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First off, 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB! I'm sick and tired of this patriotic, nationalistic and fascist crap. I stood through a memorial service today for a young Marine that was killed in Iraq back in April. During this memorial a number of people spoke about the guy and about his sacrifice for the country. How do you justify 'sacrificing' your life for a war which is not only illegal, but is being prosecuted to the extent where the only thing keeping us there is one man's power, and his ego. A recent Marine Corps intelligence report that was leaked said that the war in the al-Anbar province is unwinnable. It said that there was nothing we could do to win the hearts and minds, or the military operations in that area. So I wonder, why are we still there? Democracy is not forced upon people at gunpoint. It's the result of forward thinking individuals who take the initiative and risks to give their fellow countrymen a better way of life.

When I joined I took an oath. In that oath I swore to protect the Constitution of the United States. I didn't swear to build democracies in countries on the other side of the world under the guise of "national security." I didn't join the military to be part of an Orwellian ("1984") war machine that is in an obligatory war against whoever the state deems the enemy to be so that the populace can be controlled and riled up in a pro-nationalistic frenzy to support any new and oppressive law that will be the key to destroying the enemy. Example given – the Patriot Act. So aptly named, and totally against all that the constitution stands for. President Bush used the reactionary nature of our society to bring our country together and to infuse into the national psyche a need to give up their little-used rights in the hope to make our nation a little safer. The same scare tactics he used to win elections. He drones on and on about how America and the world would be a less safe place if we weren't killing Iraqis, and that we'd have to fight the terrorists at home if we weren't abroad. In our modern day emotive society this strategy (or strategery?) works, or had worked, up until last month's elections.

My point in this; to show that America was never nationalistic. If anything they were Statalistic (giving their allegiance to the state of their residence). This is shown in the fact that the founders created states with fully capable and independent governments and not provinces that were just a division of the federal government. These men believed that America was a place where imperialistic values would be non-existent. Where the people trying to make their lives better by working hard, thinking, inventing and using the free market would tie up so much of normal life that imperialistic colonization and the fighting of wars thousands of miles away for interests that are not our own would be avoided. They believed this expansion of power could be left to the European nations, the England, France and Spain of their time. However this recent, and current influx of nationalistic feeling has created an environment where giving up your rights, going to a foreign country to fight a people who did not ask for us to be there, nor did their leader do anything to warrant us being there, and dying would be considered honorable and heroic. I don't believe it anymore. I don't believe it's right for any American to go along with it anymore. Yes I know that we in the military are bound by the UCMJ and somehow don't fall under the Constitution (the very thing we're suppose to be defending) but sooner or later there is a decision that every American soldier, marine, airmen and seamen makes to allow themselves to be sent to a war that is against every fiber this country was founded on. I know that when April rolls around I will be thinking long and hard on that decision. Even though we in the military are just doing as we're told we still have the moral and ethical obligation to choose to do as we're told, or to say, "No, that isn't right." I believe that if more troopers like me and the professional military, the officers and commanders, start standing up and saying that they won't let themselves or their troops go to this illegal war people will start standing up and realizing what the heck is going on over there.

The sad fact of the matter is that we are not fighting terrorists in Iraq. We are fighting the Iraqi people who feel like a conquered and occupied people. Personally I have a hard time believing that if I was an Iraqi that I wouldn't be doing everything in my power to kill and maim as many Americans as possible. I know that the vast majority of Americans would not be happy with the Canadian government, or any other foreign government, liberating us from the clutches of George W. Bush, even though a large number of us would like that, and forcing us to accept their system of government. Would not millions of Americans rise up and fight back? Would you not rise up to protect and defend your house and your neighborhood if someone invaded your country? But we send thousands of troops to a foreign country to do just that. How is it moral to fight a people who are just trying to defend their homes and families? I think next time I go to Iraq perhaps I should wear a bright red coat and carry a Brown Bess instead of my digitalized utilities and M16.

Notice I never once used the word homeland in any of this. I have a secondary point I want to bring up now. Never once was the term homeland ever used to describe the country of America until Mr. Bush began the department of homeland security after the 9/11 attacks. Taking a 20th century history class will teach us that the most notable countries in the last century that referred to their country in this way were Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Hitler used the term fatherland to drum up support, nationalistic support, for his growing war machine. He used the nationalism he created in the minds of the Germans to justify the sacrifice of their livelihood to build the war machine to get back their power from the oppressive restrictions the English and French had put on them at Versailles. This is the same feeling that has been virulently infecting the American psyche in the last hundred years. This is the same feeling that consoles a mother after her son is killed in an attempt to prosecute an aggressor's war 10,000 miles away. It's also known as Patriotism these days, but I say, "No more." No more nationalistic inanity, no more passing it off as patriotism. Patriotism is learning, and educating oneself to understand what their country really stands for.

I heard a lot during the memorial service about how the dead Marine did so much good for others and how his helping others was like a little microcosm of America helping because we have the power to do so. Well if we have the power to help people why aren't we helping in Darfur where hundreds of thousands of people have died in the last 10 years. Saddam was convicted and sentenced to death for killing 143 Shiites who conspired to assassinate him. (I know all you "patriotic" Americans would be calling for the heads of anyone who conspired to assassinate supreme leader Bush). And yet we spend upwards of 1 trillion dollars and nearing 3,000 lives to help these Iraqis when they don't even want us there. Not to mention we don't have the legal justification to be there. I guess we should wait around for the omnipotent W Bush to decide who we should use our superpowerdom to help next. It's about time to throw him and the rest of the fascists out. Moreover it's about time to start educating Americans about their past and history, and letting them know that imperialistic leaders are not what the founders of this great country wanted.

December 8, 2006

2006-12-14 14:23:53 · 23 answers · asked by NAVY SEAL 1 in Politics & Government Military

23 answers

That's not a question.

2006-12-14 14:25:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

"Imperialistic Leaders".... huh.

-Our first imperialistic leader: Thomas Jefferson, who acquired the Louisiana Purchase from France.
--Our second imperialistic leader: James K. Polk, who acquired the Oregon Territory, what is now the American Southwest, and Texas.
---Our third imperialistic leader: Andrew Johnson, who acquired the Alaskan Territory from Russia
----Our fourth imperialistic leader: William McKinley, who annexed the Hawaiian Territory

Our westward expansion from the east coast can easily be considered imperialistic ('manifest destiny', anyone?), not to mention the annexation of Puerto Rico, Guam, and other islands. Here's hoping you weren't born or raised in any of the states acquired after the ratification of the Constitution of the U.S., because if you are then you should be grateful for our 'Imperialistic' policy, as you might be French, Russian, or Mexican--and probably uncontent with the rights you have in those countries.

'Statalistic' isn't even a word. Our government is stated in the second line of the Pledge of Allegiance: 'And to the Republic for Which It Stands'. We are not a democracy. And if we were going to be a 'state-ocracy' (whatever), we would never have ratified the Constitution to begin with; we'd have kept the Articles of the Confederation, which gave near-autonomous power to the states (to the point that each state had its own currency) and left the federal government with no power whatsoever--but that was proven to be an ineffective government after about 13 years, hence our REPUBLIC. We are not a 'pure' democracy; like all political ideologies, 'pure' democracy is damned near impossible to implement, because it requires people to devote themselves to a body larger than themselves--and we all know how effective that is.

2006-12-14 15:12:27 · answer #2 · answered by shoujomaniac101 5 · 1 0

You obviously haven't been over there. So glad you have this soap box to stand on and have 3 people in 3 days read the first couple sentences. Here's a small clue buddy, our nation doesn't revolve around only your opinions. And the last time I looked you don't hold an office so you don't get to represent what we stand for. So sorry you don't appreciate and can't understand the freedoms for which all military members are willing to sacrifice their lives for. I guess you are too much of a coward to be able to see that, or act upon it. Hope the view is great from where you are. Loser!

2006-12-14 14:32:03 · answer #3 · answered by Amy R 4 · 5 1

First I doubt your are a marine.
Second stating the war is illegal shows your ignorance, what law are we breaking?
Third: when you say a leaked military intelligence reports that the war in al-Anbar province is unwinnable I question your honesty. We may not be able to win the hearts and minds, but there is no way in hell we couldn't win militarily. We could make it glass in 30 seconds. (This tells me you ain't no Marine)
Fourth: Please tell me which of your rights have been violated by the Patriot Act, I am sure you have not been inconvenienced.
Fifth: Right off the bat you lost credibility when you went down the Bush blew up the World Trade Center road.
You make me sick loser, and burn in hell for portraying yourself a Marine, and spouting this Anti American vomit

2006-12-14 14:35:55 · answer #4 · answered by Albert H 4 · 5 1

I am sorry you feel this way but as it was said the world does not revolve around your opinions and for another you are so full of crap. We have broken no law we have saved thousands of Shiite and Sunni peoples who where being repressed and ignored. Come just stop your balling and get a life.

2006-12-15 09:17:15 · answer #5 · answered by Jorge's Wife 4 · 0 0

Lets put down the crack pipe now and come back to reality. Since you say your in the military, you also know that you are one of the few that feel this way among military men. The only ones that cry like yourself are the ones who want to go home to mommy. The majority of the Iraqi people want us. You know it and just irritates you to know end that the majority of troops don't agree with you.

2006-12-14 14:32:56 · answer #6 · answered by jay r 2 · 4 1

Okay if this isn't your war then go somewhere else. OUR government, that were voted in by the majority, chose to go to war. And if you truly are in the military grow a pair and do your job or get out. We really don't need your kind serving.

2006-12-14 16:07:57 · answer #7 · answered by jaymactx 2 · 2 0

WOW well thats a lot of writing, but I actually agree with most of what youre saying. I know that this country has given us so many things and I am so thankful to God that I was born here, but that doesnt mean that Im ok with going over to another country and killing people. I just feel that's wrong!! I know people might be saying, "we had to go over there and defend these poor people from Sadam" but would we like it if another country invaded us and tried to relieve us from "The evil rulers of the US"? Thats because in many other country's opinions the US is a big bully. Maybe we are! I thought we were at war with terrorism, but the only message we are sending by going to war with Irak is that we consider all Irakis to be terrorists! Who was the one responsible for the 9/11 attacks? I get confused... wasn't it Usama Binladen? Then why are the Iraki people paying for what he did? And not to mention so many Americans!! Find Sudam and get the hell out of Irak!!

2006-12-14 14:46:02 · answer #8 · answered by hottone 2 · 1 5

Too long to read, But take off your dress and go fight now. I take you girls on in Paintball mono-e-mono and clean your clocks everytime. So stop being a panzie. Why don't you fight like the old timers in WWI and WWII. WWI wasn't our fight, but we still lost 100,000+ soldiers & kicked butt. and WWII we attacked Germany too and they never attacked our land and we lost over 400,000 and again we kicked butt. Man up. grab you
M-16 and attack!!!!!!!

2006-12-14 14:44:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Amen ..... this ain't my war too ...... read every words ..... well said ....... it must have taken you hour to write this ....... you must love this country more than those MORON who blindly play "FOLLOW THE LEADER" even when their leader is leading them to a latrine "FULL OF CRAP"



and AMY DEAR ..... do you represent the population?....... IF SO WHICH POPULATION ? the last poll i read the Iraqi ...... the World ....... the American polls ....... we are all sick of this WAR the percentages are going up with every poll being conducted ........ SO WAKE UP TO REALITY! this war was started by a stupid man ......... if you support him fine, go join the marine but don't call the rest of us coward for NOT BELIEVING IN A STUPID MAN LIE

2006-12-14 14:58:47 · answer #10 · answered by AlfRed E nEuMaN 4 preSIDent 4 · 1 4

Where's the Farking question? This is "Yahoo! Answers" not Yahoo! Soapbox.

2006-12-14 14:33:01 · answer #11 · answered by Martin Chemnitz 5 · 5 1

fedest.com, questions and answers