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I have obnoxious hair that is frizzy when I dry it, so I always end up straightening it. I really want to know how to get wavy hair at home. Can I do that without products? I don't want like, curls that you have to mouse and gel and hairspray, I just want waves. It anyone knows how to do that without buying products then please tell me ! Also, when I braid my hair and sleep on it I wake up with an afro because I have dumb hair. Kaythanksmwah!

2006-12-16 06:48:06 · 12 answers · asked by durh 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

12 answers

Use herbel essences , I've used it and it works fine, you just take a shower with it, and then you put the conditioner of the same product, you can also use it's gel, it's really good too.


2006-12-16 06:53:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh I even have an analogous situation!! i do no longer propose perms because of the fact the chemical components are incredibly unfavourable! Your different selection is to apply a curling iron with a thick barrel (a million.5"). i comprehend you stated you have not got time yet this methodology takes 10 minutes and is easy. Spray your dried hair with some coronary heart protectant and divide it into 5-8 super sections. shop on with some wax on the size. beginning on the fringe of the roots, wrap the hair around the tong and carry it in a vertical place for greater or less 10 seconds. launch the hair from the tong and carry it collectively because it cools (or use a pin to maintain it rolled collectively as to pass to the subsequent section). whilst the hair is complete and funky, run your arms on your hair to break the super curls into smaller ones and spray a mist of hair spray! Voila!

2016-10-05 09:42:16 · answer #2 · answered by erlebach 4 · 0 0

my daughter puts her hair in princess Leah buns. Don't laugh it works. She twists the pony tail before she secures it and sleeps in it. The next morning because she twists it ,it's wavy. Frizz is hard to manage so you gotta put some smoothing CREAM not gel , serum or oil. That stuff will make your hair greasy. Try it on a sat night so if it doesn't work out for you , you can wash it on Sunday. good luck

2006-12-16 06:53:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

try getting a wavy hair perm, its more of a body perm and it should help with the frizziness, also try spraying some hairspray on it and then lightly running you hand down it this will keep the frizz down a little bit

2006-12-16 06:50:44 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Trust me do not get a perm, you will have to cut it off to get rid of it! Anyway,

1.make about 10-20 strips of thin cloth.
2. take a shower and comb wet hair
3. roll 2 inches of hair around a strip of cloth
4. tie the cloth
5. continue
6. After a couple hours take out and enjoy!!

2006-12-16 07:03:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What I do is take a shower at night and then braid my hair into pig tails. If your hair is wet while you braid it, it usually doesn't come out frizzy. Then when you wake up they come out cute. And just in case you can put de-frizzer in before you braid it. It works for me.

2006-12-16 06:51:30 · answer #6 · answered by cheer10 2 · 0 0

You may need to buy some products for that one. I have naturally wavy hair so I'm always trying to get it straight again :). The grass is always greener...

2006-12-16 06:51:32 · answer #7 · answered by Harsh Noise Wall 4 · 0 0

Have you tried usings twists? also there is a 3 barrel curling iron! i say this is your best bet. Goodluck.

2006-12-16 07:01:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try tongs, it's safer than perm and it's not permanent, just in case you change your mind !!

2006-12-16 07:01:23 · answer #9 · answered by Butterfly girl 4 · 0 0

man tell me how can I find the information about it in the site you wrote?

2006-12-16 06:56:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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