its not recommended because perming lightens the hair a bit... also the chemicals arent good to put together.
2006-12-13 21:07:12
answer #1
answered by Claire 2
Perming your hair together with colouring has been known to make peoples hair fall out! Something to do with the harsh chemicals.
Anyway, why would you want to perm. In this day and age it is so "out". Rather get yourself a "Crimping Iron" (like a hot-brush). That way, you can colour your hair, crimp it for today, but have it straight tomorrow!! Win Win! Or put curlers in your hair. If you twist your wet hair BEFORE you roll them in the rollers, and dry really well, you will have the "permed" look, without the chemical damage. I also take my hair and twist it in a bun while wet, then I tie it up and sleep with my hair wet. By the next morning, I just blow dry it a little and then take out the bun. Wallah! Perm curls.
2006-12-13 21:23:33
answer #2
answered by dragonfly 4
no, your hair dresser will advise you that a perm should be left to settle around 3 weeks after its done. maybe if you colour your hair first, then make an appointment for your perm some weeks after. good luck.
2006-12-13 21:07:36
answer #3
answered by Dee 5
No. Both chemicals added on the same day will cause your hair to become over process. You will have to wait until 7 to 14 days to do the one or the other.
2006-12-14 02:08:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
nope mos def not it will cause total damage to your hair all at one although it it possible, but any hair dresser will reccomend u do other wise to allow chemicals to settle from each treatment plus the chemicals from the perm tend to alter the colour of hair and will not leave desireable results...
2006-12-13 21:10:31
answer #5
answered by roxyangel0007 1
No you must wait 1 to 2 weeks to be safe, give your hair time to heal.
2006-12-13 21:12:01
answer #6
answered by ☼ஐ♥S♥ஐ☼ 2
honey ,, your hair is just FINE!!!!!!!! safe ur money and ur time
2006-12-13 21:10:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
not recommended
2006-12-13 21:06:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous