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there's this guy that i rele like, and we dont talk much. but we go to eachother's b-ball games and we always end up making eye contact and in lit class i sometimes catch him looking at me. does this mean anything? and he's nvr had a g/f before...but the wierd thing is..is that evry time i get anywhere near him i get this wierd feeling..like i could just float up into the air. and he would be my 9th b/f and i've nvr had this feeling for anyother guy before...i need major advice. should i ask him out? or would that seem desperate?

2006-12-14 12:45:59 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

26 answers

The guy may be shy, which is totally fine, start a conversation with him, make him feel comfortable, find out his likes & dislikes. Take it from there, he'll most likely ask you out . . . it sounds like he definitely likes you!

2006-12-14 12:48:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you don't actually talk to him that much.. maybe you should.. try that first.
If he's never had a girlfriend before then the whole 'asking him out' idea might seem foreign and scary to him. Maybe you should try the whole take of spending more and more time with him until you become 'good friends' and then slowly move into a more deeply involved relationship by 'hanging out' with just the two of you.

That way, there is no awkward "will you go out with me?" and putting him on the spot like that.

2006-12-14 12:48:27 · answer #2 · answered by Knight D 1 · 0 0

I had the same problem. Here's what i did.
He was the same making eye contact, flirtation, you know. And, one day we were at some party and i sat next to him. i was soooo scared, nervous, and anxious. we started to talk and laugh and flirt and i kinda' just let it flow and told him how i felt. But, here's the thing if you're really good friends you don't wanna spoil that and have it turn into a sour relationship, then maybe you should just roll with the moments you have and if it turns into something then it's all gravy. But, do what you want that was just an opinion. hope everything works out Grl.

2006-12-14 12:54:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It just like a um........I don't know... A Saddie Hakins Dance (sorry bad speller) a girl asks a boy out. Thats how I met my boyfriend. By asking HIM out. So don't worry be confindent and if he says no just be proud you stood your fears and asked.

2006-12-14 13:04:52 · answer #4 · answered by farmgoddess19 1 · 0 0

i think that would make you seem desparate and too forward. just make good eye contact and smile at him.....he'll come around if he actually likes you.....

u can initiate a conversation with him and be friendly.....but don't ask him out....let him be the man in the relationship

2006-12-14 12:51:10 · answer #5 · answered by Pinkie_&_the_Brain 3 · 0 0

ask him out there is a connection between u 2

2006-12-14 12:54:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ummm....this is tough, love is really hard to predict, and even harder to generate. in my opinion, i wouldn't ask him out just yet, its too....sudden, try hanging out with him first, invite him to a movie or study date or party even, but the point is to try and get to know each other better, love at first sight is cool and all, but its always better to have a foundation, it also reduces the risk of relationship problems...

good luck...

2006-12-14 12:50:47 · answer #7 · answered by latinkid7 2 · 0 0

try to get closer to him after his bball game go up to him and tell him he played great... maybe trying to make the first move since he has mever hade a gf... maybe go out for a drink or pizza or something

2006-12-14 12:50:50 · answer #8 · answered by dr neal 2 · 0 0

ask him out, and take the innitiative and be the aggressor...
never having a girlfriend before hes goin to be really shy about making any advances towards you.
I know if you make the move, hed accept and love you for it

2006-12-14 12:48:43 · answer #9 · answered by San DIego Chargers 21 3 · 0 1

well i would try and actually have a real conversation with him and if he seems cool hang out for awhile just take yur time if its right he might just ask you out

2006-12-14 12:49:59 · answer #10 · answered by brittany bear! 3 · 0 0

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