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20 answers

yes, you should do what I'm going to do as soon as I finish this answer....Go To Bed!!!!!

2006-12-11 17:21:44 · answer #1 · answered by bobbie v 5 · 0 1

Have the same problem. Looking at the time - main thing is we need to get to bed earlier. Before we do that - try to get all the prep done for the morning routine. Coffee pot set up with water, filter... Lunch prepared and breakfast set up or at least mentally planned. Lay your clothes out and set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual or set the time forward on it the same amount. When the alarm goes off you have 3 snooze button hits and then you are out of bed. A music alarm set to a station you can't stand might be your first choice. As a reward for good behavior you can change over to something you like once you have established the 3XOut routine. With this new plan morning will not appear so ominous and the leisure aspect achieved by the prep should make it appealing and actually start your day out with a better outlook. When I have actually done all this - I have enjoyed my morning and felt better the whole day. Then I get lazy again. Trick is persistence. Figure any new routine can be accomplished within 30 days if done consistently. Maybe we need a support person - someone we know/work with to do the same thing and keep us motivated. We could compare notes and even compete to see who makes it to work the freshest, the brightest, and with time to spare.

2006-12-12 01:42:38 · answer #2 · answered by Quest 6 · 0 0

Change your lifestyle some

-GO TO BED EARLY EVERYDAY i.e. go to sleep no later than 10pm, this gives you 8 hours sleep and 1 hour to get ready and get to work by 7am (set an alarm clock). You'll find your body clock will reset in approximately 2 weeks in which time you'd have developed a pattern and wake early everyday BEFORE the alarm goes off

A healthy diet certainly helps - avoid caffeine, coke and any recreational drugs

An active day also means you'll sleep like a baby at night as well (an evening run can do the same thing)

Theres also other relaxatioin techniques that can help i.e. Self hypnosis

2006-12-12 01:20:32 · answer #3 · answered by Truth D 4 · 0 1

I had that problem once when I was new in my job. But I tried the following which were effective, and which I hope would work for you also:

1. Do not stay up late.
2. Reduce your intake of caffeinated drinks especially when you are about to sleep.
3. Set your alarm clock/TV/Radio at least an hour or so before you leave for the office.
4. Eat light at dinnertime. Do not eat too much or too little for you might end up waking up in the middle of the night, disrupting your sleep.

Good luck!

2006-12-12 01:29:24 · answer #4 · answered by otj1 2 · 1 1

On any day you choose....get a lot of exercise....I mean a lot....and you will be ready to go to bed early that night....go to bed extra early (like 2 hours) and you will be ready to wake up in the morning probably early. This is a good way to start a new cycle....from then on try getting to bed earlier and if get sleepy in the evenings...take it as a sign that its time for bed instead of ignoring it and staying up later watching just one more program or answering just a few more questions on Yahoo Answers!

2006-12-12 01:25:44 · answer #5 · answered by BA 3 · 0 1

Here are a few things you might want to try to get a 'natural' good night's sleep so that you are able to rise early and get to work on time:

*Don't eat anything heavy in the evening-- stick to easily digestible natural foods-- raw fruit, for example. And, if possible, don't eat anything after 8 pm. This will give your body the opportunity to have its digestive work completed earlier in the morning and you won't feel so sluggish.

*Get the processed transfatty, and sugary stuff, caffeine, alcohol, prescription drugs and cigarettes out of your life. These are all unnatural and poisonous to your system. You'll sleep better, you'll look better, you'll have more energy and better long-term health if you ditch all these life-robbers. Set some goals NOW to eliminate these one by one if you seriously want to be up and at 'em with more energy and vigor.

*Exercise- pick something you enjoy doing. I walk my dog several times a day. If you don't enjoy it, you probably won't stick with it and consistent exercise is important to good body functioning (and good sleep).

*Water- When you dispense with the soda, alcohol and caffeine, replace it with sips of good filtered water. Water has other bonuses too-- you can use ice (in a styrofoam cup, frozen in your freezer and peeled down) to make quick, continuous small circles on any inflamed muscles or achey parts for 7 minutes, and then warm with a warm, moist cloth for 7 minutes-- this is called hydrotherapy and works better than ibuprophen et al. Also, a nice warm, bath with lavender oil (put 10-20 drops on epsom salts and pour under the running water) can do wonders to relax you for a good night's sleep.

*Sunshine... get out every day and get your natural Vitamin D.

*Temperance: Balance your life and get disciplined where you need to be disciplined. Yeah, make a goal to go to bed before 10 pm. Celebrate the discipline!

*Air: Learn to breath properly. There are lots of people and sites that will give you tips on this. Use the best possible pure essential oils to oxygenate your blood and keep your head clear... diffuse with them.

Rest: Take a day off each week to do the relaxing things you can't get to when you are worrying about getting to work on time. And yes, again, get to bed early.

Trust: Build a trusting relationship with God and with the people who love and care about you. Expand your trusting community outside and into your work so that you actually wake up looking forward to going to work... how radical is that??

All the best!

Healthia Cynthia
Certified Comprehensive Coach
Moderator for My Monday Miracles


2006-12-12 01:46:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

This always works for me. Try to find a song that you really like that you can set as your ring tone on your phone. You will begin to grow very familiar with that song and will jump at the sound of it becasue you think some is calling! Depending on the kind of alarm you have, make a CD with that song as the first song on the CD and maybe the fourth song again, I have an iHome for iPod so I just set my iPod on the right playlist, and your alarm will sound your ring tone forcing you to wake up more when you hear it. It works really well for me so hopefully you will have luck with this technique of self trickery as well!

2006-12-12 01:25:32 · answer #7 · answered by sweetfruit_juice 1 · 0 1

Wake up before work by about 2 hours for a week or so...remembering to go to bed early too. Then go and slowly adjust to about half an hour before your supposed to leave. That worked for me.

2006-12-12 01:21:37 · answer #8 · answered by Math Help 1 · 0 1

Sometimes I have the same problem too, and this has really worked for me: Set up two alarms, but put one on the room nearest to your bedroom where you can still hear it. When that alarm goes off, you'll usually have to stand up and turn it off, and once you're up, it will be harder to go back to bed :) I swear, it works for me! :)

2006-12-12 01:29:36 · answer #9 · answered by Diana 3 · 0 1

Quit your job. Tell a psychiatrist that an alien lives in your brain. Move into subsidised housing. Pay nothing for rent. Collect a check. live like a millionaire. Have lots of free time. Get free health care. Laugh at everyone who is paying for your life.

2006-12-12 01:23:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Get on a schedule. Even on weekends go to bed & wake up at the same time. It really works.

2006-12-12 01:21:15 · answer #11 · answered by IMHO 6 · 0 1

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