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i was in a private highschool 9 & 10th grade and during the 2nd semester of my soph. year i failed horribly with only getting 5.5 credits out of a complete 7 for the year. I'm a junior and now i go to a public high school down the street and since public schools do not count religion credits i am stuck at a 4.5 credits i earned last year. I am not doing bad at all, i have A's and B's and i turn in all of my homework mostly. The teachers are splendid and in my case a lot better than the teachers i have had my two years at a private school. The students, well it's your typical 21st century styled kids, there's different cliques of course. Last year i had a bunch of friends, now i'm sitting in the back corner with my headphones in and writing down things. My mom isn't in the idea of me being homeschooled because she doesn't feel like i can do something on my own because of what had happened last year. I don't have a lot of money now so if anyone knows something high effective please share

2006-12-11 17:50:28 · 7 answers · asked by mike 1 in Education & Reference Home Schooling

i want to be a music producer when i grow up. public school? k i was very outgoing i'd NEVER shut up. now i think i have a social disorder. i speak up but the kids ignore me and it gets on your nerves after awhile. i work better when i'm on my own and not bothered by anyone.
my motivation is now drained because i'm tired of waking up in the mornings realizing it's another day of hell. i have had two detentions for dumb things that i didn't even do, my first ever detentions my whole life while other people slack off and skip class all the time.

any one know any home schooling programs?

2006-12-12 17:28:22 · update #1

7 answers

I will assume you are NOT dumb and I will ASSUME you want more out of life than a Carree chasing shopping carts around the parking lot
Its unfortunate you lost a year, but its not the WORST thing ever
You are good at writing, and very good at framing your question.
You omitted a key element, why do you think you did poorly in private school?
You will have to answer that for yourself

You have already learned a very valuable lesson, failure is NOT fatal. You may be surprised how many people become unhinged when they fail at something for the first time.
That's why I am so down on home schooling, the parents never flunk their own kids

It sounds like you are in the right place. You have begun the transition into a new school. That's a very huge accomplishment, congratulations! Of course high school has cliques, every where there are more than 5 humans there are cliques, its human nature. IT WILL TAKE TIME but you will find yourself in a clique also

If you are a year older than everyone else but still eligible for sports, join a team and kick some but
Not your thing? ok
What are you plans for after high school? Planning on college? Start taking Advanced Placement classes, you can take these and test out for college credits

stay in school, its not a race of speed its a race of endurnace, it may not seem like it now, but character counts for something, and I think you can use this situation and build on it

2006-12-12 01:13:36 · answer #1 · answered by mike c 5 · 1 0

Good for you that you are trying to find a method of education that works for you. With a little effort on your mother's part and some research at the library, the two of you could put together a program that wouldn't cost much. Look for anything written by Mary Pride about homeschooling.

My 9th grade son is homeschooled and we have modified his schedule such: 2 semester's worth of one subject in 30 school days. We do one subject at a time and he has been able to keep up and focus better than when we were doing all the subjects at once. He works hard for 3-4 hours per day and is doing very well.

We also have the leeway of continuing into the summer somewhat, if he needs extra help in something.

2006-12-12 03:03:21 · answer #2 · answered by K L 2 · 1 0

You haven't actually expressed in your explanation any real desire to homeschool nor why you would want to. Homeschooling has a definite transition period and to try to switch when you are so close to finishing and it sounds like you're doing well in school may not work so well. Yes, you may not have friends right now, but how is homeschooling going to help that? Are you suddenly going to become more outgoing and determined to make friends? And if you are putting yourself in the back of the classroom with headphones in, the kids are all going to see you as an anti-social person who doesn't want to be approached and doesn't want friends. If you want friends, you are going to have to be more friendly.

If it's about needing extra credits, find out what's offered in your district or community colleges. In some places, you can take night or evening classes to get credits or do summer classes.

I fully support homeschooling; I homeschool my own kids. But to switch out of public school, particularly at your stage of it, will be very, very difficult and I don't know if your motives in doing so are necessarily ones that will benefit you in the long run.

2006-12-12 11:18:37 · answer #3 · answered by glurpy 7 · 1 0

Glurpy's got a great answer. You should listen to her.

Also, I want to ask - what are your life goals? What do you want to do right now? What is school not giving you that you need to have? "Getting credits" is not a life goal. That is a means to achieving a bigger goal. What is that bigger goal? "Going to college" is not a life goal either. That is a potential tool for achieving a goal.

Figure out what you want to do. Then once you know exactly what you want to do spend your time doing, and how you would like to make a living when you graduate, then you can work towards figuring out the best way to get there.

For example, if you like working with people who are sick, there are lots of ways to focus on that goal that have nothing to do with school. Finishing high school is important so you would be able to go to nursing school or college, but you could easily achieve your goal by volunteering in a hospital or nursing home.

Or, do you like to work with your hands fiixing things? Same thing - you can get a part time job working with a handyman or hire yourself out to your neighbors as such. Or teach yourself how to do these things on your own - you don't need school to achieve this goal right now. However, you would need to finish school so that you could go to a tradeschool or get your contracter's license after you graduate.

Or do you like to work with animals? Or write? Or figure out complex math concepts? Or are you concerned with our planet's resources?

Basically, any goal that you set for yourself, you can work right now on making that goal happen. What I see in your paragraph is that you lack direction, motivation and a bigger goal. Given this, it won't matter where you go to school, you'll be miserable. In fact, homeschooling might even be worse than public school because you won't have *any* reason to do anything unless you set goals. If you don't have any goals, then what are you going to fill your day with?

Stay in school. But figure out who you are and what you want to do. If you know who you are, and you know what you want, you can totally focus on that, and ignore all the social ya-ya in school. Focus on the prize. What is your prize?

When you have a focus, the annoying things in life just don't seem so annoying.

That's part of growing up and becoming an adult, is realizing that only you can make yourself happy. Not your circumstances, not your parents, not your job, not your schooling, not the people who surround you in your life - only you.

Think about it.

Good luck.

2006-12-12 17:17:22 · answer #4 · answered by TammyT 3 · 0 0

I could hardly understand your question, but I'm sorry that you had problems.
Homeschooling is fairly inexpensive, if that's your question. It's less expensive than a Private High School. Most of my friends in High School are Home schooled.
Some people are different. For example, my brother can't be home schooled because he's too distracted and he can't focus. I'm different.
Hope it all works out.

2006-12-12 04:29:20 · answer #5 · answered by She, Her 1 · 0 0

Hmmm...just focus on school and get a good paying job. Perhaps with good grades you can get a scholarship! Good to hear your not doing too bad. All you can do in your life is try your best. =D

2006-12-12 00:44:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i dont know....im in a similar boat.......its my freshman year in high school, im in a private school (i was homeschooled in all my years before), i hate it, im failing geometry, and i want to be placed in pubic school. people in private schools are sooooo fake. im done with it.

2006-12-12 11:43:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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