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20 answers

I hope all the humans disappear and fowls inherit the earth

2006-12-11 16:33:27 · answer #1 · answered by My Giant Co.ck 2 · 1 3

The "end times" is not a reference to the end of the universe or the end of the world. We're nearing the end of the Christian age.

The "rapture" occurs at the "Last Trump", just like Thessalonians said it would. There's a couple of seals and 6 trumpets to go before we get there.

"Left Behind" is a series of very popular novels written by a couple of bloaks who don't have a clue what prophecy is about.

Revelation is a great guide to the times in which we live. Written toward the end of the first century after Christ, dictated by Christ himself, it reveals what was, what is, and what shall be. So far it's been correct. The seven letters to seven churches played out in history just like He said. Now we're in the seals. The fourth seal was opened not that long ago. The rider named "Death" has power over a fourth part of the earth, kills with the sword, suicide bombers (death), starvation and when biological weapons begin to be used we'll know this seal has come to pass and we can look forward to a helluva earthquake where the sun is blacked out and the moon becomes like blood. The satelites will also fall from orbit (according to the text).

This will be the turning of the tide as the seven trumpets begin.

If you want to more about the seven trumpets, take a look at the book of Joshua and understand that the Jericho incident was the seven trumpets in microcosm. We're about to see the real deal play out.

2006-12-11 16:33:21 · answer #2 · answered by s2scrm 5 · 0 0

The original author of Revelation clearly has no idea what he's talking about.

Revelation 8:10 says that some day, the stars will literally fall onto the surface of the Earth, and not only that, Revelation 6:12-14 says that they will fall onto the Earth and be submerged in its rivers. This is insane. This idea has no foundation in reality. The stars are several orders of magnitude larger than the Earth. If such entities got anywhere near the Earth, there wouldn't need to be a Second Coming (which occurs AFTER this part of the narrative), because all life on the Earth would be incinerated. This is not a code for 'meteorites' or anything, the Hebrew word here is the transliteration of "star."

Matthew, Mark, and Luke ALL say that when Jesus comes back, "every eye will see him." That is idiotic. The Earth is round; how could we all see an event taking place at the same point in the sky? The authors of the New Testament clearly had no clue what was really going on. This is NOT a code for "everyone will feel it in their heart," the text says that "every eye will see him." If they'd meant "everyone will feel it in their heart," then it would SAY "everyone will feel it in their heart."

I have no faith whatsoever in the theology of the Second Coming. 2,000 years have passed sinced that one incompetent evangelist died like an animal in the deserts of Palestine. How much longer is it going to take for us to just LET GO? The Bible has no connection with reality whatsoever. Its prophecies have been shown to be wrong (for example, in Acts, Paul quotes Jesus as saying that he will return during Paul's lifetime... and Paul is very, very dead). It describes the Earth as flat and the stars as tiny points of light in the sky. It says that the universe is 6,000 years old. Grow up, people.

2006-12-11 16:46:47 · answer #3 · answered by Chris R 2 · 3 0

From what I read in the scriptures I would say we are right on track. Matthew Ch.24 Deals with the end times and one reason the Lord described the age we would be living at his return was that when we saw these things happen we would remember that it was he who said it and that we would believe on him. He also said that all these things would happen in the span of one generation which I believe is the generation alive today. When the Lord returns to take his own away for those who are left behind there will be disasters occurring everywhere the like of which have never been seen on earth before. There will be no rain fall at all for the first half of the 7 year tribulation as the 2 witnesses mentioned in Revelations will shut up heaven so that it doesn't rain. I believe that we are right in the very last of the last days as we also see some of the worst droughts happening right now. Australia is now experiencing the worst drought in 1000 years. Just imagine if you have a swimming pool in your back yard and water is scarce everywhere? You would most likely be murdered for the water as at the commencement of the tribulation anarchy will take over as the law will be powerless to help and crime will be out of control everywhere. The Bible mentions that there will be terrible disasters everywhere and a very large % of the population will be killed. The tragity is that no one has to go through the tribulation as they only need to receive Jesus as their savior right now by simple faith and they will also be taken and not left behind

2006-12-11 16:49:34 · answer #4 · answered by mandbturner3699 5 · 0 0

The Left Behind stuff is Drama dude. The Rapture will take those believers
still on the Earth up to meet the spirits faithful to Christ, right before the
Wrath of God period. Just like the Book says. And then there will be hell to pay!

2006-12-11 16:36:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Being ready spiritually makes me hope it never happens. I stopped going to church when people started to pray "come lord Jesus". I believe we have a pretty great world and to wish it to end to satisfy the selfish is anticlamatical. Just because we have to suffer sometimes does not make it right to wish the worst on others who are not suffering. Besides, even Jesus said that it would come about when God decides, not humanity, so we should stop with the complaining and thank God for the forgiveness rather than the damnation.

2006-12-11 16:48:59 · answer #6 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 1 0

I think that revelation has already happened...

Listen well...

1) Both Daniel, Revelation, and The Gospels are written during times of horrible occupation in Ancient Palestine. A oppresive force enters the land and apocolyptic/messianic literature begins to appear.

2) If you pay close attention to john's writtings to the various churches he stresses the importance of segregation from Roman society, culture, and religion.

3) Given this 666 spells a name in Ancient Greek which Revelation would have been written in. 666 spells Nero Ceaser. If Nero is the beast then Roman citizenship is the mark of the beast as John is trying to prevent the end of christianity via assimilation.

4) If 666 spells Nero Ceaser then let us peek at his period of power more importantly its end. 69 CE, Nero commits suicide due to pratorian guard persute. His replacement is a man Named Galba who rises to power because of his ties to the julio-claudian dynesty and bribing of the very same guard. He is neroesk and therefore brings in a era of false peace as storms begin to fester. Galba fits the profile of the White Rider.

5) In Dacia lives Otho. Nero's servant who is exiled because Nero wanted his wife as his mistress. Otho returns to take the throne and because of Galba's reniging on his bribe the Guard is more then willing to set Otho up as Emporer. However another claims rights to the throne Vitellius and civil war ensues. Otho becomes the Red Rider.

6) During the war Rome's economy crashes and a famine ensues. Vitellius becomes the black rider.

7) The Pratorian guard decide to make one of Rome's greatest generals of the day and the man leading the campaign against the jewish rebellion in palestine ceaser. Vespiasian had been wreking havoc on Jerusalem since the rebellion began in 66 CE. Upon recieving word of his promotion Vespasian leaves orders for his armies to enter and destroy Jerusalem. 100,000 people are killed, 100,000 more are enslaved. Quite obviously Vespaisian is the pale rider.

8) Finally the Jewish rebellion begins in 66CE and though Jerusalem falls in 70CE the final Hebrew city does not fall until 73CE. Seven years of tribulation.

Revelation and Daniel (written under Babylonian occupation) is merely a jab at the oppresive empire and a cryptic prose of events past. Should he have called Rome a whore he never would have made it to Patomos. And so to inspire the churches, it he re-writes the past into a story of seven horned monsters and skies of blood with the hope of eternal salvation at the end.

This period is known as the year of the four emporers.

2006-12-11 17:01:01 · answer #7 · answered by gatewlkr 4 · 0 0

so long as I live honestly, strive to do whatever appears to be the next right thing, whenever I become confused I can ask for an intuitive answer or action, then relax and take it easy.

In other words, as long as I continue to relearn, to replace all my reliance upon God for all things and to practice loving others as I love myself, then all is well.

When the ends of time occurs, I have no fear, for I am a child of God.

Even those who seem to ran around and attempt to invoke the "fear" of God into others, are God's children, so I try to be understanding of their need to do whatever it is they try to do.

Not even Gods closet angels knows when the ends of time will occur. So, it rather amusing how others seem to know that which is given to no one, not even the angels.

good luck.

2006-12-11 16:48:52 · answer #8 · answered by Ms. Balls 3 · 1 0

The anti christ will be printed first before the Lord comes lower back as Paul mentions in Thessalonians, That day received't come till the anti christ is printed, then those who're asleep contained in the airborne dirt and dust of the earth will proceed those who're nevertheless alive, and we will all get replaced contained in the little while and so we will be with the Lord always. those left in the back of, the Lord will pour out His wrath on them, so as that they'll cover contained in the clefts of the mountains, preserving cover us from the wrath of Him who sits upon the throne. purely wish all and dissimilar is waiting for the arriving of the entire King

2016-11-25 22:11:23 · answer #9 · answered by stockbridge 4 · 0 0

It's a bunch of crap invented by self-righteous, judgmental Christians harboring a repressed desire to torture, main, and kill anyone and everyone who doesn't buy their load of nonsense.

Can you tell the whole "Left Behind" claptrap pisses me off more than almost anything? Jesus sounds like a great guy; too bad his fan club is so corrupt.

2006-12-11 16:49:34 · answer #10 · answered by magistra_linguae 6 · 1 0

Thank you Gatewlkr. Dare to educate yourself outside of the bible, people. As a Christian, I also was taught to only believe in the bible. I know it's difficult even sinful for a lot of people.

2006-12-12 02:01:09 · answer #11 · answered by mykl 3 · 0 1

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