take marshal arts and become a blk belt
2006-12-17 12:51:57
answer #1
answered by ChRiS 2
First of all, you WON"T be able to do it by yourself especially if you mean by reading a book or watching a video on ninjitsu to learn the techniques, because those things are reference material that is only really useful to someone who's already studying the discipline in a class setting; books or videos can't teach you how to control your techniques or use them PROPERLY.
because from a legal standpoint, that could work against you if you use a technique on someone, wind up injuring them and they come back to slap you with a lawsuit. Because there are judges that will use the "you've studied a Martial Art so you should know better" guilt trip card on you and rule in the favor of the other person.
Second of all, all this stuff you see in Anime or movies, if you learn the Martial Arts discipline of Ninjitsu, You'll only learn the unarmed self defense techniques and (if the school allows the teaching of this side of the discipline) the swordsmanship.
you WILL NOT learn any "magic abilities" or learn how to use "chakra" (like you see in Naruto, because very little and I mean VERY LITTLE of what they use in the show has any real meaning to it; if it even has any at all), and the instructor will tell you the exact same thing I'm saying now.
because the techniques that were originally studied in Ninjitsu have only been reduced to studying the self defense techniques and the swordsmanship aspects to fit today's society.
If there is a Ninjisu school near you then take some trial classes to see if you like it. If you do then enroll in the class.
2006-12-18 00:10:23
answer #2
answered by quiksilver8676 5
First of all, you can't by yourself. There are a few DVD's on the ninja martial arts, but DVD's can only do so much. You need an instructor to instill the true essence of martial arts into you life. Check out Stephen K. Hayes. He is very accomplished, along with being a great teacher, and has had an amazing life.
2006-12-17 21:07:19
answer #3
answered by kenpo_mushin 2
By yourself? You can't. the rank of ninja is bestowed by that international ninjitsu organization. However, you can train martial arts alone. Many who could not afford official training have set up ways to train alone. Start with a punching bag, try to buy one or you can make one by wrapping several layers of padding and foam around a tree or large stable object. Use this to practice both striking and hardening of your hands and feet. Get some kick pads and set them up at high levels to practice high kicks. Balance beams, wing chun dummies, instruction manuals, dart boards for throwing knife and star practice and even watermelon/hay stack sword targets can be built, purchased or found fairly easily.
My friends and I built and used just such a setup in the 80's to begin our training. It worked great and we used it for many years until we moved away from that neighborhood.
2006-12-18 11:10:26
answer #4
answered by jjbeard926 4
A. I dont think there are ninjas any more
B. Anyways if u really wanna be Take Marshall Arts
C. Or Karate
2006-12-17 21:00:49
answer #5
answered by NejiHyuga 1
Bah, you can get yourself some DVDs, but eventually you'll have to take ninjitsu. Don't listen to those other folks, ninjitsu is alive and well. Granted, they have a point in that you're not going to be sneaking into some Emperor's bed chamber to slit his neck. But Ninjitsu does teach some really great fighting techniques. I watched some dude hit this special dummy that was hooked up to a bunch of computers, and with one punch he was able to "stop it's heart" Of course, that takes many many years of practice, and to be honest, that's a pretty scary thing to know...wouldn't want to use it by accident or in the wrong situation.
2006-12-18 00:08:33
answer #6
answered by Richard W 2
Please go to a martial arts school. Teaching yourself is full of flaws. You need a trainer to help you. You also need a person to spar, the more more people the better.
The worst case scenario is that you train yourself then get into a real world situation and have confidence in a technique that doesn't work.
2006-12-18 12:40:21
answer #7
answered by spidertiger440 6
You'll never be one. You're already a hundered year too late. It's a dead art! There's no castle to invade, no samurai to kill, and they don't use ninja to carry out assassin anymore. You're out of luck.
2006-12-17 21:09:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
dream about it because without years and years of incredible training by the best that there is you will NEVER EVER get there on your own how can you teach yourself somethng if you do not know it. then how do yu critique what yu do if yu can't see yourself while you do it
2006-12-17 20:52:46
answer #9
answered by doc 4
I swear this isn't a stupid answer.
2006-12-17 20:56:43
answer #10
answered by Get Real 4