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I heard that Muslims believe in the Torah as wellas the Qur'an....if this is the case, how do you explain the fact that in the Torah, Abraham puts Isaac up for sacrifice and in the Qur'an its Ishmael...how does someone as a Muslim reconcile these differences in scriptures?

2006-12-11 17:20:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

The book of Jasher (referred to in Chronicles but not included in the Bible) tells more of the story. According to Jasher, Abraham took Isaac, but Ishmael (a grown adult man with a nasty wife) was also present and waited at the foot of the mountain. It goes on to say that word was incorrectly sent back to Sarah that Isaac was dead and that she died of grief upon hearing it. If you've never read Jasher, it's worth the read. It's a paralell companion to Genesis and tells more details of the stories. Because it wasn't included, I don't take it as scripture, but as a commentary. I enjoyed it and read all of it in one evening. You can find it online.

2006-12-11 17:26:54 · answer #1 · answered by lizardmama 6 · 0 1

Not so much. Muslims do not refer to the Torah much. In the quran they state that Ishmael is the promised seed of Aberham in one area. In the Torah and the Quran it is stated that Issac is the promised seed. In the torah the promise was to the seed of Aberham and Sarah so it does matter quite a bit. Because the God of Aberham has a blood covenate with him and his seed. The muslims have no covenate other then the flesh covenate of Ishmael which ends in death. The jews have a covenate that ends in life and the christians have a better covenate then the Jews. The jews and the christians will live again and will see eternal life. The muslims will have a long life but then will have a long punishment in sheol. Muslims don't reconcile anything they are brain washed from birth thus you see there action as a reflection of the inter man not a pretty sight is it. They are uneducated for the most part and there education into the muslim faith is without any answers involving truth.

2006-12-11 17:59:52 · answer #2 · answered by Thomas A 2 · 0 0

Abraham was asked to sacrifice Ishmael. Ishmael was the first born son, and there is no disagreement about this among the Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They (Jews and Christians) say that it was Ishac because he was the first born of Sarah and Abraham, but this can be easily refuted by anyone who knows a little about Bible history as i'll explain following.. The following is common among Muslims, Jews, and Christians by the way... Abraham and Sarah were visited by Angels and were told that Sarah would have a son and that son would grow up to be the father of nations. (genesis 10-18) and (Quran 37:112) Now tell me, if this happened as it is narrated in the old testatment and the quran, then if Abraham had been told to sacrifice ishac, then he would have known before hand that ishac was going to grow up to be the faher of nations and he wold have known that Allah wasn't really going to have him go through the sacrifice... that just doesn't make sense...

2016-03-29 04:07:14 · answer #3 · answered by Keyo 4 · 0 0

Yes muslims believe also in the Torah or Taurat beside holy Qur'an.It stated by Allah the only one God in the qur'an,that Allah has given holy Zabur to David/Dawud prophet,holy Torah/Taurat to Moses/Musa prophet,holy Injil/Bibel to Isa/Jesus prophet and the last holy Qur'an to Muhammad pbuh prophet.But the contents of those holy books before Qur'an have many changes so there are not originals from Allah..In our holy Qur'an Allah stated among others that Jesus was not the son of Allah,there was not a trinity.Holy spirit was Gabriel angel.Abraham brought his son Ishmael with his mother Siti Hajar to Mecca valley.He did not bring Isaac because at that time Isaac was not born yet.The mother of Isaac was Siti Sarah lived in Palestine.Abraham gave
sacrefice for slaughtering Ishmael for Allah as an evidence that he loved Allah.But at that time Allah replaced Ishmael by a goat as a sacrefice..So in my opinion the true story is the holy Qur'an because Allah guarantees the originality of holy Qur'an from time to time..

2006-12-11 18:23:04 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Yes, they do believe in the Torah. In fact this text says that no one can be called a real Muslim if he does not believe in the Torah, meaning Old Testament, Injil or Gospel, meaning New Testament as well as the Quran.

Surat Al Maaidah 5:68 "Say: O People of the Book, you are not considered as religious in the least until you uphold the teachings of the Torah, Gospel and the Quran which were sent down to you by your God."

And in Quran Surat Yunus 10:94 "If yoiu (Muhammad) are in doubt concerning what We sent down to you, then ask from the people who read the books before you."

Yes, it is very clear in the Quran, Muhammad instructed the Muslims if they are in doubt of anything, to enquire of the people who have the former books, which are the Old and New Testament or Torah and Gospel.

But if we show them about this, they will say that The Christian Bible, the Old and New Testament have been forged and cannot be trusted.

They claim their Quran is preserved very well since it is only considered as authentic if it is in the original Arabic language.

This is ridiculous since that means the same God who gave all the three books was unable to preserve the authenticity of the former books, and yet successful in doing so with their Quran.
Doesn't that mean that God has changed in character?

Of course to Christians, the fact that the Biblle has been translated into over 2000 languages, and yet the content is still the same in every language, and have the same power to change people's lives everywhere, shows that God is still the same, the All-powerful, All-knowing and Omni-present God.
He is still the same yesterday, today and forever!

By claiming that the Christian Bible has been changed, they are saying that God is not All-powerful after all.

2006-12-11 17:42:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3


The Quran doesnt say which son Abraham sacrificed. But it is generally believed by muslims that it was Ishmael becoz of the sequence of the story.Also the bible sez ONLY son, when Isaac was in no ways Abraham's only son.

Personally it doesnt matter to me becoz the story is about Abraham's faith and obedience.

2006-12-11 17:33:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"The Sacrifice Of Abraham: Isaac or Ishmael(P)?"

2006-12-11 21:40:29 · answer #7 · answered by raYah 2 · 1 0

The Qur'an never said it was Ishmael, or Isaac, or even anyone else, it only said it was Abraham's son.

My Lord! grant me of the doers of good deeds.

So We gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance.

And when he attained to working with him, he said: O my son! surely I have seen in a dream that I should sacrifice you; consider then what you see. He said: O my father! do what you are commanded; if God please, you will find me of the patient ones.

So when they both submitted and he threw him down upon his forehead,

And We called out to him saying: O Ibrahim!

You have indeed shown the truth of the vision; surely thus do We reward the doers of good:

Most surely this is a manifest trial.

And We ransomed him with a Feat sacrifice.

And We perpetuated to him among the later generations.

Peace be on Ibrahim.

Thus do We reward the doers of good.

Surely he was one of Our believing servants.

And We gave him the good news of Ishaq, a prophet among the good ones.

And We showered Our blessings on him and on Ishaq; and of their offspring are the doers of good, and those who are clearly unjust to their own souls.
" As-Saaffat ayat 100 to 113

There was no direct mention of the name Ishmael in As-Saaffat, there's only Isaac.

As for the reference in the Book of Genesis.

The only son thing with Isaac is a little bit confusing, unless it mean the only avaiable son living with Abraham.

The only avaiable son living with Abraham make sense, since Ishmael was probably all grown up and living in his own, while Ishmael's other little brother (often mistaken as Ishmael) was living with his mother (Hagar) outside Abraham's house.

Note: Ishmael's other little brother was often mistaken as Ishmael, but Sarah would never outcast Ishmael, since Ishmael was her son through Hagar. However, after the arrival of the news that Sarah will give birth, Hagar ceased to become Sarah's baby factory and anything else come out of Hagar no longer become Sarah's. Ishmael and Isaac were Sarah's sons, that kid who was outcasted by Sarah wasn't her son. Ishmael's other little brother wasn't named in the Book of Genesis.

As for Ishmael and his nasty wife.

That too was present in a Hadith (but not in the Qur'an). Abraham heard a lot nasty things about Ishmael's household from his wife, so Abraham gave a message to Ishmael through her that her husband should replace his 'doorframe'.

Suffice to say, Ishmael understood the message passed on by his clueless wife and quickly replace his 'doorframe'.

2006-12-11 19:20:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ishmael was Abraham's only son for over 13 years, which would make it impossible for Isaac to be the chld of sacrifice

2006-12-11 17:42:00 · answer #9 · answered by Akmal Zaidi 4 · 2 1

In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate Ever Merciful

No Muslim is a muslim if he does not believe in the fact that A Divine revalation was given to Moses and Abraham(peace be upon them). BUt that revelation has been distored to much an extent.That distorted form is the present Torah.

But The Glorious Quran is the only left divine revalation that has been in its original form.

Abraham brought Ismael (peace be upon them) for sacrifice. It has been mentioned very clearly in The Glorious Quran.

2006-12-11 17:26:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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