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Wind Storm Wind Gusts 35 MPH Wind Too Strong For a DH8(30passenger plane)?
What are the wind limits for flying in a wind storm? Who says if a plane should or should not take off? Can the pilots avoid some of the turbulance and wind? What MPH in a wind storm is too dangerous for flying on a small plane?

Once I was on a Horizon Airplane in a wind storm of 50mph gusts and the plane dropped so many times. it also almost turned upside down.

I am flying tomorrow, in a snow and wind storm, and am worried the wind will do this again.

2006-12-12 20:48:34 · 5 answers · asked by mswonderrfull 1 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

5 answers

Strong winds are uncomfortable to fly in (even for the pilots) but aren't really unsafe until you get over 50 knots ( 60mph) for an airliner, even the Dash 8. Most of it depends on where the wind is for take-off and landing. 50 kts is a lot of wind, but if it is straight down the runway, it actually helps the airplane fly.

The airline dispatchers and the flight crews determine what is safe and no pilot I know has a true death wish. I fly small airplanes and I am working on a pilot career. If I don't think it's safe, I'm not going.

Believe it or not, airlines hate to cancel flights. It inconveniences you the passenger, the airline employees ( we have family and obligations waiting for us too) and causes other flights to be delayed or cancel. It may be windy, bumpy and uncomfortable, but they'll try to get you to your location.

2006-12-13 01:43:09 · answer #1 · answered by Andrew 3 · 0 1

The pilot in command is boss, no matter what any body else says. He/she has absolute responsibility for the safety of the flight. No matter what is being flown, 35 mph winds may not be safe, especially if they are not straight down the runway. I have flown a Cessna 152 in winds greater than 35, but did not land in crosswind over the limit but once (25 gusting to 45) and that was enough.

2006-12-13 23:15:21 · answer #2 · answered by eferrell01 7 · 0 1

Don't worry. It's the desicion of the flight crew more specifically the Captian's if it is safe to conduct the flight. Trust your pilots. They are highly skilled in what they do and they don not have a death wish.

2006-12-13 06:49:52 · answer #3 · answered by Charles 5 · 1 1

thge faa has a limit of 35 mph for unsafe flight

2006-12-13 06:00:00 · answer #4 · answered by scooprandell 7 · 0 2

No problem, just make sure your on the right runway

2006-12-13 06:37:44 · answer #5 · answered by Golly Geewiz 4 · 2 0

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