Try the website It will help you understand what's going on and show you how to get over it quickly and safely-- without drugs.
2006-12-12 17:20:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Anxiety is sneaky because normally there is a problem hidden deep down that triggers the anxiety. When you start to anxious try and think of what triggered it. Try and compare it and find a link between them that made you start feeling that way.
I would also suggest talking to your doctor about it. You could also see a therapist or go to the library and check out a book on anxiety. Some books have things you can do to help calm your anxiety.
2006-12-13 00:06:33
answer #2
answered by Gypsy Cat 4
the most important thing to do when you are having a panic attack is to remember to breath. in through the nose, hold for a count of 4 and then slowly out through the mouth.
carry something with you that can help you ground yourself. some people have a special stone or even a worry stone that they can rub when nervous or starting to panic. the tactile feels start to ground you.
journal about the anxiety to find out what it is about. journalling can be done thorugh writing or drawing to see what comes out. just let it free flow. if you can't deal with it get some professional help.
are you eating properly? hypoglycemia can bring on panic attacks and your mid afternoon one could be low sugar. stay away from sweets. try a juice.
make sure you keep your water intake up. if possible bring some water with you and drink it slowly when you start to panic.
think of a place where you feel really safe. when you start to panic imagine that you are in that safe place.
2006-12-13 00:06:09
answer #3
answered by Justme 4
A panic attack is a period of intense, often temporarily disabling sense of extreme fear or psychological distress, typically of abrupt onset. Though it is often a purely terrifying feeling to the sufferer, panic attacks are actually an evolutionary body response often known as the fight-or-flight response. Symptoms may include trembling, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain (or chest tightness), sweating, nausea, dizziness (or slight vertigo), hyperventilation, paresthesias (tingling sensations), vomiting, and sensations of choking or smothering. During a panic attack, the body typically releases large amounts of adrenaline into the bloodstream. Many first time sufferers of a panic attack believe they are dying or going insane. It is a feeling that cannot be described until one has had an attack. Many often say panic attacks are one of the most frightening experiences in their lives. Repeated and apparently unprovoked panic attacks may be a sign of panic disorder, but panic attacks are associated with other anxiety disorders as well. For example, people who suffer from phobias may experience panic attacks upon exposure to certain triggers. People with panic disorder often can be treated with therapy and/or anti-anxiety/depression medication.
Recreational drugs have also been known to provoke panic attacks in certain people.
Consult a clinical psychiatrist and take an SSRI. Start psychotherapy after 3 months of medication. You can taper off the meds later with the help of your doctor.
2006-12-13 02:13:28
answer #4
answered by Ajeesh Kumar 4
First of all you need to be aware that anxiety is a very common condition. An anxiety attack can be horrible, it can actually feel like a heart attack. Anxiety attacks are not something that should be left untreated. This is something that you need to talk to your doctor and a psychologist about. There could be many reasons why you are having these attacks and they are good sources for help. I hope you feel better soon!!
2006-12-13 00:25:48
answer #5
answered by Dr. Em to be 2
anxiety? meaning, nervousness and stuff like that? that isn't that big of a problem actually. there's always a cause to anxiety. maybe you just dont realise that you're thinking about something that's constantly making you anxious. something which is conquering your sub-concience mind, perhaps?
all you have to do to avoid this, is to constantly keep yourself busy, since you get anxiety attacks in the afternoons. for your late night problems, you usually get a very little sleep, dont you? to over-come this, you should have light meals at night to ensure a good night sleep. or you could drink milky drinks before you hit the bed. this will ensure long sleeping hours and less anxiety attacks.
2006-12-13 00:18:36
answer #6
answered by drool 2
First of all you should do an inventory of your life and see if there any stress factors such as job, relationship, finances, etc. Afternoon's and evening's sounds like it could be when you are slowing down and getting ready to go home or at home? I don't know your circumstances. By writing down everything that's going on with you including diet you may be able to pinpoint what's going on with you and see a pattern in time's and instance's. A food diary can be helpful as well. Caffeine intake, food intake, medications. etc. A sea salt bath always does the trick for me. I don't know if you have a bathtub but if you don't then even sitting down under the shower (make sure it's clean so your bum doesn't' get dirty) with all that steam can be helpful with your nerves. Sea salt is definitely a miracle worker though. It's sold at places like Long's, Rite-Aid, Walgreen's. Good luck. '-)
2006-12-13 00:26:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You may need a major change in your life. I had anxiety attacks when I was living in the manchester area, and never really knew why. Then I moved away to sunnier shores, and they've never come back. I don't know what the reason for the attacks was, but emigrating really helped. No medication. Good, eh?
2006-12-13 00:20:20
answer #8
answered by Tahini Classic 7
I myself have panic and anxiety disorder. In order to prevent the attacks you have to practice breathing techniques and learn to relax. I also see a counselor and a Psych doctor that prescribes meds for me cause sometimes they can get so severe where it is hard for me to pull myself out of them. But the main thing is the breathing and relaxing so you can unwind from your day before you retire for the night. I hope you found this info to be helpful for you.
2006-12-13 00:09:33
answer #9
answered by luscious0071 4
Well, since you didn't give much info as to what brings on the anxiety or when this started or what steps you have taken already my only answer would be to go see a doctor and start trying to narrow down what brings this on and see if there is a non medicinal way to fix it before you start trying to find a medicine that works for you.
2006-12-13 00:07:08
answer #10
answered by freakyallweeky 5
Well i wreckon you got to start doing things that make you happy( write a list ) Don't live to work Work to live...Relaxation tapes...smoke pot....There is no day like have to start somewhere the sooner you start making steps to live a less stressful life the sooner you will see the light and it will all become so much easier.. My father has to take anti depressents for his anxiety he has tried everything else possible. Maybe you could see the doctor ? Relaxation tapes are a great way to relax...
Don't take on other peoples problems...
Good luck
2006-12-13 00:12:20
answer #11
answered by Anonymous