Regrettably, I don't think that those people have the ability to think as clearly as you do. Their arguments are all just emotional garbage. Labeling people liberals, calling them unpatriotic if they don't support the war, evoking 9/11(which Iraq was not connected to).
Those people tend to think in black and white terms. That is, if you're against the Iraq war, then you're against doing anything to defend the country or to destroy the terrorists. I don't hear these "unpatriotic liberals" criticizing the Afghan war. Obviously they're not against the war on terror, or they'd be against that too. That's what really boggles my mind. They think it's a choice to either do nothing and let the terrorists destroy us, or to blindly support an ill-conceived war. What about fighting the war on terror by invading countries only if we actually have a reason to?
2006-12-14 15:49:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was there. I fought. I killed and I lost a few friends. I can't give you any answer that would appease you. I know history too well to say that this has been a mistake. You (a generalization) all want to blame Bush, but in fact, you should look to Clinton and the U.N. when you want to point an accusing finger. Neither were REALLY willing to uphold the U.N. sanctioned Cease Fire agreement.
So, I have to ask, what part of this war do you find so incredibly distasteful? The loss of U.S. military lives? Let me point out that when Patton drove the 3d Army across France in 1944, he lost on average 1,300 men per month. Between 08 Nov and 07 Dec 1944, he averaged a loss of 812 men per day. Still, the news media did not post seditious and treasonous reports designed to sway the country from its course and aid the enemy as they do today.
Were you aware that the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq and the "President" of Iran both commended the American people for having voted in the democrats after this last election? Knowing that both of these men are terrorists and support terrorism, do you suppose that you may just be on the wrong side of the fence? Will you admit that when a known terrorist is in agreement with you and your cause, that maybe, just maybe you're not working in the Big Picture that the rest of us are seeing? Try and make "Our" facts fit your paradigm.
2006-12-14 16:15:52
answer #2
answered by Doc 7
Personally I believe we should have stayed the first time til Saddam was found. I think there could have been other stragities of going about invading Iraq than what President Bush did, but I agree with why we are there. He told all of Congress that this would be a long and drawn out war. A war that would be different than others due to terrorist giving up their own lives to kill American soldiers. Congress gave the green light, so not only did President Bush make the decision to go to Iraq, Congress did also.
# Vote description: Declaring That the United States Will Prevail in the Global War on Terror, the Struggle to Protect Freedom From the Terrorist Adversary
# Vote type: Yea-and-Nay (Help)
A standard vote that requires a simple majority for approval or passage of the legislation.
# Result: Passed, 256-153, with 5 voting Present and 19 not voting.
# Date/time: June 16, 2006, 11:17 a.m.
# Republican majority opinion: Yes (Help)
The position of more than 50 percent of voting Republicans. "None" means an equal split between "Yes" and "No."
# Democrat majority opinion: No (Help)
2006-12-14 15:30:16
answer #3
answered by jay r 2
I am not sure if they will ever admit it. Some will and some won't. I do not believe that we should of ever been there in the first place. I support our troops, I support democracy & freedom but not this war. Especially, when we live in a country that has many issues that are not even being addressed properly; such as the homeless, poverty, health care, etc. How can we go in and try to fix a country and tell them how to live when we can't even get ours together???
Just my opinion.
Firestorm- I do hear what you are saying and do agree with many things that you have said but why Iraq? Why not every other country that has the same thing going on? Sadam was not and is not the only sadistic leader out there performing these atrocities. It seems like there was an agenda for this admin to go into Iraq and I really do believe in my heart that it was not because they want to help them achieve democracy and freedom.
2006-12-14 15:39:37
answer #4
answered by joybalbert 3
It's quite simple actually... I've heard all the detractors have had to say, and yet I still believe we did the right thing... Perhaps the timing was not right? I'll admit that, but I do believe it was the right decision.
Killing Saddam's murderous sons was the right decision. Capturing the dictator who is now sentenced to death by hanging was the right thing to do.
Closing his rape rooms and his torture chambers was the right thing to do.
Stopping the mass genocide in that country, the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children was the right thing to do.
Giving women an opportunity to educate themselves where one never existed before was the righ thing to do.
Allowing people to choose those in power over them through THREE SUCCESSFUL elections was the right thing to do.
You know... This whole thing makes me wonder (and please do not take this as hostility. This is a sincere question)...
What would you liberals have thought if WWII had happened in our era of media bombardment? Was the slaughter of six-million jews plus countless others worth the lives of tens of thousands (no... Hundreds of thousands) of our young men and women? I spoke with one WWII vet a few days ago.
Are you aware that on D-Day, the invasion of Normandy in France, we lost over 16,000 young fighters to the Nazi war machine? Yet our country was united behind them, and supported their cause.
Do you really believe, had we been as divided as we are now, that we could have won there? Please... Think about it, and think hard...
2006-12-14 15:35:11
answer #5
answered by Firestorm 6
What would it take for anti-war people to think it was a good idea? Re-enlistment is up - that means the very people who are risking their lives over there are signing up again, knowing damned well what they're in for. Are they all stupid to you? If the people who have actually BEEN there think we're doing something good, who are you to question that?
Edit: Doc, you da man! Great post. Thank you very much for serving and I'm glad you made it home.
2006-12-14 16:02:39
answer #6
answered by Jadis 6
The Iraqi people would need to vote in a way that says they don't want freedom and choice. Also the Soldiers on the ground would need to start telling us this can't be won.
I don't plan on taking the advice of the leftist propaganda wheel.
I support our troops completely.
2006-12-14 15:23:27
answer #7
answered by dakota29575 4
Just face the truth.
Bush has stated over and over that we won't
leave Iraq while he is President.
The sad truth of it all is that our part of the war
will not end until Bush is out of Office.
Everyone from Senators and Congressmen to
the world Community of Nations know that the war
won't end until he is gone. It's way past time for
him to be IMPEACHED.
No one seems to know what they are doing.
Tony Blair is on his way out because he went along.
blindly, with Bush. Bush should go,too.
Everyone in Gov't. and the Military has their own GUESS
as to what to do:
"More Troops"
"Less Troops"
"Stay the Course"
"Change the course"
"Talk with Iran and Syria"
"Don't talk with Iran and Syria"
"Let the Iraqi Army do the job"
"The Iraqi Army can't do the job"
On and on the Gov't. flings words all over
the place, trying to get someone, anyone,
to agree with them.
Bush has no Policy and leaves things up to
the Military, and the Military has no idea what to do.
They are waiting for Bush to come up with some kind of
an answer. In the meantime real people are getting killed
and They don't know why. The U.S. isn't at war with anybody. Shiite's and Sunni's are the "WAR". They
will fight, among themselves, forever for their piece of ground.
If we were to pick a side now between Shiite, and Sunni,
then we will be fighting one faction over another. Who is the enemy? Iraq has it's Constitution now, so why are we still fighting for their Democracy? They already have it.
2006-12-14 16:03:24
answer #8
answered by Answers 5
I will admit that it was a wrong choice to invade Iraq if I see something not broadcast by the liberal media that shows that we have accomplished nothing.
2006-12-14 15:39:14
answer #9
answered by Defcon6 2
I think it is happening already. The majority of the people support the troops that are in Iraq, but do not support the war.
2006-12-14 15:21:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous