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Went to the GWAR concert last night and hung out in the front the whole time. Was absolutely drenched with "blood" when the show was over and although I went home and shampooed twice, my bleached platinum blonde hair still has a pinkish tint to it.

I imagine it is only food coloring and water, so if anyone has a cure-all for getting food coloring out ouf bleached hair, that would be fine!

Thanks in advance!

2006-12-15 02:04:25 · 5 answers · asked by merideathx 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

5 answers

Try a purifying shampoo. I recommend ABBA Molasses Purifier - it's as good (if not better) than more expensive brands like PureOlogy, and an 8oz bottle is only about $10, and lasts you a long time. Make sure to condition REALLY GOOD after using that product.

2006-12-15 02:06:45 · answer #1 · answered by lilirishale 2 · 1 0

Go to the store and get the Blonde shampoo, basically that should get that out. Most salons sell the shampoo. The shampoo takes the green out of your hair and stuff so that should work.

2006-12-15 10:55:09 · answer #2 · answered by Ashley 3 · 0 0

sorry to tell you this but there is no cure all! you just have to wait and continue to wash you hair like normal or go spend the money to get it redone. my ex loved GWAR. i saw them several times and each time had to wait a few days until my hair would go back to normal.

2006-12-15 10:29:28 · answer #3 · answered by staindgyrl 1 · 0 2

This question just put a smile on my face!

2006-12-15 10:06:12 · answer #4 · answered by The Indigo Cobra 4 · 4 0

take 1 cup of Satan's Semen and add to Tide/Cheer/ whatever detergent you use, and voila, stains are gone. You're Welcome.

2006-12-15 10:06:45 · answer #5 · answered by Mike Honcho 5 · 3 1

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