My 6 year old granddaughter has banged her head since she could move it and used to bang side to side in her car seat until she could gain enough strength to go back and forth. She used to keep us all up at night banging her head in her crib. Now she doesn't do it as much but she still does it and I would have thought she'd outgrow it by now. She has problems in her life - her mother is not maternal so she lives with me instead - and I wonder if it could be that but since she's always done it, I don't know. I think she should have outgrown it by now but she hasn't. She does it in the car all the time and when she is sitting on the couch watching TV. She has said that she was born to bang which to me is kind of cute but still, what could it be? She has had her ears checked and we have asked the doctor more than once. No help there.
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Grade-Schooler