You can use oil of cloves or oragel to temporarily numb the pain. But if it is hurting then you need to get it repaired. An antibiotic will kill the bacteria and settle down inflamtion of an abcess...but again...the hole is there then this is a temporary fix.
If you don't have the funds to fix it, then locate your nearest dental college. They have very much reduced rates to offer people with limited funds while training their students so you both win.
Why bother fixing it?
1.To stop the problem for good.
2. the decay can easily continue past the tooth and into the jaw or skull
3. Bacteria from the decay can enter the blood stream and set up on your heart valves and cause what is called "bacterial endocarditis" Then start shopping for a pig valve, mechanical valve requiring anticoagulants for the rest of your life, or a valve from a human cadaver. Also hope you survive the surgey. Some people's hearts don't start up again after being in an icebath,shocked to stop the beating while they do the 5-8 hour surgery and you are on a mechanical heart then re-shocked to start pumping again.
Weighing all this..... get the tooth repaired or pulled : )
2006-12-15 17:36:12
answer #1
answered by Bob 5
If your tooth is hurting, you really should go to the dentist. In a perfect world, we could all afford to go to the dentist. If you can't afford a dentist, see if there are any dental schools in your area. Many of them take patients at REALLY reduced prices, if you don't mind 15 dental students peering into your mouth. In the meantime, the clove oil mentioned above can help. You can also just suck on a clove, but that will numb the whole mouth. If you want to just medicate it with an over the counter pill, ibuprofen would be the best choice.
2006-12-15 17:41:56
answer #2
answered by Annette T 3
Any over the counter pain reliever (Tylenol or Advil which is what I prefer because it is an antinflammatory) should help some along with a topical anesthetic like orajel. Clove oil is also a wonderful pain reliever, just rub it around the gum at the sore tooth site. But get to the underlying problem and seek out a dental consultation ASAP. There is nothing worse than a darn toothache!!
2006-12-15 17:35:23
answer #3
answered by Enuffalready 2
A dentist is always your best choice, but until you can get to one try clove oil to stem the pain. You can usually get clove oil in a drug store, and it is fairly inexpensive. Simply dab some of the oil on the sore tooth and it will temporarily numb the pain, much like novacaine does. Take care, however, because using it too often can cause your mouth to become completely numb, again much like novocaine.
2006-12-15 17:33:21
answer #4
answered by oldironclub 4
the best thing to do is visit the dentist ASAP. do not attempt to take any medication, as there might be complications to your health, like you have allergy to certain medicines. best thing is for the dentist to assess you and your dental health.
2006-12-15 17:28:39
answer #5
answered by mela 3
take tab combiflam twice a day after meals. you also need to consult a dentist at the earliest.
2006-12-15 17:50:39
answer #6
answered by drjb 2
just let go man........have you seen fight club brad pitt. just let go. tell ur friend to hit you wher ur tooth hurts. yuoll feel soooooooooooooooooooooooooo alive after. enjoy life, you dont want to die witout scars do u?
2006-12-15 17:29:06
answer #7
answered by beach_babe971 1
and salt water
2006-12-15 17:30:53
answer #8
answered by phattygirl 3
pull it out? :)
2006-12-15 17:32:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous