That's a start!
2006-12-17 15:59:56
answer #8
answered by I hate friggin' crybabies 5
NOPE, I personally believe that white guys have more respect and are the race that are least likely to end up in jail. Maybe you are mature enough to unconsciously know that white is right....
2006-12-17 15:59:46
answer #9
answered by :) 2
I think its wrong and shallow. Your a sell out and your favorite tv channel is the WB. Its easy to be whitey. I have a problem with your choice in color preference. Color should not be an issue when you see a person. That is racist.
2006-12-17 16:07:24
answer #10
answered by sk20007623 3