It all depends on you. You can do it anywhere from 1 year to 100, all depending on how fast you learn and what style you choose.
Black belts can still get there butt kicked though. I've seen blackbelts who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Everyone in martial arts has. Joe Blow can always get a lucky punch in. Martial arts just greatly increase your chances.
Don't worry about belt color, worry about how well you can apply techniques in real situations. Some yellow belts can easily beat blackbelts in other styles and even their own style sometimes.
Make sure you have an instructor who cares about your progress on applying techniques effectively and not just about how much money he can make off you.
I remember when I was a white belt, I couldn't wait to get my black belt. When I received my red belt, I was thrilled I was almost there. When I finally got my black belt, I said "already? Am I good enough for this?" After a few years I couldn't wait until I was a master. Well, as of 5 years ago, I finally became one and the same questions crossed my mind..."already.'
Enjoy your journey to blackbelt and just concentrate on learning all your techniques to the best of your ability and constantly improving. It will come fast enough.
2006-12-15 01:30:07
answer #1
answered by Batistafan 2
This all depends. My daughter is enrolled in O-Mei Kung Fu. She has been in it for 8 months and is already a green belt. She keeps this pace up, she will be a black belt in about another year. I, on the other hand, and studying Zhao Bao Tai Chi under Sifu Wen Peng. Tai Chi has no belts. Most of what is learned in Tai Chi is theory and application, but we also learn combat through Tai Chi Push Hand.
So it will depend on the art you choose and what you are willing to put into it.
2006-12-15 04:34:26
answer #2
answered by jenalexsmith 3
From "The Karate Kid"
Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penny. Three ninety-eight. You like?
Daniel: No, I meant...
Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope to hold up pants.
[laughs; then, seriously]
Miyagi: Daniel-san, karate here.
[he taps his head]
Miyagi: Karate here.
[he taps his heart]
Miyagi: Karate never here.
[points to his belt]
Miyagi: Understand?
If all you want is a black belt, you can buy one from a martial arts supplier for $14.99. If you want to "earn" one, there are schools that will practially guarantee you one in 3 years so long as you pay them your tuition and testing fees.
I will tell you what I tell my students. Do not worry about belts and tests, learning the martial arts is a journey without a destination. Your teachers can only show you the way but you must choose your own path, overcome your own obstacles, and enjoy yourself along the way.
Good luck.
2006-12-15 00:59:08
answer #3
answered by Rob B 7
Too long if you have to ask....
It takes at least 5-10 years. 5 being a fast learner and well skilled artist 10 being the average person.
IT also depends on the style and the dojo. As well as the grading system for the style. Some dojos watch you as you train and rank you that way others make you show you rKatas...
2006-12-14 15:13:28
answer #4
answered by Judoka 5
Depends on the the school and the organization that oversees it. But the average time from white belt to 1st degree black belt is usually four to five years.
it's gonna take a lot of work to do it, but if you're willin' to stick with it then you may just get it within the four year mark but I doubt it'll be sooner than that
2006-12-14 14:47:22
answer #5
answered by quiksilver8676 5
It is not the destination that is important in this life path. Rather, focus on your journey and make each step a memorable and meaningful one. Then you will develop as an authentic martial artist. You will also have a great deal more fun. :-)
"A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step."
-paraphrased from Lao Tzu
2006-12-14 17:38:07
answer #6
answered by artfuldragons 3
Depends on what type of martial arts.
Karate- 5~10 years or even longer
Tae kwon do- 1~3 years or even longer
Judo- 3~4 years or even longer
2006-12-14 15:34:55
answer #7
answered by Mushin No Shin 3
Took me 10 years to get my black in BJJ, but that was mostly bc i started when i was 10. its all about fundementals, the little things are the most important. any idiot can learn to punch and kick, to truly master a form of martial arts you need to understand every aspect of it.
2006-12-15 04:55:46
answer #8
answered by Chris M 2
It depends on the school. You are doing ITF forms, they're not bad. I like them much better than the Tae Keuk forms the WTF uses.I'd say 3-5 years is typical to reach 1st degree black belt, depending on how often you go to class & how hard you work.
2006-12-14 16:21:30
answer #9
answered by yupchagee 7
next lesson.
2006-12-14 18:11:54
answer #10
answered by BUSHIDO 7