Hi how are you? I'm sorry, please don't be sad. You say you are a virgin and it sounds like it is a problem but being a virgin means you are special in alot of people's eyes. Yeah having sex is not going to make you happy except that one part when..... But instaed it will make you hate yourself more because just sex is not meaningfull to your soul. Sounds like you need to not put any pressure on yourself and just live life not expecting to have the same results as everybody else. Try just being your true self and don't expect anything except the people that you know being the peoplpe that you know and vice versa. Sex is for a special moment anyway, not to tell everyone that you are experienced and are waiting for the next guy in line because if everyone finds out that is what the guys will do. They will line up for some but what you don't know is that they will be getting some free sex while their girlfriends are out doing some shopping or something and that way you are just an item for them. Look here is what you couls try to do since you use the internet. Try to search for a dating web site and pick one out to start making friends near where you live and just invite who sounds interesting to have a conversation with and start to get to know somebody from the inside out instead of from the outside in.Please don't be sad anymore there are millions of people out there to talk to.
2006-12-16 06:31:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm lonely.
But as for your depression, you really should do something about that. See a doctor, talk to a friend, etc., just do something. And being a virgin at 17 is nothing to be ashamed of. I was still a virgin at 17. There should be no rush in losing it.
2006-12-16 06:27:36
answer #2
answered by I'm Still Here 5
Y would u want to lose your virginity at age 17. save it for someone special and also who u love. don't be a follower and follow your friends. Stand up for yourself and try and make new friends. Go see a physiologist to deal with the depression problems and also talk with your parents. good luck and happy holidays
2006-12-16 06:23:30
answer #3
answered by Joho 7
I don't know about the virginity thing but I just bought a Subway Meatball Sub on Cheesy Italian and I'm not lonely anymore........Subway is protected under trademark protection and can not be used for purposes of financial gain.
2006-12-16 06:33:25
answer #4
answered by tripping_00 2
Okay, time out.
Losing one's virginity is not the be-all end-all of human existence. It doesn't redefine you as a person or mean you're desired or worth more or anything. You definitely don't want to make decisions about a potential partner in your present frame of mind.
You deserve for that first guy to be someone who truly values you, and you him. Problem is, you're so wrapped up in loneliness and depression you aren't really valuing yourself right now.
Tell your folks that you would like to be evaluated for depression. Don't tell me that this would be shameful. If your appendix hurt, you'd tell them and get help. Your psyche hurts. Tell them and get help.
Good luck.
2006-12-16 06:25:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You shouldn't want to lose your virginity until you find the right person. Don't be in a rush. I waited until I was 19, and I'm happy because I have no regrets about it. I made sure it was with the right person. Just wait, you will eventually find someone who loves you. And remember, you have to love yourself first before you go looking for love. Don't worry about it!
2006-12-16 06:24:52
answer #6
answered by __XXX___ 3
I'm a virgin and I'm 15. Maybe you should go see a doctor about your depression issues.
2006-12-16 06:21:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
u are way 2 upset about bein a virgin its not that big of a deal a lot of guys respect that. turn that frown upside down lol. simmer down killer, everythings gunna be alright just dont worry about it "The universe tends to unravel as it should" - The Fat Black Guys From Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle.
2006-12-16 06:24:17
answer #8
answered by nickizzle4rizzle 2
You've got a lot of years ahead of you. You'll meet lots of boys in your life! Some day you won't be lonely, wait and see.
2006-12-16 07:03:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hey when you meet the right person you'll be glad you are still a virgin and he will be too..
2006-12-16 06:21:53
answer #10
answered by chiefof nothing 6