Call the main company (Allstate, Geico, whatever....) instead of the local agent and ask for the complete process, including address and contact name.
2006-12-14 03:15:51
answer #1
answered by zippythejessi 7
What KIND of claim? Life? Auto? And on what basis did the adjuster reject it? You should be able to check the policy sections cited by the adjuster to verify the rejection basis.
What you REALLY need to do is call your agent, sit down with them, and have them call the adjuster, and review the whole claim.
Is it *possible* that the claim flat out isn't covered?? You'll be able to tell from reading your policy.
2006-12-13 07:23:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous 7
If your claim is within your state's small claim court limits, you can file there. Judges usually side with the insured in these cases.
You can try your state's insurance department to see if they can help. Another agency that might provide help is your state's attorney general.
You can contact the legal depatment of the insurance company and talk to them about it. The more businesslike you are the more likely you are to succeed.
Finally, hire a lawyer if all else fails.
2006-12-13 08:25:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Had you clearly mentioned the exact type of your claim, it would have been easier to answer, but anyways, you can get some info in the following link where Insurance Claims and Payments Issues are discussed. Hope that helps!
2006-12-13 22:21:04
answer #4
answered by augfan77 1
Tell us about the claim and maybe one of us can give you more insight on why it was denied. Possible that there just is no coverage for the type of claim that you had.
2006-12-13 09:07:00
answer #5
answered by blb 5
Call the head office of whatever insurance company you're dealing with and go beyond your agent.
2006-12-13 06:33:49
answer #6
answered by parsonsel 6
Please be more specific, what type of claim, your coverages and was your policy in force when the loss occurred ???
2006-12-13 13:49:03
answer #7
answered by Tunka 2