try to get him excited and energizied with his leash if he loves to go on walks. and give him a doggy treat when he is already to go with you wherever you have to go with him. this will make him excited whenever you have to go places.
2006-12-17 11:01:51
answer #1
answered by amber 6
Dog Day care, if your dog is a good candidate for it. We require dog friendly, people friendly, spayed/neutered over 6 months old, and all shots.
Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and walk your dog before work. Look into mental stimulation toys, such as Buster cubes, stuffed Kongs, etc. don't just give your dog a bowl of food, toss it around and make your dog look for the food. It is a great game and mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise.
Hire a dog walker to come by every day or every other day to give your dog a walk.
2006-12-17 19:06:39
answer #2
answered by renodogmom 5
You're going to have to re-arrange your life to accomodate the dog as you would if it were a child.
I work from 8-4:30 during the week.I get up at 4a.m. and do everything I need to do to get everyone ready for the day while the dogs run in and out.By 6a.m. me and my dogs are at the park where they chase a laser light around pretty hard until it's light enough out to see which is usually by 6:30.Then we walk awhile to cool them down and by 7 we're on our way home where they're given a drink and sent back out to play till 7:30 when I have to leave for work.
I have a big laundry basket full of toys for them and I hide dog biscuits around the house for them to find and keep the treat balls filled with low calorie dog food.
By what I find when I get home my guess is that they've slept half the day at least.The other half they've amused themselves and are more than ready for me to play with them for another hour before they go to bed.
I'm in bed by 7 p.m. with them both beside me.
I guess I don't have much of a life but my german shepherds are happy,healthy,kept safe and comfortable and they are'nt destroying everything in sight while I'm gone.
I can't understand why all these people expect a dog to sleep all night and allow it less than half an hour of play-time ALONE while they get ready to go then complain when the dog destroys things.
They have brains and hearts.They have feelings and needs just like we do.eople want a dog that will sit in a corner until they're ready to notice it then they should buy stuffed animals and save themselves alot of bother.
2006-12-17 20:54:16
answer #3
answered by misbehavin165 5
just walk your dog for at least 15 minutes, morning and evening, obviously on a daily basis. Try to spend some time with your dog ouside of walking as well. Another tip is to take your dog to the park on the weekends and let him run around.
p.s. if you take him to the park, remember to use anti-flea/tick medicine on him
remember: dogs are a big responsibility
2006-12-17 18:54:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
make it a priority. You can accomplish what you set your mind to do. Maybe instead of going to the gym you could run with your dog(or walk). doggie daycare is also a good idea. Aside from walking morning and night you could also have play time inside. Dogs love tug of war.
2006-12-17 19:53:56
answer #5
answered by mups mom 5
Doggie daycare is great, they play all day and are exhausted all evening. Also dog parks are great too, your dog can burn off lots of energy in a short amount of time chasing other dogs, playing ball, etc. Check you local parks and rec website to find dog parks near you.
2006-12-17 19:38:42
answer #6
answered by Kapp 2
Give it to a relative who has more time to take care of it...
I had a dog in my apartment, but I spent so much time working that I felt it was best to give him to my mother who works from home and can play and exercise with him. I miss it, but at least he's happy and I get to see it every so often. :(
2006-12-17 18:52:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Exercising his mind will help a lot too. Clicker training is fun for you and your dog and you'd be amazed at the things your dog will learn. This is how dolphins are trained, and it's easy to learn.
2006-12-17 20:27:38
answer #8
answered by Misa M 6
Ask somebody trusty, reliable and with some free time to become a dog walker
2006-12-17 18:58:12
answer #9
answered by Lil' Gay Monster 7
Well, you can feed him bones and he will be more active and will be willing to do anything for it or you can hire a child who want to work for a little money (like most of them do ) and there your problem solved.
2006-12-17 18:55:53
answer #10
answered by Raven 1
the only thing i can think of is walking him every day. make the extra effort to get up at least 1/2 hour earlier to spend with your dog.
2006-12-17 18:57:45
answer #11
answered by Anonymous