I observed the ebook to be very informative and convenient to learn. I've misplaced 17 kilos in 12 days, I'm simply worried that I'm wasting an excessive amount of weight, too rapidly. I will admit I have not adopted the advisor precisely. I'm now not sticking flawlessly to the indexed meals and meal plans (however most often) and doing little or no endeavor, however the weight continues flying off. It evidently works and if I'd adopted it precisely I believe it could scare the residing daylights out of me due to the fact that of the quantity that I'd lose. So thank you once more for the expertise. I've in no way bought whatever like this earlier than due to the fact that they're more commonly stuffed with trash, however 3WD has been a first-class shock. Get began in these days!
2016-09-03 07:25:23
answer #2
answered by darland 4
An interesting question, for since you don't say why you want to lose weight fast, you might want to be careful about this. It may be that you might not want to do quite that.
There is only one way to lose weight at all--burn more calories than you eat. So it would follow that, in order to lose the most weight the fastest, you would burn a lot of calories and not eat anything. In fact, that would be the "quickest" way for you to lose weight.
So, run a marathon every day and don't eat anything. You'll lose weight like crazy. Of course, the operative word here is "crazy."
You see, it is possible to want to do something enough to do what you shouldn't in order to achieve it. May it be that you want to lose weight TOO fast? Well, when do you want to weigh how much?
And what will you do after you weigh that much?
These are important questions, because they will determine what you do.
A word about diets: you will no doubt receive a lot of advice on the "right" diet for weight loss. The problem is, there really is no one right diet for weight loss.
Go back through the history of diets and you will find a forest of names: Army Diet, Beer Diet, Grapefruit Diet, Israeli Army diet, Rotation Diet, South Beach, 3-DAy All You Can Eat Diet, Russian Air Force Diet, Zone, Atkins, Ornish, there have been all kinds of fad diets.
Guess what--all of them, absolutely all of them, are one of two kinds of diets: high protein (and fat)/low carbohydrate, or high carbohydrate/low protein (and fat). Everything else about them is window dressing to keep us from knowing that they are the same thing repackaged over and over again.
Now, both kinds of diets will help you lose weight. So if you want to lose weight, you can freely choose which one you like better and go with it.
However (there's always one of those, isn't there?) if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you're going to have to do something else: make one of these diets your lifestyle forever. Otherwise, you'll just mirror Oprah, who yo-yo'd her weight up and down, just like so many of us do.
If you want to lose weight and be healthy, too, one of hese diets has shown to be best: the low-fat, vegetarian Ornish diet. IIn a comparison test a few years back it had the best markers for health of the four tested (Ornish, Atkins, Zone, and one other, I think it was South Beach). While it and Atkins had the highest drop-out rate (they are hard to stay on), it had the best long-term results. But for long-term health, Atkins is a fraud. It's an invitation to clogged arteries.
So, what you do depends on what your goal is. My guess is that you really don't want to lose weight the fastest that you can, or you'd go on a fast. All right, then, if you want to lose weight and maintain your health and energy level, just eat less and move more. Adding aerobic exercise to your daily routine will help you lose weight much faster than diet will by itself. The faster and the longer that you move, the better. You need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound, and since a good rule of thumb is 100 calories for every ten-minute mile, that's jogging 35 miles. It takes a lot of moving to burn of a little food, especially the sugary stuff. That's why it's a good idea to stay away from, oh, bubble tea or Cinnabon's big, gooey, Pecanbon, because both of them carry about 1100 calories each (that's eleven miles of jogging for each one). So add jogging to staying away from "food" like that (or canned sodas, which are just canned candy), and you should start seeing weight loss pretty quickly.
Good luck.
2006-12-12 05:47:50
answer #6
answered by eutychusagain 4