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I strongly beleive that if a human kills another human he has lost ALL rights as a human, i understand there maybe a few cases of wrongful arrest etc but when your caught red handed doing any crime u should have a simple 3 strike warning... depending on how bad the crime is, if its murder and u was caught red handed you should be put down. end of. if u wasnt caught red handed and its not certain it was u but u go to jail anyways then u get a second chance. any other crime should get 3 simple warnings or a jail service THEN DEATH. we do this with animals but not humans??? humans make most animals the way they are so why are animals being prosicuted cos their human owner brings them up to attack etc??? anyways i know a few people who have been to jail and come out joking about how great it is in there. infact i know one guy who cant keep away from the place, most criminals r llike this, why waste our taxes on them? PUT THEM DOWN IF THEY ARE DANGEROUS OR COMEPLETLY UNHELPABLE!!

2006-12-11 22:48:09 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

Thats what i forgot to say actually... use them to test on instead of animals!! why the hell not? animals are better than humans end of. lol. no seriously tho animals dont do half the stuff humans do an the slightest thing they do they get put down. anyways...if u steel a tin of beans 3 times ur a theif and why should u steel from people and get away with it? plus if we test on criminals (humans in some mongy eyed peoples heads) then we could find cures alot faster as we dont need to pay people fortunes to test out the new stuff cos animals dont react quite the same as us anyways. AND it would prevent alot of crime happening, im not scared of jail AT ALL. if i want to kill someone i will, possibly ill get 5 years injail reduced if im good ;-). but if i thought i would get killed or tortured like hell i would kill. understand??

2006-12-11 22:57:51 · update #1

Why is a mother homeless? she should give her child up until she finds a home the scabby scruff. and as for the "circle of death bla bla" its like the death chair n stuff, they do it in some states in america i beleive they should do it worldwide, like i said im less likely to do a crime if i think i will be electricuted or given the leathal injection or hung even. but if my only worry is going to jail and doing half the time ive been sentanced, comeing out with £200 to go shopping with on my exit. and having a complete blast while im in there... WHY NOT? cos when they get out they get all kinds of help to find homes, jobs, etc. i knew a guy went to jail for armed robbery, got 9 months. came out drove his car with no licence insurance NOTHING got chased by the police arrested did 3 months came out and on the EXACT SAME NIGHT went back in jail for the same thing, i know u prob wont beleive me but thats how much of a joke the system is because he only got 6 weeks for that!! its a joke!!

2006-12-11 23:03:27 · update #2

28 answers

I believe that when proven all killers, serial killers, paedophiles , and husband/wife abusers should be put to death. An eye for an eye. Other crimes such as theft should be dealt with in a different manner. Imprisonment, but made to work 16 hours a day to pay for their own keep in prison. Why the hell should I have to be taxed to keep them warm, dry and fed, when I work my *** off to keep my kids warm, fed and dry. Do they have to pay for medication, dental, haircuts, doctors, food, heat, hydro, clothes and basic necessities? BECAUSE I DO AND I HAVE TO PAY TAXES TO KEEP THEIR SORRY ASSES. Make them work 16 hours a day to keep them selves in prison. Not the silly minor jobs they get them to do either. Make them work for their life. I have had many family members who have spent time in jail and it is a fu##ing joke.

2006-12-12 03:09:23 · answer #1 · answered by greybluehoney 2 · 2 1

I think that our legal system or not is why people come to America, have you ever read about what other contries do to criminals? This country is so easy on criminals, why not be one. I am a paralegal and did my internship at the local DA office and you would not beleive the crimes that are committed against children and the punishment that these people don"t get. I seen a 40+ man that was sleeping with his 14 year old neighbor girl get 1 year probation. Then at the same time I seen someone get caught with a joint (first time offender) and he got 3 years in jail. We have the best legal system in the world, at least for the criminals anyway.

2006-12-12 09:37:26 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Duetschland, Deutschalnd Uber Alles.........man.....lighten up. I've heard people say the same thing however your "theory"....or should I say "Final Solution" has a lot of holes in it. I'm not comfortable with condemning people to death unless there is no question as to their guilt. I also think committing some sort of crime three times doesn't necessarily warrant a death sentence. However....I am a strong proponet of work camps. Not the concentration camp type but labor camps where you work from 7AM until 9PM...leaving just enough time to eat, clean up and sleep.
Tell you what. Work out a more feasable and analytical solution to this...then come back and toss it on the table.

2006-12-12 09:31:01 · answer #3 · answered by Quasimodo 7 · 1 0

"Why is a mother homeless? she should give her child up until she finds a home the scabby scruff. "

Do you realize what it feels like to even have the idea that your mom threw you away or gave you away? This is a bad attitude on your part. Do not give your children away if they don't feel like you are good enough to love them enough to fight to make things right for them they will never ever be able to love themselves. Fight people that think this way and keep your kids let them know that you love them and even if they get taken away from you by the system fight to get them back. As long as a person knows that at least one person in the world loves them enough to do that then they can and will make it through anything. You find a kid that does not believe that and you have the devil in the making. Kids need their parents and we need to as a society make it possible to keep them together. Give families love, support, and what they need to stay together and the world will be a whole lot better off for it in the long run.

2006-12-12 12:04:52 · answer #4 · answered by Friend 6 · 1 0

you do believe strongly!!! as for myself, all manner of child abuse, any crime against a child should be dealt with swiftly, they, the predator, have NO PLACE in our world. They cannot be "fixed" or "rehabilitated", that has been proven. Serial killers, no way, put them down like the filth they are, they are mentally broken, like a dog who has tasted blood, they will never stop, so it's up to us to stop them. Killing in the heat of a moment, totally different story. Capital punishment for stealing, no way. Only the worst of the worst should go. I live in the town where the man who pushed for the 3 strikes law lives, I understand his pain, I've had a family member murdered, but when a guy gets life for stealing his neighbors yard vac... there is something very wrong there. I guess we all have our own beliefs and could debate them for hours. an eye for an eye?

2006-12-12 07:19:49 · answer #5 · answered by lucysmom 4 · 1 0

I believe that the death penalty should be brought back for murderers and paedophiles. They should never be released into society again so why spend money on housing and feeding them. One bullet - job done!
The three stikes rule should also be implemented - not the death penalty (bit harsh) but certainly a mandantory sentence like 10 years or so.
Mankind is the cruelest life form on this planet and if we want this world to be a better place to live in then we need to get rid of all the scum!

2006-12-12 07:24:03 · answer #6 · answered by cobymox 3 · 2 1

what?! two wrongs dont make a right ever. as gandhi said, an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. nothing gives a human being the right to take the life of another human being,no matter what they have done. that decision belongs to a higher power than any of us. and the death penalty is inherently flawed in that it doesn't make any allowances for miscarriages of justice. in any case, the usa has a high murder rate, the death penalty doesn't act as a deterrent there, it would be no different here.

2006-12-12 07:12:20 · answer #7 · answered by scattycat 3 · 0 1

I would hate to live in a world full of people like you. Few of us go through life innocent of all criminal acts. All of us are human beings. If we treat criminals with ferocity and vengeance, we can hardly be sending out a message that acting violently is wrong?

When we start denying some people human rights, we are denying human rights for all; how do you know when it might be your turn to be reclassified as 'criminal', 'subhuman', 'subnormal' or whatever? Hitler and Stalin are only the best known of 20th century despots who made effective and wicked use of the selective application of human rights.

2006-12-12 06:55:55 · answer #8 · answered by PhD 3 · 5 1

You are grossly missinformed and probably quite uneducated. I'm sorry but your views seem juvenile at best. I am an ex-convict. Did a very long time in prison and returned numerous times during my parole. Then, I got married, started a business, made alot of money, provided alot of jobs for people, raising beautiful children, making life better for myself and countless others, where then sir, should I have been used for your "testing"?

2006-12-12 09:42:39 · answer #9 · answered by LeRoi M 1 · 1 2

No I don't. And neither does society - you do NOT lose all rights as a human being if you commit a crime. And capital punishment is a bestial solution. I think you are a fired up red neck with little or no capacity for rational thought. So lets lock you up instead.

2006-12-12 07:02:56 · answer #10 · answered by Daniel J 2 · 2 2

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