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Multiply a trillion times a trillion. OK? An eternity has not yet begun at that point.

So, if God sends someone to hell, simply because he or she was Buddhist or Islamic or an atheist and not a Christian. ... If "He" sends someone to hell who lived a good life but didn't believe in or maybe hadn't even heard of Jesus. ... If he allows murderers and theives and rapists to go to hell simply because they "accepted Jesus," but he sends other people who lived good lives to hell, forever, to be eaten by worms and burned alive - doesn't that make him a far, far worse creature than Hitler?

After all, Hitler was a wicked, wicked man, but even he didn't torture people *forever.*

2006-12-11 18:40:58 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So for people like shorty below, two more questions:

1. So you believe that people like the Native Americans who were here for thousands of years before Europeans came to America all went to hell because they didn't believe in Jesus?

2. You really believe that if someone is given the choice to believe in God/Jesus and they decide not to, that the appropriate punishment is to suffer, burning in hell for trillions upon trillions upon trillions, upon trillions, upon trillions, upon trillions of years. And then some more?

If you really believe that, then I have to ask you to question your beliefs.

Ask yourself, is my God worth worshipping? Or is he a monster?

2006-12-11 18:48:43 · update #1

P.S. The reason I'm asking these questions is because I most certainly do not believe in this sort of God and it wasn't thinking about these very questions that lead me to believe that:

1. That sort of God doesn't exist
2. If he did exist, he would be a wicked, hateful creature and not at all worthy of our worship. If he did exist, we should resist him, lock him up, perhaps even seek to abolish him. I wouldn't send him to hell forever though - that wouldn't be right. So, if the opportunity ever arose (and it won't) we would be better than God if we executed him immediately rather than torturing him forever. That would be more humane.

2006-12-11 19:02:31 · update #2

People who attempt to redefine eternity or hell - your points are irrevelent (and fallacious) - I'm asking this question of the millions upon millions of people who *do* believe in a literal hell where "the worm dieth not" and "sinners" are tortured for an infinite amount of time.

Some of them are doing semantic dances right now, within which they claim that the sinner or Satan sends people to hell and not God. That's not what the Bible says, and if so, a so-called all-mighty God allows it to happen, making him an accomplice to a universal atrocity unlike anything else humanity has ever or will ever witness.

2006-12-11 19:06:44 · update #3

How would folks who say God doesn't send you to hell, Satan or the sinner himself does care to explain these verses:

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life...And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:12, 15

Or these verses:

"The Son of man (Jesus) shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."


I don't believe those verses. Period. But some of you do. If you do, doesn't that sound like the work of a Monster God, an unjust God, unworthy of worship?

2006-12-11 19:17:06 · update #4

30 answers

There is only one Supreme Deity ... and he is not sending anyone to hell. The Bible has been so misunderstood and so misinterpreted, that it's no wonder people reject it. Much of it was the opinion of the men who wrote it at the time. The message Jesus came to deliver was *totally* misunderstood. There are many religions because everyone is in a different place in their journey and everyone has different needs. We are all naturally attracted to the religion where we can learn the most to meet our needs. All paths lead to the same destination and we will all eventually reach heaven. (Even Hitler)

2006-12-11 18:45:14 · answer #1 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 0 3

Well, I can't speak for the Christians and Jews but here is the Islamic point of view (as I understand it):

1. We hold that not recognizing and totally submitting to GOD/ALLAH, or attributing partners to him is an unforgivable sin after death. Meaning if you repent in this life Allah might forgive you. Man think with his brain, that is why we, and some people before us who didn't have science, believed that there was not God, or if there was one then how could that God ever bring them back to life after death. Well if you know Science you may think that we all came here by chance, but if you understand it you would know that without God that is impossible. Now the same God gave you life, everything in it, and made this life a test. Like every test, failing this test also has consequences. Because while other people were contemplating on Creation, purpose of life, and nature, others were busy with different stuff which required that belief in God be terminated for a while.

2. What about the people before? Well Quran make it clear that Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad Peace be upon them, And all the other prophets sent to man kind were Muslims. Muslims in the literal meaning of the word, which mean submitting to God in peace. Therefore who ever accepted the teaching of the prophet sent to them Willl attain Salvation.

3. God has many attributes( Qualities/Characteristics). Two of these are that God is the most merciful and also the most just. Meaning in this life no matter how many times you defy him, you still get a good job, kids, wife e.t.c. But when you denied him, already knowing the punishment then you will be served justice. The people who did follow God's commandments will also be given justice.

4. What about kids that died? or mentally ill people who didn't understand it? In Islam one is responsible for his willing actions. So the one who did not have the wil or the thought to yet grasp the message of God will not be punished. And Allah knows the best

2006-12-11 19:15:11 · answer #2 · answered by Abdullah r 2 · 0 0

Hell was originally created just for punishment for fallen Angels (demons). The unforgivable sin is very simple, its not accepting Jesus as God. There are no good people. God says that even the Angels in heaven are like used tampons. Mother Teresa would go to Hell if she did not accept Jesus as God. Its not about good works. Its a free ticket. I agree with you though, the penality does seem really harsh. And that is exactly what Satan is counting on too. That is his tragedy. He figures if enough people go to hell, God will change his mind (because he is so campasionate) and then satan will be allowed to back in heaven again. It a game.

2006-12-11 19:05:15 · answer #3 · answered by Rockford 7 · 1 0

People don't get sent to Hell for not believing in God, who told you that? If you think God should make it one year less than what would seem an eternity than what is the point of being good if everyone get into heaven? Remember that at the end of the world Jesus will destroy everyone in Hell forever except for Satan (which I can not think of, not existing at all, I just can't imagine), The Blessed Mother will crack the head of the serpent, Satan and there will be no Hell anymore so I guess it wouldn't be for an eternity.

God is a Justificator not a Scourge

2006-12-11 18:52:12 · answer #4 · answered by tourist361 1 · 0 3

great question, I hope I can help. 1st hell wasn't created for us, it is for satan, his angels and all who rebel against God 2nd, God doesn't send us there we choose to go. It's like if you break the law, you do so knowing you could end up there, same concept. 3rd God didn't put flaws in the human mind, He didnt' create sin, just the capability to do it, your right not even Hitler deserves hell, I hope he repented before he died. To put it this way, if you want to spend your life as a rebel against God and separated from Him your whole life, wel when you die you get what you want, eternal separation from the one who tried your whole life to get you to come to him.

2016-05-23 08:01:57 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Dear Friend,
If anyone tell such an absurd, argue that to be a christian is to love the near as yourself, that you can do being Muslim, Jewish, atheist, pagan or shamanistic.
Secondly, God does not send anybody to heaven or hell: you claim your place according your behaviour and feelings.
Thirdly, the concept of eternity is misunderstood. According to Saint Thomas de Aquino, in the post mortem life, there is no time as we conceive. Did you watch at the film "Constantine"? Keanu Reeves - Constantine - told : "A minute in hell or in heaven is an eternity".
Therefore, I do not think that God is worse than Hitler, because He does not torture anyone, neither send anybody to hell for eternity: everybody is saved if one loves the Mankind, polytheist, confectionist or Sikh.

2006-12-11 19:00:35 · answer #6 · answered by ceabbud 3 · 1 1

Hitler forced the Jewish people into concentration camps and murdered them forcing death upon them. While God gave you a choice, take his hand and live forever or reject his gift of eternal life and go to hell. God views all sin as equal excluding blasphemy. If you ask forgiveness and become saved god will forgive all your sins but that dose not mean he will not punish you or that you can go out and do them again and again expecting him to forgive you god is not an idiot people! It surprises me that you would reject something you clearly know nothing about. You should read the bible it explains all this and so much more.

2006-12-12 00:27:32 · answer #7 · answered by Joshua 2 · 0 2

I'd say they're about on par with one another. Hitler would have tortured people forever if he could have. He sure tortured them for the remainder of their lives here on Earth. Hopefully they have found peace and beauty elsewhere.
People's interpretation of "Hell" is wraught with fallacy and judgement. If it was up to them, poor Jesus would be hung again for legalizing gay marriage or equality or something crazy like that.
=) Peace.

P.S. Oh, Ginger. I thought you were talking about George Bush! My bad.

2006-12-13 16:51:16 · answer #8 · answered by Me, Thrice-Baked 5 · 0 0

Hell is made up by Catholics, they made it up to scare people into submission. God is loving and just He would never send anyone to hell. Jesus said the wages of sin is death. He didn't say there was anything aside from death as a punishment. So death is final, no heaven, ho hell.

2006-12-15 06:03:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try to find out more about the truth of God because all the things that you said are extreme! God is not a punisher!
About Hitler: Who is the one who put him in the place of desiding who is gonna live and who is not! He is a person like all the others that killed!

2006-12-11 18:57:40 · answer #10 · answered by Roubini 5 · 0 1

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