when you go to hang out with her, just kinda mention the fact that you would like to go out with her. how you are wondering...hmm... say something like "do you think we would make a good couple?" or "I wonder what it would be like to go out with you?" some thing that kinda hints that you like her. then she should warm up to you and go for it.
2006-12-16 15:20:18
answer #1
answered by alien 3
Make sure that it won't get awkward if you do tell her. There's nothing worse then losing a good friend to something like that.
See if she flirts with you and see if other people think she does, your opinion may be based on the fact you hope she flirts with you so ask someone else. Even then take it slow and slowly invite her places in groups to start and if those go well invite her places alone and see how that goes. Good Luck
2006-12-16 23:20:22
answer #2
answered by different 1
drop some hints down and stuff. or ask if she likes anyone and if she doesnt say the name than u prolly know that its u. or say omg i like someone new. and shell be all who, and just say u shud know. just be kinda flirty with it. and she might get the clue. other then that just say it sraight up to her and do not be shy. u guys r friends, maybe she will want the same as wat u want. GOOD LUCK! happy holidays
2006-12-16 23:19:21
answer #3
answered by jessicacd91 2