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that they need us "Illegals" just as much as we need them, actually they need us a bit more, lets be honest americans, wich is a SPANISH word by the way or anyone for that matter will NOT work for cheap money, for hard labor, whether you like it or not we are here, and to stay, it does not matter, if your goverment builds a 1,000 feet high wall we are survivors, the real ones. and guess who they are gonna pay to build it? LATINOS. i bet there is no day that passes by that americans dont use our "services" from the morning at starbucks, to get your coffee, from late night when you get the munchies, and go to jack in the box. and everything in beetwen. doesnt matter if you get mad, the facts are the facts. you get what you payed for, you wanna pay less for your home to be clean, babysitter, produce, clothes ect stop being so hard headed, live and let live. stop having so much hate towards people you dont even know their situation,

2006-12-11 18:57:52 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

and thats all you americans know how to say "illegals are a crime"...get over it, what your president is doing to you is a real crime...

2006-12-11 18:59:19 · update #1

MACMOMMY....you just proved your own ignrance...*I WAS BORN HERE* (kick in the ***) you say i cant judge...but you can. a la madre con tu protocol..

2006-12-11 19:12:04 · update #2

love the "american" hate from fellow americans assuming am illegal, because of my comments...but i love how they get ticked off!..live us alone...get out of our country...bla..bla..bla..

2006-12-11 19:18:34 · update #3

i rather be a true LATINA than a loyal US citizen. you actually think am proud of this country and its evilness... of citezens nope.

2006-12-11 19:22:45 · update #4

now...you know college kids WILL not be working at the fields for $5 a day..b/s..

2006-12-11 19:31:43 · update #5

32 answers

Its so refreshing to see that there are so few with a good brain in their heads. FOR THE REST; READ AND LEARN

2006-12-11 20:33:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 9

There are Americans as well as Latinos who would be grateful to work for even a low wage. America has poverty just as Mexico has poverty, even though Mexico may be having a tougher time because of the economy. I don't have hatred towards people I don't know, but you seem to, and I don't see why you want to make us all out to be ungrateful, hateful people. I am an American and I have never mistreated or spoke ill to any Mexican immigrant, legal or illegal, in my life. I don't agree with illegal immigrants being here because I believe that they are breaking the laws of the country they expect to benefit from, but I'm not going to get on this forum and tell them to go back where they came from or look down on them for working at low-paying jobs. Perhaps you should take your own advice and live and let live.

2006-12-12 06:56:01 · answer #2 · answered by Persephone 6 · 1 0

You can't place all Americans into the same category. I mean, even when you say "American" it means the people of North and South America in reality, not just the United States...however, most people when they say American are refering the US.

Anyway, like some have said, just do the paper work to get in legally. I agree, though, if it weren't for illegal immigrants coming to the US and working in the fields, we'd be buying things more expensive. But thats beside the point since in the end, citizens have to pay taxes on certain things for the "illegals". Did you know that at ASU they're trying to make financial aid available for "illegals"...how is this possible when many citizens can't get it?

And its not just Mexicans or Latinos who work at Starbucks or other places, or provide the man power behind getting the supplies and resources to whichever place to be manufactured. That stuff travels the world before it ever reaches your lips. I'm not just talking about the beans, but the plastics, gas, tires, heating pumps, etc. aren't just from Spanish speaking countries.

And if you're saying that the government will pay illegals to build a 1000 foot wall to keep the illegals out, and the illegals accept the offer...wtf?

But there are multiple situations, but the fact of the matter is...theyre illegal...many people not along the border of the US get in legally and pay taxes to live here. You can't demand rights until you're a citizen, but there are "normal" rights that every person should have.

Do more research before you start tossing some ranting BS at us.

2006-12-11 19:20:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

I'm not going to read your whole spiel. I want to tell you this. It isn't that Americans do not want Mexicans here. Stop saying that. It is not true. Americans want to stop illegal entry into America. Not just Mexicans but all illegals. There are a lot of illegals who come in thru your Country. Of course Mexicans from Mexico are needed in America in every State. Washington has a great work program in effect right now where Mexicans are coming in to work and making $15 an hour, getting health care. They don't have to hide or live and lie. Every thing is honest and good for the workers! These worker will eventually have their Citizenship. They will go back after the season at this point or move on to another work program if they can apply some where else that has implemented another program. The best way is the honest way. Hate and arguing and yelling at each other and being dishonest is not the right way to resolve the issues.

2006-12-11 19:09:57 · answer #4 · answered by skooter 4 · 6 2

Americans are not in Denial., most are just pissed off. See what most immigrants both legal and illegal seem to NOT realize, while this country is busy handing out food stamps, WIC, welfare and anything else that they can give to these people, our citzens are the ones that are suffering. See because we were born here we should be able to take care of our own, and if we cant and need assistance 9 out of 10 are denied. Yet ALL citizens pay taxes towards what illegal's and legal's are so feely given. I see it everyday, hispanic couples with 3-4 kids running around Walmart with their ACCESS card and WIC vouchers, knowing that I have friends that are trying very hard to make ends meet and they are denied these very same benifits, that they have most likely already paid taxes into oh yeah we will not even get into the 5-10 year tax benefits that immigrants recieve if they come to this country. So you see we are not in denial, we( most) are pissed off and it really is not at you that we are mad at, it is our government for NOT taking care of our own first. Most also feel that if you want to come to this country SPEAK THE LANGUAGE, if we went to your country we would have to know the language, oh yeah that is right Mexico don't allow immigration!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-12 02:13:59 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 4 0

You are wrong. We do not need illegals. We need legal immigrants. I have not used an illegals services at all, when I go get my coffee a white American girl serves me, when I get the late night munchies a nice native American man rings up my purchase, I clean my own home I do not need petty thieves in my house rummaging through my belongings, only a very few friends are allowed to watch my children I am really picky about that, most of my produce doesn't even come from this country and out of curiosity I checked the labels on my clothes, they come from Indonesia, china, Jordan, Israel and some are assembled in Mexico. Not one item of clothing that I have appears to have come from the U.S, so no you did not help me out there either. Since you do nothing for me except suck down my taxes in government services and skyrocket my health care you can certainly leave now, because you truly need us, but we do not need you

2006-12-12 02:54:53 · answer #6 · answered by thelogicalferret 5 · 4 2

If you were born here -- how are you illegal???
Please, please stop making it sound like the US will not survive without "your services". FACT -- Americans were doing those jobs long before you were born my dear and we would be doing them now if those companies didn't hire illegals just to save $$$$.

Americans understand that you want to come to the US to get a better life, and we have no problem with that (My mom came from Germany). What you are FAILING to understand is that other immigrants came to the US and adapted to the American way of life, learned to speak English and became US Citizens!!

Why can't you do the same??????????? Please don't give lame excuse of how it takes so long, and costs money, blah, blah. Again, OTHER IMMIGRANTS who came to the US had to go through the same process!!

2006-12-11 23:18:44 · answer #7 · answered by mikea_va 6 · 4 0

You shouldn't get mad when I say this since I'm just speaking my mind just like you.

First, illegal immigrants did break the law by entering the country illegally. If you cannot obey the law that a country made, then you shouldn't be here. Yes, laws can be changed by people, but only by citizens. This, you should respect as a rational citizen of any given country you came from. As a rational citizen, you should do the same in your own country. I do think that word "illega" is overrated and too harsh, but at the same time they did not obey the law that a country made.

Now, you might argue that they are here to live and survive, therefore it gives them right to cross the border. Yes, but no. First, you should change your country, after all, country be controlled by people. Then, if it is done, you wouldn't have to have so many people going over the border. So, I think the word "survival" is overrated as well.

If you consider that the U.S. immigration laws are tough, then you should see what others are going through in Mexico. As a foreigner, you will be criticized and manipulated where ever you go, even in Mexico and every single country in the world. If you do not want to be treated such ways, you should have lots of money when you enter a country. They will treat you like a god, trust me.

When it comes to economics, if you have taken labor economics class, in a very competitive market, you will see that everything will work out by opening the border. In simplest words, there is a equilibrium labor cost and by immigrants coming in it can be achieved.( you have to consider that almost every market is not competitive and there is always fluctuation in economy) So, I don't think people are bitching about that these days, but when Mexican or other foreigners start to send money out of the U.S. without trading any products, then it becomes economic loss for the U.S. This does hurt the U.S. and it hurts the U.S. tremendously. So, there is two or more answers to whether we really need illegal immigrants or not. It really depends on each market and how it fluctuates. In my theory, I think immigrants will have harder time if border is wide open, that you should think about in your own. I hate to explain that right now.

I'm not sure if you are or not, but you shouldn't be proud that your countrymen are being manipulated. You should try to be active and bring more rights to those who do not have. One thing that I regret is that Hispanic groups tend to have same attitude as you. You should be mad at the situation that your countrymen are in, not "you need us" crap. You should be trying to improve each individual life and help those who need you. Set the standards higher than now. You should be saying that without immigrants traffic lights will not work properly and our judicial system will fall? How can this be done? Well, you are a Hispanic, not me. You should figure this out~

2006-12-11 19:34:53 · answer #8 · answered by wat~ 3 · 7 3

When I think of this..I don't mind anyone coming over from Mexico or Canada for that matter....but if America does not deal with people coming over illegally just because we all get along and we know you guys are not planning on blowing up our country...well then that will look slack to the other countries that are indeed wishing/planning to blow us up..blow up buildings...harm America and the people that live here(including you).So slack indeed that they will have a good chance of successfully pulling off their plans.
I'm so tired..I really can't keep on...but just want to say..if the entire world were like you and the other Latinos that are here or want to come here...we would have no problems and I am certain that our government would relax....but sadly that is not the reality of these times and a country has to do what it has to do to keep it and it;s people from harm.....and that doesn't mean singling out one or two countries to give a free pass to..it means we have take caution towards everyone.

I'm so tired ..I hope i am even making sense.
God Bless1

2006-12-11 20:14:15 · answer #9 · answered by Cynthia G 2 · 1 3

I agree with you America does need to wake up. We do not need the services of illegal immigrants for anything。The more Americans have to pay for the crimes of illegal immigrates the less they will care about doing minimum wage jobs. Illegal immigrants have made it so I can’t take my family home for Christmas. My daughter longs to meet her family. She keeps their pictures under her pillow. However, illegal immigrants have taken that away her rights. I don’t care if I have to scrub toilets. It’s worth it to take back America. When I get back to the States I will do everything I can to remove as many illegal immigrants as I can. You can be sure I won’t be the only one.

2006-12-12 08:16:38 · answer #10 · answered by Brad C 3 · 2 0

You are absolutely ignorant. The majority of americans do not "hate illegals", we simply desire them to follow proper protocol to become a citizen if they want to be here. If you're so lazy that you can't take the neccessary steps to become a citizen, you don't belong here. Period. There are millions of immigrants that did it the right way and became successful, respectful citizens of this great nation. And lastly, you speak as though you are an illegal yourself, therefore, you have no right to speak down about the president and/or the war. Your lack of knowledge lies within the pitiful media base--unless you've been there, you can't make a judgement based on the biases of what you see on TV.

Peachy, next time READ what I wrote, I didn't say you "ARE" an illegal, I said you speak as though you are one. Read the first line in your posting: "that they need US illegals just as much as WE need them"... Hmmmm... If that's not implying that you are an illegal, then I don't know what is. (That's ok, it's probably just your lack of education in the English language.) And lastly, you complain that you don't like this country...then get out. You have that choice. Quit complaining and go find something "better". Otherwise, get over it.

2006-12-11 19:07:58 · answer #11 · answered by MACmommy 2 · 15 2

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