I have been taken in by a Home Depot scam.
Here's how the scam works.
I had just finished shopping at Home Depot and was loading my merchandise into the trunk of my car. When 2 beautiful girls came up to my car and started to wash the windshield of my car. Thier breasts were almost falling out of their halters. So naturely I was looking with interest.
I thanked them and offered them a tip. But they refused. Instead they asked me if I'd give them a ride to another Home Depot. I told them I would. One got in the back seat and the other one pulled off all her clothes and was all over me. While the other one stole my wallet.
It happened to me on Sept. 18th, November 1st.and three times last week and once yesterday. And I think it may happen again tomorrow. So tell your friends to be careful.
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