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14 answers

Maybe he will give you a "raise" !!!

2006-12-14 02:41:03 · answer #1 · answered by Freak Nasty I 1 · 0 2

If your boyfriend is a jerk, then get rid of him.

You like your boss. Sure, go out with him. You will get promoted and the rest of the office will talk about you behind your back. Unless of course you are really good at the work you do, then they will have no reason to complain, and you can complain about them gossiping.

Its usually a good idea not to date your supervisor or your boss, or anyone in your office. What if you have a fight or break up. It will get nasty then. But if it works out, then good for you.

2006-12-14 03:05:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anna K 3 · 1 0

Question: If you're boyfriend is such a jerk, why are you even with him?

Regardless of you and your boss dating you should be telling the bf to ship up or move out. As for actually dating the boss, that is something I wouldn't do. Regardless as boss or employee, the chances for bad things happening are to high.

The chances for being hit with a lawsuit (if not you than someone in the office who is claiming you're getting prefferential treatment) is too high. What happens if you date for a little bit but break it off? what if he breaks it off with you? What if you break it off with him?

There are always issues when you have fraternization in the office. The laws of "unintended consequences" come into full swing.

2006-12-14 02:46:47 · answer #3 · answered by Geo-Guy 3 · 2 0

Find a new boyfriend but not the boss. If the relationship turned bad, things could be uncomfortable at work.

2006-12-14 02:54:08 · answer #4 · answered by jastorsjeep 2 · 1 0

Never date the people you work with. It's just not workplace friendly. Do you know how your boss feels before going for it. Dump your boyfriend first, because you know that just makes you a cheater. Once a cheater always a cheater.

2006-12-14 02:42:58 · answer #5 · answered by mannysmom 2 · 2 0

Do you give the boss a "raise"? Go for it!

As for a jerk of a boyfriend LOOSE HIM even if you don't hit it off with the boss!

2006-12-14 02:41:55 · answer #6 · answered by me4tennessee 6 · 0 2

Even though you like your boss, stay away from office dating.........it never works. Too many intricate dangerous details involved. Find someone outside the office. Definitely leave your boyfriend, no lady deserves to be treated liked that.

2006-12-14 02:45:31 · answer #7 · answered by cold runner 5 · 2 0

Dating your boss is sexual harassment both of you could lose your job. Dating a coworker is cool

2006-12-14 02:42:59 · answer #8 · answered by shadouse 6 · 2 0

Date the Boss he is sure to give you a RAISE

2006-12-14 02:40:54 · answer #9 · answered by Mike 6 · 0 2

well u should take ur boss out on a date like to a nice dinner maybe even homemade to tell him that u really like him! and dump the dumbass jerk!!!

2006-12-14 02:42:21 · answer #10 · answered by *Living a {{ღяøM@N!Cღ}} Tragity* 5 · 0 2

first, dump the jerk
then play the field a little
flirt a little
with your boss too
see what comes of that

2006-12-14 02:54:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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