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Question Details: Male 19 good health Migraines since the age of 8 Migraines started out like seasonal allergy for the first 3 years. Started in mid Aug ended with hard frost (Michigan) 4th year showed up early and never went away He has been tested for all the normal allergies including food type We have moved into a different house and have been on vacations in different climates. No drugs give any relife.The migraine is always there the severity may chage but thats all. His father and paternial Grandmother both have Migraines He has been to MHNI in Annharbour Mi no help. He has had some help from Spinal Taps but the last one went bad and we are very hesitaint to try it again. He is senseitve to sound and light but no AURA or throwing up. We have gone the whole route specialist , naturalist, choipractic, thearpaist who do cranium adjustments, eyes have been checked TMJ. IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS I WOULD BE GRATEFUL TO HEAR THEM PS please disreguard spelling errors it has been a very hard 10 days

2006-12-14 09:10:02 · 4 answers · asked by danzka2001 5 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

4 answers

I understand his pain, I'm 26y female and have had migraines for 10 years. My first one lasted absolutely NONSTOP for 3 months. In and out of the ER, trying numerous meds. Neuro's can't find a cause. They just blame it on hereditary. Without medication I'll have 3 to 4 migraines a week.The only relief I've found, is Topamax as a preventative, 150mlg a day. Now I have maybe 2 migraines a month. Good luck. Here is a great resource site for migrainers http://www.migraines.org/


2006-12-15 06:57:07 · answer #1 · answered by oceanbride1000 2 · 0 0

I feel your pain, literally. I am a 35 y.o female who gets migraines once a month for the past 10 years. I have been told it's because my estrogen level drops too low. But noone has ever been able to tell me what to do so my estrogen levels don't drop. My nephew also gets them and he is 9. He gets them more often than I do. He's had them since he was about 6. It seems he gets his when he is playing extra hard, like sports. The dr.s haven't been able to tell us what that cause is either. Good luck!

2006-12-14 19:03:02 · answer #2 · answered by M G 2 · 0 0

Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck. Headaches can be
caused by minor problems like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more
serious reasons like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can have harmful side
effects, so it is better to modify your lifestyle. More information
available at http://tinyurl.com/q8696

2006-12-15 10:26:39 · answer #3 · answered by parijat 3 · 0 0


2006-12-15 16:56:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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