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I want to gain weight, and I need to gain mostly muscle but some fat two (so I'm not a twig). are there any excersizes to do to keep that jaw line? or to reduce face and neck fat?

2006-12-17 07:52:02 · 2 answers · asked by Dillon 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

2 answers

No, fat goes where it wants to, theres no controlling it!..;

2006-12-17 07:58:12 · answer #1 · answered by huggz 7 · 1 0

As long as you're gaining mostly muscle, you should retain your jawline. Some people just have more naturally protruding jawlines though. When I am even slightly overweight, mine disappears. But pump some iron and you should be good.

2006-12-17 16:01:32 · answer #2 · answered by Heidi 4 · 0 0

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