Please explain to your wife that she was not potty trained in 8 weeks was she? It takes time and patient to train a puppy and if your wife is feeling on the short end of the stick take her to dinner or a moive. Lol Just buy yourself some time.
2006-12-12 07:00:22
answer #1
answered by Erin B 2
She is 8 weeks old. Expecting her to be potty trained and know her name is unreasonable.
How long have you had her? If it is longer than a few days then the breeder who sold her at under 8 weeks was irresponsible and created problems for you.
Don't believe me? Go to and look up your breed, then go to the parent club's site and see how old their code of ethics says a pup needs to be before it is sold.
Go get this book "Before and After You Get Your Puppy" by Dr. Ian Dunbar. Or find a good dog book about your breed. It will explain how to potty train your dog.
Then look for a training place around you that has "puppy kindergarten." Sign you and the pup up for classes. She'll learn valuable socialization skills and you'll look good with the wife because you're training the dog.
Remember: the key to potty training is timing. YOU have to get the pup out BEFORE she knows she has to go. Once she knows, times up. That is what an 8 week old dog is like. Oh, and she can hold it for a MAXIMUM of 2 hours if you're lucky.
Find a trainer, read up and be patient. I would bet that neither you nor you wife was potty trained at 8 weeks---or 8 months! LOL.
Good luck.
2006-12-12 07:17:52
answer #2
answered by bookmom 6
We just got 2 puppies at 7 weeks old. I've had one of them for a month and I hung a little windchime on the door and everytime I went to take the puppy out (usually about every 1/2 hour at that age) I would take the puppy's paw and hit the windchime and ask if he had to go potty. He caught on that day. It may take some time with the puppy, but that's a start. The other puppy it toook a day as well to learn. If the dog is bad in the house, yell "no, bad dog" and bring them outside right away. Never rub the dog's nose in it, especially if you did not see the dog do it.
As for the dog not knowing her name, you just need to keep saying it. Princess, do you have to go outside? Good girl princess. Princess sit. She'll catch on.
Good luck
2006-12-12 07:09:25
answer #3
answered by Val 2
You need to buy lots of treats and a collar and leash. These things will help with the coming when called you work with her for about a minute per week of age meaning if she is eight weeks old you work with her for eight min. you put the collar and leash on her then walk a few steps away hold the treat in your hand and apply gentle pressure to the leash pulling her towards you when she gets to you give her the treat. For potty training take her out every two hours and start crate training her. Dogs usually wont "go" where they sleep. it needs to be a small crate room only to stand up and turn around. when you take her outside set her on the ground and use the word you want her to associate with using the bathroom. We use go potty. when she goes praise and give treat. Make it fun for her. she will eventually get to where you can ask her if she has to go potty and she will dance around. And stay patient. If she has an accedent use baking soda and vinager to clean it up. dust the area with baking soda then with a spray bottle spray vinager on it let it bubble and then blot with towel. This pulls the oder out so they will not smell there pee and are less likely to do it again. Your house will not smell like vinager because the baking soda kills the oder of the vinager.
2006-12-12 07:10:18
answer #4
answered by Bluies101 2
I'd hate to hear what happens when she has her first child.
Obviously she's not caring about the pup. If she really wanted a pup she would not be complaining.
Deffinetly get the training pads, Do encourage her when she does good. Don't use No (try to use a different word, because a dog doens't know the diff between no or know!)... I did with my dog and it makes life easier!
2006-12-12 07:32:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
How I Housebroke my dog
Nature’s Miracle (or similar)
6 foot leash
Timer (I used the one on the microwave in the kitchen)
Do not let the puppy out of your sight. You can do this by following him around or by tethering him to your belt loop using the 6 foot leash. When you are not home, confine him to a safe area such as a crate, puppy proofed room, or xpen.
1. Set the timer for 20 minutes.
2. When the timer beeps, say “Time to go potty!” (or your chosen phrase) and take the dog out to potty.
3A. If the dog does not go outside, bring him back in and repeat steps 1 and 2.
3B. If the dog has an accident before the timer beeps, try to interrupt the dog by clapping or saying a sharp “NO”, then immediately take the dog outside so he can continue his potty break outside. When you come back in, reset the timer for a shorter amount of time (10 minutes-ish) and repeat steps 1 and 2. Finally, clean up the mess with Nature’s Miracle or another similar enzymatic cleaner designed for cleaning up pet urine.
3C. If the dog goes outside, give him a treat, praise him, jump up and down, throw a party. Do whatever you have to do to show your dog that he is WONDERFUL for going potty outside.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are certain the dog can hold it for 20 minutes. Then set the timer for 25 or 30 minutes and repeat steps 1 and 2. Keep increasing the time until you are at your desired interval. Eventually, the dog will learn that you are the keeper of the door and potty privileges, and he will come ask you to take him out when he has to go. Good luck!
Remember that a puppy can't "hold it" for as long as an adult (or even a child) human can. Your puppy may need to go out as often as every 20-30 minutes or as seldom as every 2-3 hours at 8 weeks. It depends on the dog, his activity level, and his access to food and water. I'd also recommend putting your puppy on a feeding schedule (meals at the same time every day). If you control what goes in and when it goes in, you are also controlling what comes out and when it comes out.
Also keep in mind that potty training is a process. It is impossible to housebreak a puppy in a day or a week, and difficult to accomplish to 100% reliability in a month. A more realistic estimate is 2-3 months for a completely reliably housebroken dog. Dogs are also terrible with generalizing. For example, a dog may learn that he cannot pee on the carpet in the living room, but that doesn't mean that he knows he isn't supposed to pee on the carpet in the bedroom or on the carpet at your friend's house. For each new area you introduce, you will basically have to start over with housebreaking and pay close attention to your dog.
As for not responding to her name, try making it a game. Get a few tasty treats or a small handful of food (if her dog food motivates her enough, you can do a training session with one of her meals). Have her near you and say her name once and only once. As *soon* as she looks at you (even if it takes 30 seconds or a minute), mark the correct behavior by saying "Yes!" or "Good!" or using a clicker and give her a treat. Do not say her name more than once for each attempt. Repeat this game over and over. Eventually, she'll look at you as soon as you say her name. You can then start to fade out the use of treats to get a response.
2006-12-12 07:42:49
answer #6
answered by GoldenDonut 3
Puppy training is always a tedious task! They are every bit as hard as babies sometimes, especially when they too are babies. How can your wife be mad at a baby? Consider asking your wife to assist you with puppy duty, but if she's this upset, give her most of the fun stuff! Buying cute collars and playing witha cute toy, it can sometimes help if you can get the upset person involved with the developmental process of the pooch!
2006-12-12 06:58:50
answer #7
answered by Jase 3
umm, get the little potty mats! when u leave put her in a room (kitchen, laundry room, bath room, etc!) preferbaly small rooms that have linoleum! put little potty mats down, that'l prevent her from making messes while ur gone! if the room doesnt have a door then put the child gates up, and if the dog jumps them put 2 up, like on top of each other! while ur their take her out alot, when she makes a mess in the floor spankl her and rub her nose in it! when she goes outside and she does her buisness praise her (good girl, good job princess, etc) then go give her a treat! make sure she likes the treats b/c if she doesnt then she wont b excited 2 git them and it wont teach her. but be sure 2 disapline her when she does somthing worng! u have 2 enforce ur rules! hopefully everything works out! it will take, effort, money, patience, and time...but if u rly wanna keep her then u have 2 disciplene her! good luck!
2006-12-12 06:59:33
answer #8
answered by -adri; Your my wonderwallll. 2
Maybe she no like the name Priness. Put a "c" in the middle and maybe she'll like it better.
2006-12-12 06:58:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
she's not old enough to be potty trained or to know her name. seriously i hope you never have children. because i promise by the time it's a few months old it won't be potty trained OR know it's name. or be able to walk or feed itself. geez. maybe it would be a good idea if you just found a good home for the puppy.
2006-12-12 07:00:43
answer #10
answered by somebody's a mom!! 7