O.K this is what happned, a few days ago my cat who is 10 years old got bitten in the lower back by a dog. I didn't see her until late that night. We took her to the vet, and she got operated on, and had the fluid that was in her drained out, now today, she has a bare back and tubes sticking out of her hips to drain excess fluid. We got her a litter box, deciding we don't want her to go outside that often, and defintley not for the next week. She used to have a litter box when she was younger, but i don't know if she knows how to use it or what it is. How can i show her? Please Help?
9 answers
asked by
➔ Cats
What i would do since your cat just had surgery...i would keep the cat with you most of the time for company and a safe feeling. ( because she might be a little frightened now)Then every once in a while take her over to her dish to eat and drink some water. And even more often take her to the litter box, put her in and she might remember what to do...lol. it would be best to have the litter box in a room where it would be easy to clean up poo. (just in case) Now do this often and watch the cats progress. Remember to clean out the litter box about three times a week because cats have hygiene too, and they dont want to have to go in it if it stinks and is too dirty. Because then they will poop on the floor and that would be bad. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa!!
2006-12-17 15:22:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You're likely to find that she will know exactly how to use the littler box. My cat was trained to litter as a kitten, spent the next 12 years outside, then I brought him inside full-time because he got hurt, and was getting on in years. He never made one single mistake, knew exactly what that litter box was for.
If he does start going inside, try putting the litter box in the spot where he likes to go, if possible.
Be sure to buy some Pet Odor Neutralizer at the pet store. This stuff is specially formulated to neutralize the smell of urine, etc, so that the cat isn't drawn back to the same spot. Don't EVER use any cleaner with ammonia to clean up pet messes, because to a cat, ammonia smells like pee!
The previous suggestion of putting some cat poo in the litterbox is a good one. At that age, for most cats it's just a matter of letting them know what you want when it comes to this sort of thing, and they'll do it -- they're smarter than baby kittens and it's usually much, much easier, in my experience.
2006-12-17 21:54:09
answer #2
answered by goddessdawnie 3
If she had a litter box when she was young and used it with no problems, then the litter box she has now will be used. Just put her into the pan and she will figure out the rest. The only thing that could potentially create a problem is where she was bitten. If it is extremely painful to her, she might lose control. If so, show it to her and then put her and the poo in the litter box. She will get it then.
2006-12-17 21:50:34
answer #3
answered by beingsmartisrelative 4
you are going to have to train her like she is a kitten all over again you have to put her in the cat box at least a couple of times and about every 20 to 30 minutes put her in the box especially after she has had water or food good luck
2006-12-17 21:15:21
answer #4
answered by Sandra C 4
There is a litter called "Cat Attract" that works almost 100% of the time. They use a pherimone to attract the cat to use the litter. You can buy this as PetSmart.
2006-12-17 21:22:35
answer #5
answered by Lori J 2
Take kitty and put her gently in the box, then use her front paws to motion the digging of the sand. She'll catch on. She needs to be indoors from now on. That dog could have killed her, she's lucky to be alive. Cats don't need to be outside. Mine are all inside all the time.
2006-12-17 21:17:20
answer #6
answered by Lola 6
sit near the litter box every time your cat gets out put her back in
2006-12-17 22:56:08
answer #7
answered by Candy 2
get a box and put her in it, if she doesnt respond, where ever shes going now get with your sooper a piece of poop and put it in the box, she,ll smell it and go. but leave her alone, cats do like to be alone when they go. you might havto burry it for her till shes better, im sorry that she got hurt, I hope she gets better soon ,
2006-12-17 21:20:09
answer #8
answered by shashonah 3
I could lead by example! =^..^=
2006-12-17 22:11:51
answer #9
answered by Lake Lover 6