To understand fat metabolism, we need to look into some biochemical pathways. The most important is the one involving a nulcear receptor, called PPAR-gamma, which is involved in the response to insulin. Insulin is the hormone secreted by the pancreas, which can detect the level of sugar in the blood and decide whether to store some of that energy into fat. This is why if you eat food with high GI (glycemic index = sugar in the blood), insulin is stimulated and more fat is stored. This first part explains why existing adipocytes become bigger with fat.
However, PPAR-gamma aslo induces the expression of genes (such as C/EBP-alpha) involved into cell division and proliferation, which will stimulate the adipocyte to multiply. This is why the number of these cells can increase.
It is not correct to say that an excess of adipocytes will never disappear. Most cells in the body have a limited life and they could undergo senescence or apoptosis. In both cases, if the cells are not replaced with new ones, you would end with less adipocytes.
Female hormones are known to have a role in adipocyte differentiation and proliferation, this is why pregnancy and (later) menopause can affect a woman's body weight.
The elimination of these cells become more difficult with age - and the metabolism slows down. That's why it is easier to stay slim at a young age. However, a healty diet, excercise (especially "aerobic" excercise, such as jogging, swimming or gentle gym) and massages can help loosing fat cells and keeping the weight down.
Hope this helps
2006-12-12 21:09:29
answer #1
answered by Jesus is my Savior 7
This may be of only a little help, but..
One additive that is fully natural that helps make fat more available for transport round the body & use is Lecithin. It is the natural emulsifier (detergent) that will loosen fat & allow it to be moved by the blood to where it is needed. If this is taken in conjunction with moderate(i.e.100-120/min pulse) exercise this will help consume fat. ..Providing less is being rediposited!
I believe our bodies were designed for a "need it now" syndrome, so in heavy exercise there is too little time to break down the fat so the muscles must use sugars or start protein stripping muscle fibre. That is why in both long duration sports events & cancer the same branch chain amino acids(L,IL,V) are lost & need to be replenished if muscle weight & strength needs to be maintained.
2006-12-12 08:19:19
answer #2
answered by John C 2
Very few studies have looked at the life cycle of Adipose cells, that are responsible for storing lipid in the body.
However, there is no reason to believe that adipose cells do not under go the usual control mechanisms that regulate many of the cells in the body. Adipose tissue is known to undergo apoptosis, whicvh is cell death under specific conditions and both animals and humans have been shown to be able to lose large amounts of adipose mass, through loss of the lipid contained in the tissue as well as loss of cellularity.
What is true is that lipid is lost before cells so in the short term adipose cellularity is maintained. but long term it is highly unlikely that this occurs
2006-12-12 09:08:54
answer #3
answered by adken77 2
Yes, I've read that they shrink when you lose weight but don't go away. They're just waiting for more fat to get big again. Maybe that's why so many people lose weight and then just gain it all back again?
2006-12-12 07:55:09
answer #4
answered by Sean 7
Based on what I've read, this statement is not true.
"If you grew obese during puberty, your body will make more fatcells to store fat."
The number of fat cells do not change, but they do become bigger when a person gains weight. Diet will make these fat cells smaller, and so will exercise, but we cannot change the number of fat cells that each of us, as individuals, have.
2006-12-12 13:05:05
answer #5
answered by Kemmy 6
When baking, swap out the butter for one of these.
2017-03-10 23:50:13
answer #6
answered by ? 3
Stick to an increasingly lean protein/green veg diet regime
2017-03-09 05:56:04
answer #7
answered by ? 3
place a smaller amount foods out there and you will carry fewer in
2017-02-03 08:46:51
answer #8
answered by ? 4
It's true.
It's one of the reasons why keeping weight off is so difficult.
2006-12-12 08:02:36
answer #9
answered by salvationcity 4
Unless you get a liposuction, the fat cells stay. They just get smaller. Fat cells are like storage containers, if you get more energy in then you use, your body stores that energy in fat, if you start using more energy then you are eating, the stored fat is used, so the storage containers get emptier.... So a liposution would only work when you adjust your diet as the left over fat cells would only grow bigger and take the place of the ones taen away. Also your body renews itself continuously so old cells are replaced.
2016-05-23 15:28:01
answer #10
answered by ? 4