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The closest relative that we have is the ape right?

Now, tell me this? What is the closes relative that a bird has?

My point being? If the ape is the closes relative, how come they don't construct planes, write books, fly to the moon, drive, talk on cell phones, wipe their butts with charmin toilet paper, grind coffe, have weddings, refine petroleum, or simpler..............create fire..............isn't that the theory? I want to see them create fire on their own,,,,,,,,,,,,,or simply eat with a fork neatly..................
A pig has more in common with an ape? Simply because they walk on two legs and are relatively smarter than other animals doesn't mean anything. In fact, the difference between a person a an ape is that a person has the capability to do "good with a good heart" because God made it like that..............In fact, it seems like the animals are the only ones evolving for the better while we are evolving to worse

2006-12-11 19:36:51 · 27 answers · asked by lam_9 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

The best answer to this argument is....creation is real.


2006-12-11 19:40:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 10

The closest relative to a human is a chimpanzee. They don't write books because they don't have the capability to do so. But you overlook the things they can do. They DO make tools, warn their friends of danger, have complex relationships, have vocalizations that are group specific and have specific meanings, indicating some form of culture, they can learn sign language to some extent as well. A chimp is about as intelligent as a young human but they are chimps and do have their species specific differences. There are a few other animals on this planet that are of extraordinarily high intelligence and there comes a point when we can say an animal is intellgent but we can't neccisarily say it's any less intelligent than ourselves.

Here is why. Humans, as a species characteristic, are specialized tool makers, and we have the hands to prove it. This is akin to a spider being a specialized weaver or a beaver being a specialized dam builder.

Some species of whales are known to be highly intelligent but we can't compare them to humans and say "they are here and we are here" because whales are not specialized tool makers. They don't have limbs that are capable of fine manipulation of their surrounding so it's unlikely they'd have the ability to figure out how to put together say, a jigsaw puzzle. We do know that whales are specialized communicators (with other whales). The bulk of a whale's intelligence is probably dedicated to social issues, more so than our own.

As for evolving for the better, we are the only species that comes close to actually destroying the planet's habitability. We have fished the oceans in such a relentless way that we have caused fish numbers to be reduced significantly. The Chinese suffer their massive water shortages because they've severly polluted all their fresh water sources.

There is a joke that goes something like "Humans think they are the most intelligent beings on the planet because they build massive cities, invented cars, and build great dams. Dolphins think humans are the least intelligent animals on the planet for the same reason."

2006-12-15 15:08:04 · answer #2 · answered by minuteblue 6 · 1 0

Current evidence suggests birds are the evolutionary descendants of the dinosaurs. The have been fossilised remains found in China of feathered dinosaurs, including fossils that have all the structures commonly found in flying birds.

The other great apes - gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans - don't do the things you list, because at this point in their evolution they don't need to. (In fact, there are human beings who don't do the things you list either.) Chimpanzees have been shown to use facial expressions to communicate, and have shown skill with rudimentary tool creation and usage. The reason other great apes don't use verbal communication is that they don't have voice boxes for speech.

It's a common misconception with modern evolutionary biology that a species will evolve into "something better". While over the ages there has been a shift from simple lifeforms to complex entities, the fact is that organisms evolve to fit environmental niches.

Finally, while it is common to anthropomorphise (attribute human-like characteristics to) other species, you can't expect them to BE humans. This doesn't mean we don't have to respect the other inhabitants of the Earth - at the best we are the dominant species on the planet, and at worst we are simply caretakers for whatever comes after us - because everything is there for a reason.

(For the record, I'm Atheist/Agnostic.)

2006-12-11 20:39:16 · answer #3 · answered by keltarr 3 · 1 0

Scientists discovered our DNA difference with the monkeys is just a mere 2%. And yet with this 2% we can already do a lot of wonderful things "forbidden" to all others in the animal kingdom. Scientists also discovered the missing link of evolution from the Neanderthals to the modern Man. And there're stories of aliens from outer space that visited earth many thousands of years ago and cross-bred their DNA with the locals to create another new species that is human. Don't you think it's possible that the 2% DNA difference is actually from the aliens from outer space that might be the one we called "God" in our holy book? Imagine we possess 10% of their DNA instead of just 2%, we would have created a world far advanced than what we have today. Heck, we might not even live on earth today, residing somewhere else in the Milky Way.

2006-12-11 19:52:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

a million) in accordance to evolutionists, human beings advanced from apes? human beings are apes with techniques from definition. Linnaeus categorized us as such and he replaced right into a creationist. 2) there are a kind of shown data in technology, yet evolution is only a concept. fake by way of a false impression of the note concept. A truth, in technology, is a discrete element of techniques. Theories connect data and clarify them. there's no larger classification than concept. 3) A transitional style is a fossil of an animal it truly is a element one species and section yet another. fake. All organisms are transitional. 4) The age of the earth is determined with techniques from scientists entirely with the help of the radioactive courting of fossils ? The age of the Earth replaced into determined with techniques from courting a meteor on the concept the picture voltaic gadget replaced into all a similar age. All different calculations in nice condition the age got here upon. 5) The clinical technique begins with a prediction and then seems for data to help that prediction? It begins with statement. Then a hypothesis is formed from that statement. After the hypothesis is formed, scientists search for data to help or falsify the hypothesis. 6) the concept of evolution incorporates the vast Bang? fake. 7) To believe in evolution is to believe that existence and remember got here from not some thing? fake.

2016-11-30 11:31:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why haven't dolphins discovered fire? They live in the water. The great apes all use tools, but only humans have adapted for upright walking, freeing the upper limb for more complex tasks such as throwing and spear making. More significantly, humans have a more complex language center than the other apes.

2006-12-12 03:18:38 · answer #6 · answered by novangelis 7 · 0 0

Most scientists agree that evolution is real. Apes use tools, that is what separates them from other animals. They also have unique social patterns and if taught are able to communicate with human beings. Let me ask you a question, Christian to Christian. Do you believe that God made science? Do you believe that he has progressed this world in the way that he deemed fit. If so then how do you know that he didn't see fit for us to progress in this way? You cannot begin to fathom what God knows and can do or why. It would be like an ant trying to fathom you. If God created science and this world and universe. Who are we to question why and how?

2006-12-11 19:47:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Okay, you have access to the basics of biology on the internet yet you don't choose to utilize it. You show us a serious lack of understanding by trying to make a human/ape comparison analagous to a bird/?. Humans ARE apes. Sorry. Also, you're taking "birds" which is a whole classification in itself. I'm never prepared for such displays of ignorance. We have the internet, this stuff is simple to understand; however, people like you choose ignorance instead of education. Why waste your life like that?

2006-12-15 07:59:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

So basically your argument is: I don't understand evolution, so it must be false? That is a great way to think about it.

Having a close relative, biologically, doesn't mean that the relative has all the same properties. You are seeing evolution as being something with a predestined goal which is to become conscious or smart, it is not. We just happened to evolve this way while they did not.

2006-12-11 19:53:14 · answer #9 · answered by Alucard 4 · 4 0

That's right, if there is such thing as evolution, that means we are better in appearance but worst in moral. Apes or monkeys never abandon their children and run with another ape or another ape's husband. Monkeys never feed their babies with other animal's milk, such as cow's or goat's.
Monkey are vegetarians or herbivores and are very strong and healthy, how come we who are supposed to be better, fitter and smarter are less smart in that we eat corpses of animals, and many of those have been dead for years and preserved in the freezers then suffer from cancer and other diseases?
It is easier to believe what the Bible says, that we were created perfect in the image of God, but sin degenrated us, we are not getting better but worst. We have not evolved but devolved.
It is more comfortable to believe that a time will come when we will be given immortalilty and new bodies that are perfect as it was in the beginning rather than to think we are helpless product of natural evolution and will return to the elements of nature to be recycled endlessly into plants or other animals.

2006-12-11 20:00:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

If you seriously want to discuss evolution, you need at least a minimal understanding of it. You do not have this so you need to read up on it.

Apes are our closest LIVING relatives. There were other creatures, now extinct, which were more closely related to us.

2006-12-11 19:49:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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