End it!
And start using SPELL CHECK !
2006-12-16 06:25:33
answer #1
answered by Dave Yours Truly 4
sometimes the wrapping is better than the prize but ryan seems really nice. you are young and will want to feel some senxe of freedom so in order to have that with ryan you two will have to realize that you are together but still have separate lives. there is nothing wrong with flirting and ryan should love you enough to let you have fun without getting upset by it. If you want to marry him and be with him forever there is a compromise. after 2 yrs of dating you should pretty much know what he is about now so have some fun but be careful and if he seems to get to the point that he acts like he owns you and want you to just pay attention to him then start to go a little slower with him until you are sure that you want the things that he does. dont give up yourself for no one. if you feel that you love him a lot and at times want to break it off so that you can see others then maybe its because you are too close to him and seeing his love as a reason to break it off because you might be scared right now, you could be afraid of how much you feel for him so give it a little more time so that you can be sure that you want out. but i would wait till all the gentlemanly things he does wears off before i'd marry him to make sure that he is still gonna be a good man. i hope it all works out for you both.
2006-12-16 06:37:17
answer #2
answered by desiree_tx2004 2
Take it from a woman who know all so well. The Grass is not greener on the other side. If he respect you, care for u and love and treat u right. Stop it girl It hard to find a good man nowadays. If you want to settle down then don't mess up this man if u are not ready to settle down. Being 22 you really havn't explore enough. But when u get 30 and u didn't marry this man u going to think back and wonder what it would be like if only I had stay.
2006-12-16 06:30:55
answer #3
answered by teb 1
I have found myself in the same problem as you, I've been going out with my boyfriend for 2.5 years and do get these thoughts sometimes. I usually talk to my closest friend about it. She tends to see things from the outside where she isn't involved. That's a good thing, too. So get an opinion from a good, close friend. When you talk to him about it, he does the same thing my bf does, makes you happy. The truth? He's not dominating you, he's just afraid and thinking that if you talk like that, you're going to want to break up, and him trying to make you stay is his wierd way of saying that he loves you and still wants you in his life as his gf. Think about that, if he wasn't happy, he wouldn't try to make you stay. The only other thing, other than talking to your closest friend, would be to make a list of pros and cons about him and why this relationship should continue. Then throw the list away and follow your heart. If you miss going out like when you were single, call your friends, and go to a club or something, explain to your bf that it's just a girls-night-out, like when you were single, and when you do go out, don't talk about him. It doesn't make you think less of him, but it does give you a feeling of when you were single and going out with 'the girls or guys'! But the ultimate thing you can do is follow your heart, if it means breaking up, He's going to be hurt, and so will you, but both of you will move on with your life and remember a great time. I broke up with my bf right after our 1 yr. anniversary, and i regretted it. I sent him an email, left a message on his phone and did everything i could to make him see that I made a mistake, and I'm glad i did though cause now i know that i TRULEY love him. I just regret doing the actual action. But you never knowl, something like that may make you two a stronger relationship.
2006-12-16 06:36:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like you found a good guy. you are young at 22 and feel that you are missing out. at this point if you dont date other people it sounds like you will always regret not dating other people and will always be miserible. remember that if you break up with him for this reason he will not wait for you. he may even see it as childish and petty. he will go and find someone who is ready to move forward. this doesnt mean you are a bad person. do what you feel inside. a lot of people who married someone they were with since they were 20 or so have that what if, if you can get over that and be happy with the man you are with then go for it if not, move on. and for the he isnt what i normally go for, he may end up bald so you wouldnt miss him not being blonde.
2006-12-16 06:31:50
answer #5
answered by B 4
Ive been in my relationship for 2 years as well, although im not 22, im 17 and this is a important part in my life. im deciding whether or not to go away for college and take a "break" with my boyfriend. as you said about your bf, mine is the same way (opening doors, sending me flowers etc), i love him very much and it was a hard decision for me. i decided to stay home and be with him instead of moving away. i figure that i am happy so why chance this relationship???? for me, im satisfied where i am and who i am with, sure sometimes i wonder what else is out there, but what if there is nothing? whatever is ment to be will find its way, and right now i think you should sit down and take some time to think of what you are going to do, its up to you, but if you break up with him you may just find that you are unhappy and miss the times that you used to have with your love. hope this helps, good luck and happy holidays!!
2006-12-16 06:28:11
answer #6
answered by Ash 4
Move on with your life, your already having doubts. And he's already deflating your self esteem with that line! There are a ton a fish in the sea. If you don't do this for your self YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WONDERING. On the other hand let's say you get married have kids and end up in a divorce....would that be good? No. You know your limitations, you know in your heart what you want to do. Just do it and don't look back. Who knows you might come back to Ryan. You never know until you TRY!
2006-12-16 06:30:41
answer #7
answered by SecretFriend 3
I really agree with ashley i've been in a relationship for a year and 2 months now (tha longest time i've been wit someone) but sometimes i feel tha way you feel too. but i really love him he's more than everything i want i dunt wanna let him go because what if i wont ever find a relationship like this again?!? i dunt wanna take taht risk. from me personally i think you should stay with him. i hope you make a good chose, it's all up to you
2006-12-16 06:37:40
answer #8
answered by Getto Meme <3 1
You need to take time out and think this over CAREFULLY. When you marry someone it's a serious commitment and the ultimate one. You have to decide if you are ready to take the final plunge and to be honest with you I think you are not ready.
You don't have to break up completely, you can just take a vacation somewhere by yourself and clear your head, figure out if he is the one for you or if you need to get the party/flirting/other possibilities etc. out of your system.
It's not fair to him if he is going to marry someone who will eventually cheat because she is unhappy, and you do not want to end up in divorce court, it's pure hell.
Take your time, think things over.
good luck
2006-12-16 06:30:24
answer #9
answered by artist-oranit.com. 5
You are the only person that knows if you should stay or go. You have to really look deep down in your heart and see what you want. Don't end a good relationship over your lust to be with someone else. Just really think about it before you do anything rash.
2006-12-16 06:25:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
First of all if he's resorting to the "who's gonna love you better" then you need to leave. He's playing on the fact that you've been hurt before. You really see yourself getting married to this dude? Have more respect for yourself than that... please
2006-12-16 06:28:03
answer #11
answered by searaydreams 3