There isn't really any requirement for hair length. The best look should be one that flatters her face shape. If you don't know what that is, these are a couple of good links to help you figure it out.
But past the age of 25-30, I think that women look better with hair that's no longer than the bottom of her shoulder blades. Waist length hair looks better on young women and girls. While this is just my opinion, too long hair is also harder to take care of and style. Plus, the ends can very easily be damaged (split ends, breakage, dried, etc...) so it tends to look sloppy. Shoulder length hair is very easy to care for, can be worn in many different styles, looks more mature, and the right cut can maximize a woman's good features.
As for boots, a square toe is never truly "in." Square toes, while comfortable, are very unflattering on a woman's feet. They make her legs look shorter and heavier. They make a woman's foot look boxy. For a more mature look, an elongated toe is always better. It doesn't have to be a pointed toe to look nice, just as long as it's not a short length that cuts the line.
2006-12-14 00:54:01
answer #1
answered by welches_grape_jelly 6
I love seeing ladies with long hair, I've got long hair and it took so long to grow so I think it's cool when older people ( sorry, I am only 19) have beautiful long hair! Grow it, long hair is always in!
2006-12-14 00:47:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Who cares what's in?
What are you more comfortable with? If you want a change, cut your hair, or just have it cut in a new style. Maybe change the color. If you do cut it, it will grow.
Personally, I hate the pointed toes.....
2006-12-14 00:26:58
answer #3
answered by sncmom2000 5
I think a more medium length of hair looks the best on that age range. Around shoulder length to just under the ears in kind of a bob. As for color, I'd go with something darker, brunette. It all depends on your personality and profession, though. I think shorter hair makes a woman look more professional and it's easier to manage. Not too short though.
2016-05-24 01:21:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
it depends on their job ,main field of expertise, and personalty for example a woman doctor is better viewed if she has short hair.
2006-12-14 00:24:29
answer #5
answered by Stroescu T 2
i say keep it short my moms 44 but people mistaken her 4 33 cause she has short hair
2006-12-14 01:43:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
long her anyday. a woman's glory is in her hair
2006-12-14 00:26:15
answer #7
answered by onukpa 3
it should be shorter
2006-12-14 00:45:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
so what is ur question ?
2006-12-14 00:22:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous