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38 answers

The question is so good. Why didn't others never ask this?

There are several things below for people to keep a good and everlasting relationship.

1. Loyalty.(without this,there is no love,friendship etc.)
2.Common goal.(For the same aim,you two or more will look into the same direction)
3.Mutual assistance.(you can also call this team spirtit, the relationship can be eternal with this)

2006-12-11 17:23:33 · answer #1 · answered by smarttany 2 · 0 0

To make a relationship last is not even to think abt it.... The thing is just to enjoy the process of being with each other, savouring the sweetness of the feeling of togetherness. Because the more you expect for the relationship to last, the more effort you will try to make it everlasting that u didn;t manage to enjoy the journey of the sweet relationship btw u and yr partner....

Just be yrself, trust, care, understanding towards yr partner, being there for them when they need u, a simple hug when they had a bad day... And when u fight always remember to have a heart to heart talk on why the fight start and what were u guys were fighting abt... And soon w/o realising, it will be years u guys will be together.... All the best to u and yr partner.... :)

2006-12-13 00:26:07 · answer #2 · answered by chocolatevanilla 2 · 0 0

Here are seven suggestions for the creation and cultivation of a lasting relationship.

There will be many times in a relationship when individual concerns will need to be set aside for the best interests of the relationship. Be willing to allow this to happen and the relationship will blossom. An example might be to give up working late in order to meet your spouse/partner for a special dinner.
Feelings are the "language of the soul" and daily personal communication is the essence of a lasting relationship. By expressing feelings and mutually sharing everyday experiences and problems, you develop emotional closeness.
Keep the friendship alive! Work, family, and friends present many pressing demands, but there is no replacement for alone time together when you can be playmates, and a romantic couple, at any age. I know someone who has been married for 35 years. Recently, her husband surreptitiously planned and arranged for them to take a "mystery" trip for her birthday. They had a wonderful adventure together.
Try to see conflict as a positive force that helps the relationship grow. Disagreements do not damage a relationship, harsh words do. When we express ourselves honestly in a relationship and feel supported for doing so, we not only enhance the closeness but we also move more quickly towards compromise.
Avoid blaming your partner for personal unhappiness. You need to know, apart from the relationship, if you are unhappy and whether or not your life is working well for you.
Practice "change by invitation." Invite your partner to change rather than demanding it. Loving, honest statements about problems and concerns are much more effective than angry demands. "It would really help me if you would...".
Seek professional help for the relationship as you would for any important matter in your life.

2006-12-11 17:40:22 · answer #3 · answered by Dallas Chic 2 · 0 0

The way you start it is the way you end it.

If you rush into things, the relationship may not last.

Time is an essence to be harnessed.

Rather than saying what makes a relationship last, I think it is more of what strengthens a relationship, such that it can pull through all adversity.

It takes two hands to clap.

2006-12-12 14:17:42 · answer #4 · answered by chorister 1 · 0 0

Commitment before feelings. Feelings may develop between anyone at any place. But it is the commitment to your spouse which will make the relationship last long. Of course commitment without love is also meaningless. So those who feel the flame is dying out, do something to let the flame grow stronger. Go for a honeymoon, go for marriage enrichment courses, go for marriage counselling etc. Lastly & the most importantly, always pray hard & put your trust in God.

2006-12-12 12:38:08 · answer #5 · answered by Howard Teo 3 · 0 0

it all depend on what both parties wants in this relationship. Both have to have mutual trust with each other.Understand each other well is most vital in a relationship cus finding flaw when the feeling for each other is deep can cause at least one party to get emotionally hurt. Finding more time to spare for each other but not neglecting your work or forgiving your responsibility makes its a successful relationship.Love is not the measure of how loyal or compassionate you are but how much you are willing to give of yourself to the other party . But beware some relationship have hidden motives from another party....dun meant to be blunt but some people get into relationship just to solely satisfy their needs ......well good luck and wish you get into an ideal relationship

2006-12-12 23:58:32 · answer #6 · answered by eatingfood 1 · 0 0

There are the obvious such as respect for each other trust, loyalty, honesty,ect ect,....

But then there is also the compatibilty of two persons the will power to stay true to commitments. Communication is key as well.

Listen to each others needs wants and desires an no matter what being supportive of each other always helps!

Most importantly both parteners need to be willing to make comprimise at times both have to give and take, because relations die on a one way street!

Good luck to you! True Love is not easy to find but when you do it is definatly worth all the effort.

2006-12-12 19:00:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Love, Mutual trust, Loyalty, Appreciation, Accomodative & Broad-mindedness thinking are the important factors to make a relationship lasts & be successful!!!

2006-12-12 17:28:54 · answer #8 · answered by PoshBerries 6 · 0 0

To make your relationship last, make yr relationship grow.

A relationship grows with time. The moment your relationship doesn't grow, it won't last.

U ask how to make relationship grow? Ask how an innocent child grows to be a wise adult. We learn, we remember what are the things good for us, we adapt to situations, we make friends, we forgive friends, we learn how to trust, we learn how to open our hearts. To make a relationship last is the same - it's a journey, not a stop.

2006-12-12 13:03:08 · answer #9 · answered by zpiggy24 1 · 1 0

By thing, i hope you don't mean physical material.
I think that learning to lose in a relationship is vital. For example the couple quarrel, one party will have to know when to be the losing so that the fight will not go on or worsen. One side will have to give in no matter what.
Secondly, i think Understanding is also vital. Being understanding can prevent alot of unneeded conflicts.

2006-12-12 13:17:17 · answer #10 · answered by Kean K 2 · 0 0

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