I went and saw a doctor here in town today and he looked at my ear told me I have fluid on it (ear infection) and said that he wasn't going to prescribe me anything that if it got worse to come back in. Does this sound right or should I see a different doctor?
11 answers
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➔ Other - Diseases
I was told that I have an ear infection and he also stated that I have excessive fluid behind my ear. I am also a 2nd year MLT. So I kinda know about these things, but I dont' know everything.
10:49:39 ·
update #1
My son had a lot of ear infections as a child. One time we waited too long ( because he hid the illness) and when we got to the Emergency Room, we learned that his ear drum had ruptured.
I wonder if the Doc does this for more money. Repeated office visits mean more money. I have also read that after time a person can build up immunity to antibiotics. So maybe the Medical Profession is using the meds sparingly these days. Either way, it's something to think about.
Sorry about the ear ache. I know it hurts. Take some non-aspirin and see how it goes. Or get another Doc.
2006-12-13 04:37:32
answer #1
answered by honiebyrd 4
it is right, doctors have been perscribing way too many antibiotics lately that alot of people have become resistant, and it is a better idea to let your body fight the infection off on it's own rather than giving you pills that probably won't work for you the next time. Take a multivitamin and dilute 30% peroxide and water (a teaspoon in an eyedropper) and put that in your ear for twenty seconds twice a day, and it should clear up. If your symptoms persist and gradually get worse, like nausea and or vomiting with a high temperature, then I would go back and get the antibiotics anyways. Good Luck
2006-12-13 04:02:44
answer #2
answered by ^V-Nephthys-V^ 2
Most ear infections will resolve without the use of antibiotics. Your doctor is right on the mark. Take some asprin for the pain. If it gets worse, he's already told you to come back in. That's the point that matters. If it gets better in a couple of days, then there was no need for antibiotics to begin with.
2006-12-13 03:50:21
answer #3
answered by sovereign_carrie 5
Fluid behind the eardrum does not mean you have an infection. When the doc looks into your ear and sees only fluid, it is colorless. If you had an infection in there, it would be cloudy and yellow.
Take a decongestant; it will clear it up before it gets infected.
2006-12-14 07:49:27
answer #4
answered by holey moley 6
Fluid in your ear does not mean you have an ear infection. It may progress to an ear infection hence he asked you to return if it got worse.
This sound right to me. Fluid can clear up after a while and an infection needs antibiotics. He is wise to wait and see.
2006-12-13 04:22:50
answer #5
answered by Nanda R 1
had to pass to EM because i became having stabbing pains on the right aspect of my head and temple and that i had a sore ear.. the wellbeing care specialist stated i had a ear an infection. been on anibiotes for the reason that saturday nonetheless having stabbing pains in my head and temple that comes and is going each few seconds. coudl this be led to by using a ear an infection the stabbing pains
2016-10-18 05:45:19
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Most of the doctors I know are not very good, but I live in Florida were all the bad, money grubbing Doctors congregate. A good rule of thumb is that if you have to think about or ask if you should see another Doctor, do it. When you have a good Doctor that question never comes up.
2006-12-13 04:54:28
answer #7
answered by nikole s 2
See a different doctor. I had one ENT that always did the minimum which required me to keep going back and making more co-pays. I want to be fixed when I go to a doctor not just monitored.
2006-12-13 04:16:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Get a second opinion. Ear infections when left unchecked/untreated can lead to serious problems later on.
2006-12-13 03:52:28
answer #9
answered by Holly 2
Did you ever tested out Tinnitus Miracle program? Check out this site : http://www.TinnitusGoGo.com/ . It could obviously explain everybody!
2014-08-16 05:08:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous