I give them your phone number.
2006-12-13 12:26:08
answer #1
answered by marklemoore 6
He may be fat and ugly, but that doesn't mean that he can't be a great guy. Even though you think he's, for lack of a better word, revolting, I think that you should try and get to know him before you judge him so harshly. I personally know some of the coolest fat people on the face of the Earth. It is also a big compliment that somebody likes you - that says a lot for somebody to like who you are. I'm not saying you should go out with him. Just get to know him a little bit better before you drop the hammer on somebody who could be really nice.
2006-12-13 20:32:11
answer #2
answered by MG 2
Well you might consider getting to know them. Fat and ugly could be prince charming.
Oh, ok, I guess you wouldn't or you wouldn't be asking the question ... in this case, you do the same thing you would do with anyone else you aren't interested in.
2006-12-13 20:28:19
answer #3
answered by laurie888 3
well, it all depends on what reputation you want. if you care about others' feelings, you'll let the other person down gently and just say you're busy on whatever night they're asking you out for. if it's to a social event like a dance, just say you've already made plans, but thanks anyway. if you really don't care, either way, about anyone else's feelings but your own, then own that, be who you are, and just say, "no thank you," and walk away. if they persist, you have every right to get angry with them since they've gotten a clear picture as to where you stand on socializing with them, and tell them to back off. hope this helped you!! blessed be!
2006-12-13 20:28:04
answer #4
answered by vrandolph62 4
Go out with him. If u find him good, then take ur relationship further. Remember: Looks isnt everything. One day, u who call others fat and ugly may turn one urself too...
2006-12-13 20:26:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if he's a sweet guy w/a good personality be real nice but just b friends but if hes a nasty pervert then have fun w/it and tease him play hard 2get just to turn him down ne way! act like ur interested then be like NOT lol thats mean
2006-12-13 20:33:43
answer #6
answered by bluegrass gal 1
Just tell him that you think it would ruin your friendship if you went out so you think it would be better to just stay friends cause that is how you see him and nothing more. Don't be cruel and mean to him...it will tear him up...try to be as nice as you can and let him down easy.
2006-12-13 20:28:22
answer #7
answered by ceecee_41004 3
You go as you might actually enjoy the date. If you are looking for someone simply for a show piece then you will never find happiness.
2006-12-13 20:27:16
answer #8
answered by Lock 4
LoL, give yourself twenty years plus a couple of rugrats later and the shoe might be on the other foot.
2006-12-13 20:26:08
answer #9
answered by ralegas 2
You let them down nicely because I feel bad for people who are fat/ugly. =(
2006-12-13 20:27:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Learn to quit being a stuck up lil brat And be nice.
2006-12-13 20:27:44
answer #11
answered by kelly_420_brian 3