Yes...the same as not long as you don't look out the window
2006-12-12 09:10:18
answer #1
answered by Patrick 2
How it feels to fly in a plane or fly a plane. I don't know about flying a plane but flying in a plane is great. You need to get a window seat. Looking at the ground get larger and smaller is sweet. I would say it is just like riding in a car without all the bumps.
2006-12-12 17:11:42
answer #2
answered by Adam L 2
To fly in a plane. Great! To fly a plane? AMAZING. Nothing like a Zero G pushover. You enter the airplane in a climb with full power, Pull the power out and shove the nose over and wham! Your weightless! WOO HOO!
Its a totally different perspective on the world and its something I love. The feeling of flight...Amazing in one word.
2006-12-12 19:30:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Riding in an airliner is like riding a bus, not too exciting. Flying a single engine airplane is a blast and can be a great challenge at times. Each airplane seems to be a little different, I have ridden in or flown in single and twin engine Cessna's or Pipers, Citations, Learjets to an open cockpit Boeing Stearman, WWII trainers like the AT-6 Texan and they are all exciting every time.
2006-12-12 18:32:51
answer #4
answered by MIPilot 2
An awareness you can only get from the experience. Go to a small airport with a flight school an dish out $100 bucks for an introductory flight. You'll either throw up or be hooked.
2006-12-13 10:44:17
answer #5
answered by Speed Of Thought 5
During take off and descent you can sometimes feel your stomach drop and on take off you get pressed back into your seat. Other then that you dont feel much, little bumpy. Turnes are the best looking out the cockpit window at the ground sideways is one of coolest things in the world.
2006-12-12 23:35:54
answer #6
answered by *unknownuser* 4
I tend to like it. They say when you're in a commercial airline that you can tell if the pilot graduated from the Navy or the Air Force. If they graduated from the Air Force, everything is smooth and landings are soft. If they're Navy, then they've flown airplanes off of and onto aircraft carriers and make real mechanical manuevers, like when they level out, it feels like your stomach is dropping.
2006-12-12 17:15:46
answer #7
answered by jdm 6
Amazing - I am a pilot and fly several times a week.
My favorite quote from Leonardo Da Vinci sums it up, "....And once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, For there you have been and there you long to return."
2006-12-13 12:21:19
answer #8
answered by question_everything 3
It's cool, you get a different perspective of the world. It's cool to see all the little towns and stuff. Also, you get impressed to see how much open field there still is, even cities are miserable compared to the country side.
2006-12-12 17:15:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When I fly, I feel free. you are not attached to the ground, and better yet, you get to see all those small poeple on the ground, moving ooh so slooowly. I just love it.
2006-12-12 19:56:33
answer #10
answered by Timothy B 4
I'm a pilot and love flying. I'm not sure exactly what you are asking though -- are you asking as a passenger or as a flight crew member?
2006-12-12 17:14:41
answer #11
answered by barrych209 5