There are 9 weeks of pregancy.
Weeks 1 and 2, not much to notice.
Week 3 there may be some morning sickness, vomiting
Week 4 you may be seeing some belly expansion, your dog will be acting more loving and clingy, vulva remains swollen and mammary glands enlarge, feed puppy food
Week 5 belly gets bigger
Week 6 belly getting bigger still
Week 7 she may start trying to nest, this is the time to introduce the whelping box, hunger increases
Week 8, take temp daily, feed more frequent but smaller meals, encourage the whelping box for resting in
Week 9 temp drops before labor begins, eventually labor starts around day 63
2006-12-17 16:10:02
answer #1
answered by dog's best friend 4
well my Boxer was just like a woman getting pregnant. Basically, got big and the appetite diminished some. Also, before she gets ready to deliver they will look for a place to have the puppies. So if an outdoor dog, she may dig a hole and if an inside just lay a lot of loose clothing for a bed.
2006-12-17 15:59:00
answer #2
answered by Big C 6
dogs do not get sessions like we human beings do. human beings have a month-to-month cycle. in the time of our sessions, we are the least fertile and we bleed because the uterus is laying off a lining it extremely is waiting for in case you get pregnant. in case you do not get pregnant, then the uterus sheds the liner because it now no longer desires it. we are typically the most fertile after our sessions. dogs flow by skill of cycles time-honored as Estrus Cycles, or warmth's. between 6 months to 2 years previous is at the same time as a b*tch will flow by skill of her first warmth. the nice and cozy temperature lasts for round 2 weeks, supply or take, and it is at the same time as the b*tch is maximum fertile, which skill it truly is the perfect time to reproduce. dogs will flow by skill of a warmth once each and every 6 months, so in effortless words two times a twelve months. in spite of the undeniable fact that, some breeds in effortless words flow by skill of a million warmth a twelve months. the thanks to dodge any undesirable discharge, or undesirable being pregnant, is getting her spayed. this suggests eliminating her entire reproductive gadget. they received't omit it, nor will they observe some thing is lengthy gone. when they're spayed, it eliminates the risks of her arising any sorts of maximum cancers with regards to her reproductive organs, and it also eliminates the danger of her arising Pyometra, that is a very severe bacterial an infection of the uterus. Getting her spayed earlier 6 months previous is the perfect element you may do in this style of issue.
2016-11-27 01:21:58
answer #3
answered by rocca 4
From Wikipedia:
Gestation is the carrying of an embryo or fetus inside a female viviparous animal.
2006-12-17 15:47:49
answer #4
answered by renodogmom 5