No offense taken...I'm an African-American that relaxes her hair. The concept of a 'relaxer' and a 'reverse perm' is the same. They both are meant to straighten hair. Generally, chemicals that are specifically designed to straighten African-American hair are called 'relaxers', while other chemical hair straighteners are generally called 'perms'. Its basically the same idea.
2006-12-15 09:23:19
answer #1
answered by asreid14 5
Relaxers are for anyone who want to PERMENANTLY straighten their hair. I am in cosmetology school, and ppl of all races with curly hair want relaxers. Please, watch who you believe on here because a perm is not exactly the same as a relaxer. They both soften and swell the hair to get it to go curly or straight, but with a perm you wrap the hair around rods and then neutralize to permanently wave (hence the name) the hair. Also there are different strengths to relaxers so if your hair is not extremely curly of , i would seek the help of a professional.
2006-12-15 09:40:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Good question! Here's the deal: People with curly hair "relax" or "perm" their hair to make it straight. The opposite is true for people with straight hair--they "perm" their hair to make it curly.
The term "perm" is used by anyone (regardless of their hair-type) because it involves applying chemicals to the hair to perm-anently alter its natural state. Chemical relaxers are designed to "relax" curls/coils. Hence, when curly hair is "relaxed", "permed" or "processed", chemical is applied and the hair is combed/pulled/smoothed straight. When straight hair is "permed", chemical is applied and the hair is set on rollers to achieve permanent curls.
So, the type of perm one should use to permanently straighten their hair depends on how curly their natural hair is. Perms for African-Americans come in two basic formulas: 1) Original Formula --containing Sodium Hydroxide (lye) and 2) No-Lye Formula --containing Calcium Hydroxide. (The debate over which formula is best is an answer to an entirely different question.) They also come is different strengths: Mild, Super.
...hope this helps. Be careful and good luck!
2006-12-15 14:56:10
answer #3
answered by twystedsysta 2
NO IT'S NOT....If you are like me--natural curly hair and wants to have straight hair, i really recommend to use relaxers that african american use..because they are the best and they actually work.
2006-12-15 09:21:02
answer #4
answered by sweet/mean 2
relaxers are used mostly by african americans but hispanics use them to and so does whites its just that it may have diffrent effect like the hair will come out curly instead of straight and its the opposite for african americans it would come out straight instead of curly
2006-12-15 09:23:37
answer #5
answered by Ikemefuna s 2
Relaxers can be used by Cubans, people from Puerto Rico and from the Domicians. Races with thick bushy hair, usually what we call nappy.
2006-12-15 10:54:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No one of my best friends got her hair relaxed and she is hispanic
2006-12-15 09:23:34
answer #7
answered by sasa♥ 2
No! But still even though you say that. But it seems to me most of them never get sleep at all. Like my mom she is forever always working in her office. She is barely ever home at all .
2006-12-15 09:31:27
answer #8
answered by Shizzy 4
i know a good straightener for your that is for any race (i think) is the EASY STRAIGHT is very good for your type of her
2006-12-15 09:52:50
answer #9
answered by ? 2
no ,its for anyone with course,curly hair
2006-12-15 09:22:04
answer #10
answered by JAKE STRONG 1